
sullivan promised "one china" in china, and crossed the red line again when he returned to taiwan. taiwanese media revealed that the us agreed to sell more missiles


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sullivan promised in front of the chinese side to abide by the "one china" principle. however, as soon as he returned home, the us played the "taiwan card" again.

according to taiwanese media reports,recently, the united states approved an application submitted by the taiwan authorities for additional purchases of weapons and equipment. originally, the taiwan authorities ordered 500 "stinger" portable air defense missiles from the united states. after the additional purchase, the transaction quantity soared to 2,485, and the transaction amount soared to more than 69 billion new taiwan dollars, which is more than 55 billion more than before.

such a large-scale increase in purchases is a very explosive event in the history of u.s. arms sales to taiwan. it is really "one dares to apply, and the other dares to approve."

this arms purchase reflects at least two points: first, the taiwan authorities controlled by lai ching-te want to continue on the dark path of "resisting unification by force" and "seeking independence by force". at the same time, buying so many weapons and equipment is not only intended to increase the bargaining chips of the "taiwan army" against our people's liberation army, but also to pay huge protection fees to the united states. they want to rely on the united states as a backer to continue to confront the mainland.

second, the united states says one thing but does another. it verbally promises to abide by the "one china" principle and not support "taiwan independence", but in fact it has been supporting "taiwan independence" in disguised form in an attempt to undermine the foundation of "one china".

in addition to the increase in military purchases, the timing of this news is also worth noting. sullivan had just finished his visit to beijing and the taiwanese media broke the news after he returned to the united states. however, the application for additional purchases should have been submitted to the united states before sullivan came to china, and the united states also approved it at the first time.

sullivan visits china

the reason why this is kept secret is that the us and taiwan have different considerations.

the us side certainly does not want to ruin the atmosphere of sullivan's visit to china. although sino-us relations are very tense at present, it was director wang yi who invited sullivan this time.

the us is well aware that the taiwan issue involves china's core interests and is china's bottom line. no matter what, as a guest, sullivan cannot cause trouble in the host's home during his visit to china. this is the most basic diplomatic principle that the us must abide by. if china and the us break up in person, the consequences will be very serious.

china-u.s. meeting

as for the taiwan authorities, they chose to announce the news of additional purchases of stinger missiles after sullivan returned to china, which was obviously intended to provoke confrontation between china and the united states.

this news was mainly sent out for the mainland to see. the taiwanese media wanted to create an effect that china and the united states seemed to have a good talk, but as soon as sullivan returned to the united states, the united states approved the taiwan authorities' application for additional purchases of "stinger" missiles, which meant that sullivan's visit did not have much practical significance. in this way, china and the united states fell into confrontation again.

the lai ching-te administration thinks that as long as the confrontation between china and the united states continues, the united states will unwaveringly "protect" taiwan, and the dpp can rest easy; once china and the united states shake hands and make peace, taiwan will be "unsafe", so the dpp must provoke confrontation as much as possible.

lai ching-te

in fact, since lai ching-te came to power, he has used provoking sino-us confrontation as a main card to "protect" taiwan. according to taiwanese media reports,recently, taiwan’s “foreign affairs director” lin chia-lung and “security director” wu zhaoxie secretly visited the united states. there are also reports that lai ching-te plans to visit the united states in the near future as a “transit”.

lai qingde's "taiwan independence" plan is loud enough, but no matter how he behaves, he cannot escape the control of the mainland. no matter who stands behind the "taiwan independence" separatists and who they rely on as a backer, it will not shake the determination and confidence of the people's liberation army to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

at first glance, the taiwan authorities' purchase of 1,985 stinger missiles in one go may seem intimidating, but for the people's liberation army, no matter how many more they purchase, it will not stop the historical trend of national reunification.

the "stinger" is just a firewood stick in the hands of evil "taiwan independence" elements like lai qingde. we advise lai qingde and his ilk not to use the hard-earned money of the people on the island to pay protection fees to the united states. the "taiwan independence" conspiracy will never succeed. be careful that the "stinger" will sting you first.