
ke wenzhe was purged, and the kmt remained silent. will this affect cross-strait relations? the mainland has already made a statement


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ko wen-je was purged, the kmt remained silent, and only ma ying-jeou responded. why did the kmt dare not speak out? why is it said that the ko wen-je incident may affect cross-strait relations? what is the mainland's attitude towards cooperation with political parties on the island?

in the early morning of september 2, the taipei district court ruled that the people's party chairman ko wen-je was "not a serious suspect" and released him on the spot without bail. this also means that ko wen-je was released one day after his arrest.

ko wen-je had many complaints about this experience. after walking out of the detention center, ko wen-je denounced it to the media, saying that the prosecutors seized his mobile phone and hard drive, and then used the information inside to make up a story. "during these two days, it can be said that i was subjected to extreme oppression and abuse."

although ke wenzhe is not at risk of being detained for the time being, the chain reaction caused by this incident is even more concerning. especially after ke wenzhe was arrested, the kuomintang has remained silent, which has led to many speculations from the outside world.

on the surface, although the people's party and the kuomintang did not reach a "blue-white alliance" in the election, they are considered "political allies" in the island's legislature. however, after ko wen-je was arrested, the kuomintang remained silent throughout, and only ma ying-jeou was willing to say a few words.

on september 2, ma ying-jeou foundation executive director hsiao hsu-chun said in an interview that the trajectory of ma ying-jeou's "judicial pursuit" was very similar to that of ko wen-je now. ma ying-jeou was also subjected to fatigue interrogation at the time, standing for 14 hours, while ko wen-je stood for 69 hours. hsiao hsu-chun also emphasized that "there is no choice but to unite the blue and white factions" at the moment. what lai ching-te did was to dismantle the majority in the legislature, and the opposition can only resist it through cooperation.

it should be pointed out that the kmt’s silence is indeed intended to distance itself from the matter, because the “jinghua city case” in which ko wen-je was involved was originally decided to be investigated by taipei mayor chiang wan-an, but now the dpp has taken advantage of this matter, and lai ching-te has liquidated ko wen-je in the name of “anti-corruption”, and the kmt has no reason to refute it. but in the final analysis, the kmt also played a role in promoting ko wen-je’s arrest.

however, we have noticed that due to the weak performance of the kuomintang and the people's party, a view has also emerged that the opposition forces on the island can no longer withstand the impact of the democratic progressive party, which is likely to affect cross-strait relations.

for example, singapore's lianhe zaobao published an expert commentary saying that the people's party is facing a catastrophe, while the kuomintang is watching from the sidelines with a calm performance, which is disappointing. the opposition party will play an increasingly smaller role in balancing lai ching-te, whether in domestic affairs or cross-strait issues. it also means that taiwan may move further and further in the direction of "taiwan independence", and the mainland will become increasingly disappointed in its cooperation with the kuomintang.

of course, such comments actually have certain limitations. a few days ago, when kuomintang vice chairman xia liyan led a delegation to visit the mainland, taiwan affairs office director song tao made it clear that the mainland is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the kuomintang on the common political basis of upholding the "1992 consensus" and opposing "taiwan independence", and oppose "taiwan independence" secession and foreign interference.

therefore, what the mainland values ​​in cooperation has never been the strength of a party, but its stance. as long as they are willing to oppose "taiwan independence" and adhere to the concept of one china, they are the ones we can unite with.