
li yan: rise to the challenge and continue to hold high the banner of international cooperation in cyberspace


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on september 3, the world internet conference international organization held a theoretical seminar in beijing to promote the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace to a new stage, summarizing the theoretical achievements and practical experience of promoting the concept of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace over the past decade, and exploring the profound connotation, great significance and contemporary value of jointly building a community with a shared future in cyberspace to a new stage. this conference invited li yan, director of the institute of science and technology and cyber ​​security of the china institute of contemporary international relations, to write a special article on the theme of the seminar. the content is as follows:
rise to the challenge and continue to hold high the banner of international cooperation in cyberspace
author: li yan
at the beginning of the internet, the international community may never have thought that one day, international cooperation in cyberspace would face such a huge challenge. given the interconnected technical architecture and international operation and maintenance characteristics of the internet itself, international cooperation is a must for any network development and security issues, whether the solution is technical standards, policy formulation or joint action. however, in recent years, the situation has changed significantly. what is the reason?
frankly speaking, there are many and complex factors that affect international cooperation in cyberspace, but the biggest obstacle at present is undoubtedly geopolitics. as the international system and power structure enter a period of profound change and accelerated adjustment, competition among major powers continues to intensify, and this trend naturally extends to cyberspace. as we all know, after the "snowden incident", the "security dilemma" problem in cyberspace has aroused great concern from all parties in the international community. more and more countries regard the dominance of cyberspace as a "strategic place" to consolidate and enhance national power and influence in the context of the information age, and the competition for strength, technology, and rules around the internet is becoming more and more fierce. the so-called "division" and "fragmentation" of cyberspace have replaced "cooperation" and "win-win" as hot words.
in cyberspace, the arguments of "realism" and even "offensive realism" have unprecedentedly become "dominant". even observers and policymakers who disagree with this have to admit that geopolitics, especially the game between major powers, has profoundly shaped cyberspace, and the cyberspace governance ecology based on trust and cooperation has been hit unprecedentedly. the most direct manifestation is that the "pan-securityization" and politicization of cyber issues have become more obvious, and all parties in the international community are full of concerns about the uncertainty of the future of cyberspace.
but the more difficult it is, the more we need to do something. challenges always coexist with opportunities. in fact, the international community has never given up its efforts to maintain peace, development and prosperity in cyberspace. in particular, as a responsible major country, china has demonstrated its great power pattern and responsibility, taken the initiative, actively responded to the concerns of the international community, faced up to difficulties, and continued to do its best to promote international cooperation in cyberspace. from the proposal of "building a community with a shared future in cyberspace" to the chinese government's release of the "international cooperation strategy in cyberspace", it is clear that more points of interest convergence, cooperation growth points, and new highlights of win-win cooperation should be created to promote mutual complementarity and common development in cyberspace, so that more countries and people can take the express train of the information age and share the fruits of internet development.
there are not only concepts, but also actions. the chinese government has also proposed an action plan for china to promote and participate in international cooperation in cyberspace from nine aspects: maintaining peace and stability in cyberspace, building a rules-based cyberspace order, expanding cyberspace partnerships, promoting the reform of the global internet governance system, combating cyber terrorism and cybercrime, protecting citizens' rights and interests, promoting the development of the digital economy, strengthening the construction and protection of global information infrastructure, and promoting exchanges and mutual learning of cyber culture. in addition to actively participating in various international cooperation processes, it has also taken the initiative to build a cooperation platform. since 2014, the world internet conference wuzhen summit has been held once a year in wuzhen, china, continuously promoting exchanges and mutual learning and enhancing cooperation. in order to better promote the implementation of relevant cooperation, after long-term preparation and brewing, the world internet conference international organization was established in 2022. so far, it has attracted more than 140 internet institutions, organizations, enterprises and individuals from more than 30 countries and regions on six continents to become members, working together to promote cooperation.
i hope that more forces will join in the future, with a broader mind, firm will and positive actions, and work with china to "be as tolerant in adversity as in prosperity, and be mature in benevolence and firm in determination" to jointly build a better future in the digital age. (editor: li wenjian)
source: world internet conference