
forum on china-africa cooperation | joint statement by china and africa on deepening cooperation within the framework of global development initiatives


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beijing, sept. 6 (xinhua) -- china-africa joint statement on deepening cooperation within the framework of the global development initiative

one,from september 4 to 6, 2024, the new summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation was held in beijing.heads of state, heads of government, heads of delegations and the chairperson of the african union commission from china and 53 african countries (hereinafter referred to as "the parties") attended the meeting. the parties unanimously agreed to issue the "china-africa joint statement on deepening cooperation within the framework of the global development initiative".

2. all parties believe that the world today is undergoing a major change unseen in a century, and the global development cause has entered a critical period. developing countries face severe challenges in achieving the united nations 2030 sustainable development goals. the global development initiative proposed by chinese president xi jinping is highly consistent with the united nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development, the african union's 2063 agenda and the development strategies of african countries, injecting strong impetus into promoting global common development. all parties are willing to strengthen strategic coordination within the framework of the global development initiative, deepen development cooperation, and jointly build an all-weather china-africa community with a shared future in the new era.

3. the parties recalled that since the global development initiative was proposed, china and africa have worked together and supported each other to explore their respective paths to modernization, deepen the implementation of the "china-africa cooperation 2035 vision", promote the "nine projects" with high quality, and implement 175 "small and beautiful" people-oriented cooperation projects. more than 30 african members of the forum have joined the "group of friends of the global development initiative" and the "global development promotion center network" to jointly create an efficient working mechanism and platform for connecting development policies, coordinating development resources and promoting joint actions.

fourth, all parties called on the international community to place development at the center of the international agenda and demonstrate political sincerity, giving priority to supporting the solution of the difficulties and challenges faced by developing countries, especially the least developed countries in africa, in achieving sustainable development. we urge developed countries to earnestly honor their aid commitments to developing countries, especially african countries.

5. all parties firmly believe that china-africa cooperation is a model of new south-south cooperation. they agree to actively promote the integration of global development initiatives with the au's 2063 agenda and the development strategies of african countries, accelerate the implementation of the china-africa ten partnership actions for jointly promoting modernization, as well as the initiative to support african industrialization, the china plan to assist african agricultural modernization, and the china-africa talent training cooperation plan, and support the implementation of the african industrialization acceleration plan, the african comprehensive agricultural development plan, the african science and technology innovation strategy and other african plans.

6. all parties agreed to support the united nations in playing a coordinating role in global development cooperation, and to enhance the representation and voice of the "global south" represented by china and africa in global governance. actively make good use of the "group of friends of the global development initiative" and the "global development promotion center network", and build a united, equal, balanced and inclusive global development partnership based on multilateral platforms such as the china-africa (ethiopia)-united nations (industrial development organization) trilateral cooperation demonstration center.

7. all parties agreed to focus on poverty reduction, food security, health care, industrialization, climate change and green development, connectivity in the digital age, human resources development and other fields, and strengthen policy dialogue, experience sharing, capacity building and practical cooperation. china is willing to provide more opportunities for exchanges, training, scholarships and other opportunities in china to empower the sustainable development of african youth.

8. all parties agreed to jointly discuss, build and share the global development project pool and funding pool, make good use of the global development and south-south cooperation fund, the us$14 billion special fund for implementing the global development initiative, etc., continuously expand the financing methods of international development cooperation, deepen bilateral, multilateral and trilateral cooperation, create more development cooperation projects that benefit african countries, and jointly accelerate the implementation of the united nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

(source: xinhua news agency)

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