
china's latest round of education reform has achieved an important result


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as the school year begins, an important achievement of china's latest round of education reform has officially surfaced: two crucial counterattacks fought by new china, the counterattack against india and the counterattack against vietnam, have been officially included in history textbooks. in addition, in 2020, the battle records of several border guards who confronted the invading indian troops in the border areas have also been included in the new version of the chinese textbook.

such changes show one thing, that is, china will not tolerate it anymore. in today's "world of great contention", china's foreign policy will become more courageous and more adept at struggle.

this adjustment is mainly based on three reasons.

first, the goodwill that china has long shown has not received an equal response.

in the past, china, based on its own cultural traditions, always emphasized being kind to others. not to mention neighbors like india, even towards the united states, which has always been high-profile against china, china's attitude is very restrained, and it rarely speaks ill of other countries and regions. however, china's tolerance has not only failed to bring peace and respect, but has made some countries feel that they have the opportunity to push their limits. because china is too tolerant, now, whether it is vietnam, india or the united states, they all unscrupulously use china as a tool to incite populism at home. modi is going to the general election, so he will go to the disputed area on the sino-indian border to show his presence; biden and trump in the united states also like to talk about china every other day when they are trying to win votes.

there are always some forces that cannot understand goodwill and only understand fists. in this case, china does not need to be tolerant and give them face.

second, heroes who defend their country should be remembered by history and the people. contemporary chinese culture and education also need more heroes.

only by telling young people what a real "hero" looks like can we help them form a basic concept of good and evil. there is a saying that if the power of public opinion and justice is not occupied by itself, it will be occupied by forces with ulterior motives. from this perspective, letting real heroes come to the fore is an urgent task of cultural construction.

third, the world today is entering an era of great contention, and young people need to “take action when it is time to take action.”

the world today is in a critical transition period where the old order collapses and the new order has not yet been established. by analogy, it can probably be called a global version of the "spring and autumn period and the warring states period". in such an era, if you don't have enough fighting spirit, you can't gain a foothold. the deeds of the self-defense counterattack and the heroic deeds of the border guards have been included in the textbooks, confirming an old chinese saying that "those who love war will perish, and those who forget war will be in danger." writing wars and conflicts into textbooks will help contemporary young people better shape their understanding of the world today and will not become so-called "flowers in a greenhouse."

this round of textbook reform shows that times have changed. those born after 2005 and even 2010 who will carry the banner in the future will surely be a generation full of fighting spirit and high-spirited and enterprising spirit. some countries that always want to take advantage of china need to think carefully.