
ultra-long-term special government bonds have been issued in many places to support the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, covering areas such as personal consumption and transportation.


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the policy of super-long-term special government bonds to support the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones is being implemented in many places. according to incomplete statistics from the paper, guangdong, jiangsu, shanghai, hunan and other places have already issued specific plans.
in july this year, the national development and reform commission and the ministry of finance issued the "several measures on strengthening support for large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in", which clearly stated that the national development and reform commission will take the lead in arranging about 300 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to strengthen support for large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in. among them, in terms of consumer goods trade-in, about 150 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds will be directly allocated to local governments to support local governments in independently implementing consumer goods trade-in.
at present, the plans issued by the above-mentioned provinces have clearly defined the key support areas, mainly covering personal consumption, transportation, agriculture and other fields, including the trade-in of old household appliances, replacement and renewal of personal passenger cars, trade-in of old electric bicycles, renovation of old houses, home-friendly renovation, and scrapping and renewal of old operating trucks, renewal of new energy buses and power batteries, and scrapping and renewal of old agricultural machinery.
according to the plan, the subsidy for upgrading key areas has been increased. for example, in terms of scrapping and upgrading agricultural machinery, jiangsu has made it clear that the maximum subsidy standard for scrapping tractors below 20 horsepower will be increased from 1,000 yuan per unit to 1,500 yuan per unit; if the same type of combine harvesters, seeders and other agricultural machinery are scrapped and newly purchased, the scrapping subsidy standard will be increased by 50% on the original basis.
guangdong stated that on the basis of implementing the "implementation rules for car trade-in subsidies" (commercial consumer letter [2024] no. 75), for individual consumers who scrap fuel passenger cars with national iii emission standards or below, or new energy passenger cars registered before april 30, 2018 (inclusive), and purchase new energy passenger cars included in the "catalogue of new energy vehicle models with vehicle purchase tax reduction and exemption" or fuel passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less, the subsidy standard will be increased to 20,000 yuan per vehicle for the purchase of new energy passenger cars and 15,000 yuan per vehicle for the purchase of fuel passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less.
shanghai has clearly raised the subsidy standards for the renewal of new energy buses and power batteries, and encouraged the rational selection of the types of new energy city buses to be replaced in light of changes in passenger flow and the development of the urban public transportation industry. for the renewal of new energy city buses, an average subsidy of 80,000 yuan per vehicle is provided; for the replacement of power batteries, a subsidy of 42,000 yuan per vehicle is provided.
in addition, hunan also supports the replacement of old personal consumer goods with new ones in key disaster-stricken areas. for the disaster-stricken households and persons included in the list after review and public announcement by the county and city people's governments in severely affected counties and cities such as zixing city, pingjiang county, and miluo city, special proposals are made to expand the scope, raise standards, and lower thresholds. in areas where national policies allow them to formulate their own subsidy standards, in principle, the existing subsidy standards will be increased by 10 percentage points.
the plans issued by the above-mentioned places also made clear provisions for fund management. shanghai pointed out that the funds involved in the support content of the plan will be shared by the national ultra-long-term special treasury bonds and the municipal finance in a ratio of 85%:15%. the municipal finance will make arrangements from the corresponding channels.
guangdong requires strict use of funds, accelerated progress in fund expenditure, flexible allocation of funds, and strengthened fund supervision. it clearly stipulates that the funds for the old-for-new ultra-long-term treasury bonds shall be allocated separately and used for special purposes. at the same time, a mechanism for the use and flexible allocation of funds shall be established. for cities with high efficiency and outstanding results, the allocation of funds shall be appropriately increased; for cities with low efficiency and progress that do not meet expectations, the allocation of funds shall be appropriately reduced. in addition, special requirements are also imposed on e-commerce platforms, that is, e-commerce platforms participating in the old-for-new exchange of consumer goods must be selected by relevant provincial departments or local municipal governments in accordance with laws and regulations. it is necessary to strengthen the supervision of e-commerce platforms and effectively prevent illegal and irregular behaviors such as idle arbitrage.
in addition, jiangsu has also made regulations on creating a good market environment, requiring equal support for enterprises of different ownership and registered places to participate in the old-for-new exchange of consumer goods.
the paper reporter teng han
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)