
cambodian deputy prime minister: lancang-mekong cooperation narrows the development gap between new and old asean countries


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phnom penh, september 5 (xinhua) -- chinese ambassador to cambodia wang wenbin and cambodian deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation somkinda signed the cambodian project agreement for the lancang-mekong cooperation special fund in 2024 in phnom penh on september 5, local time. representatives of the cambodian lancang-mekong cooperation project implementation agency attended the signing ceremony.
the eight lancang-mekong cooperation special fund cambodia projects signed on the same day received a total of us$2 million in financial support, covering a number of areas including the "lancang-mekong week", mine clearance cooperation, eco-tourism, vocational education, and agricultural development.
on september 5, the signing ceremony of the cambodian project agreement for the 2024 lancang-mekong cooperation special fund was held in phnom penh. photo by yang qiang, a reporter from china news service
cambodia is a staunch supporter and active participant of lancang-mekong cooperation. the cooperation between china and cambodia under the lancang-mekong framework has been fruitful. from 2017 to 2024, including the new projects signed on the 5th, china has supported cambodia in carrying out 97 projects through the lancang-mekong cooperation special fund, with a total funding of us$35 million.
wang wenbin pointed out in his speech that the projects signed by china and cambodia this time have both continuity and new highlights. as a good friend of the cambodian people, china is willing to continue to deepen cooperation in various fields with cambodia under the lancang-mekong framework, especially to carry out more small and beautiful projects, so that the results of cooperation can better promote cambodia's economic and social development and benefit more local ordinary people.
looking into the future, wang wenbin said that china and the mekong countries are currently at a critical stage of development, and lancang-mekong cooperation is also at a critical period of acceleration and upgrading. china is willing to work with lancang-mekong countries, including cambodia, to move forward hand in hand on the road to realizing the dream of national modernization, jointly build a stronger and more dynamic lancang-mekong river basin economic development belt, and promote the steady and long-term development of lancang-mekong cooperation.
answering questions from china news service reporters after the signing ceremony of the project agreement, song jinda highly praised the achievements of the 9th lancang-mekong cooperation foreign ministers' meeting held in thailand not long ago, and reiterated cambodia's determination to work hand in hand with all parties in the region to build a community with a shared future for lancang-mekong countries with peace, prosperity and sustainable development.
he pointed out that asean currently has 10 member countries, of which myanmar, vietnam, laos and cambodia are "new asean countries", and the remaining six countries are "old asean countries". the lancang-mekong cooperation mechanism not only promotes the economic development of countries in the region and improves the living standards of people in various countries, but more importantly, it can narrow the development gap between new asean countries and old asean countries. (end)