
64 temporary agricultural product sales points in beijing pinggu are convenient for farmers and protect residents


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original title: pinggu's 64 temporary agricultural product sales points are both convenient for farmers and safe for residents
farmers' markets make fruits and vegetables sweeter
after lao zhang entered the farmer's market, his sales almost doubled. photo by ma pingchuan
the "mobile vendors" in beijing's pinggu district can now settle down in the newly opened "farmer's market". recently, 64 temporary agricultural product sales points have celebrated their one-month anniversary. how are the results? the reporter went to find out.
at 9 a.m., the reporter arrived at the northeast corner of yingbin roundabout in xinggu subdistrict. under the shade of the trees, tricycles from more than 70 farmers were lined up, neither occupying the motor vehicle lane nor blocking the blind path. the tricycles were full of fresh fruits and vegetables, including shallots, beans, eggplants, peanuts, peaches, plums, and grapes. many passers-by stopped to pick a few.
"unfortunately, the autumn cucumbers have just been sold out, so i asked my family to send some more. come back at noon and i'll keep some for you!" farmer lao zhang greeted the customer warmly. he lives in daxing village, and when he heard that a temporary agricultural product sales point had opened near yingbin roundabout, he came to set up a stall every day.
zhang has four mu of land at home, with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. he used to sell the fruits that he couldn't finish eating on the street. but selling on the street and occupying the road violated relevant management regulations, which always made him feel uneasy.
this is not just zhang's problem. pinggu is a large agricultural region, and almost every household in the vast countryside grows vegetables and fruits, but small farmers cannot connect with supermarkets or enter the market. "my family only has one and a half acres of land and a dozen fruit trees." a farmer chatted with the reporter while picking peanuts: "there are limited stalls in the market, how can everyone get in? besides, we don't make much money anyway, so it's not worth paying the stall fee."
mobile vendors hide and seek, and law enforcement officers have a hard time. xinggu street comprehensive law enforcement team has only 7 field members, and the law enforcement force is stretched to its limits. team leader yang bing said that it is not easy for farmers to do business, but occupying the road for business does hinder traffic and damage the environment. as a city manager, we cannot sit idly by, and many conflicts have arisen as a result.
how to solve the problem? at the end of july, the urban management committee of pinggu district set up temporary sales points on a trial basis to guide local farmers who produce and sell their own products to move in for free. the prosperous xinggu street was the first batch of pilots.
the street spent a lot of thought on site selection. "where there are more peddlers, there is more demand, so temporary sales points should be set up there. sales points should also be a certain distance away from residential buildings so as not to disturb residents." ma libin, director of xinggu sub-district office, said that three sales points have been set up in the area, which are affectionately called "farmers' markets" by everyone and have attracted farmers from surrounding towns such as mafang, donggao village, and xiagezhuang.
the work of the enforcement team has also changed. they have to urge merchants to maintain good hygiene and put away vegetable leaves and fruit peels in a timely manner. if they come across people selling coconuts and mangoes, or using large trucks to transport goods, they will be cleared out of the sales point in a timely manner because they are obviously second-hand dealers.
today, there are 64 farmer's markets in 16 streets and towns in the district, most of which are located near main roads and markets, so residents can buy fresh fruits and vegetables without having to go far. lao zhang used to move from one place to another, and many customers couldn't find him. now he has returning customers every day, and his sales have nearly doubled.
journalist's notes
there is warmth in “small things”
during the on-site interview, the reporter was interrupted many times by passers-by. strangers stopped the reporter and took the initiative to express their recognition of the farmer's market: "this is a good and practical thing done by the government, and it is really worth promoting!"
the warm and intelligent urban management has created a win-win situation. temporary sales points not only facilitate the self-production and sales of agricultural products, but also ensure the needs of surrounding residents, and the city has a new look. the number of complaints about 12345 peddlers dropped from 96 in july to 20 in august.
in recent years, pinggu district has accelerated its development path of "agricultural high-tech, large logistics flow, and new leisure fashion". in addition to the macro development ideas, pinggu district has also proposed another concept - "building a warm city". the farmer's market, an inconspicuous "little thing", is precisely the best embodiment of the city's warmth.
of course, the new mechanism will inevitably bring new problems. some farmers told reporters that the temporary sales points were too popular and adopted a "first come, first served" model, so they had to come in the early morning to grab a spot. the relevant department said that in response to this problem, the next step will be to study online grabbing and other models.