
huang shufen, a deadbeat, hit a person and turned him into a vegetable, and would rather go to jail than pay compensation, what was the final outcome?


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"i would rather go to jail than compensate you a penny, so just give up."

in 2015, huang shufen drove against the flow of traffic and hit zhao xiangbin, turning him into a vegetable.

faced with a fine of nearly 860,000 yuan from the court, huang shufen not only did not admit her mistake, but she also went on a trip while zhao xiangbin was in the hospital, transferred property, and bought a car and a house for her daughter.

when faced with reporters' inquiries, she even made a lot of irresponsible remarks, claiming that it was just a matter of serving a few years in jail, and that as long as she didn't pay compensation, she could serve any number of years. as for the money, she would not get a penny!

now, eight years have passed, what is the outcome?

zhao xiangbin is an ordinary manual worker. after his wife died early, he raised his son alone, and the father and son depended on each other.

on the morning of october 6, 2015, zhao xiangbin rode his old bicycle leisurely along the non-motorized vehicle lane to the vegetable market as usual.

however, just as he was about to reach his destination, an accident happened.

a car suddenly came from the opposite direction and drove very fast, which was obviously a violation of traffic regulations.

there was a loud bang, and zhao xiangbin was hit violently by the car and fell heavily to the ground.

the pedestrians around screamed and gathered around. the scene before them terrified everyone: zhao xiangbin was lying in a pool of blood, his life breath was weak, and he fell into a coma in an instant.

seeing that she had caused trouble, the car driver huang shufen was dazed for a moment, but she did not get out of the car to check the extent of the injuries of the injured person. instead, she relaxed in the car before getting out.

faced with zhao xiangbin, who was covered in blood, huang shufen was extremely angry and almost cursed at zhao xiangbin. after all, in her opinion, zhao xiangbin ruined her good mood for the day.

fortunately, she still had a little conscience. after seeing the situation clearly, she reluctantly called 120 and the police, and then waited for the police investigation.

after learning that his father had been hit by a car, zhao yong rushed to the hospital immediately and saw huang shufen waiting outside the operating room.

when facing zhao yong, huang shufen also wanted to use money to avoid disaster, so she was very sincere at the beginning and told him that no matter what the result was, she would give zhao yong an explanation.

but as soon as she made the promise, she regretted it without hesitation after learning about zhao xiangbin's physical condition.

after the doctor's rescue, although zhao xiangbin's life was saved, he had become a vegetable.

when huang shufen heard this, she immediately refused to do it. who knew how long a vegetative patient could live? it would be fine if he died in a year or two, but if he lived to be seventy or eighty years old, wouldn't she have to pay a large sum of money? she didn't want to be the one who got hurt.

but first she had to delay zhao yong. in order to buy time, she first expressed her apologies and verbally promised to pay the medical expenses.

then she changed her tone and started to act pitiful and poor, saying that she was not well off and could only take out 70,000 to 80,000 yuan first, and promised to pay the full amount after the insurance claim was settled.

although zhao yong was unhappy, considering that his father's treatment was urgent, he had to accept the promise for the time being.

however, huang shufen did not actually pay the promised amount, but began to make excuses to zhao yong.

seeing that his father's treatment was imminent, zhao yong had to pay for his father's treatment out of his own pocket, and soon spent all his savings of many years.

in order to raise more medical expenses, he reluctantly sold his house and even had to borrow money from relatives.

on the other hand, huang shufen had completely forgotten her previous promise and only paid 76,000 yuan in medical expenses.

what is even more disheartening is that she began to gradually distance herself from the victim. at first, she would occasionally show up at the hospital, but later she made excuses and eventually blocked zhao yong's phone number, completely losing contact with him.

faced with huang shufen's indifference and evasion, zhao yong decided to protect his and his father's rights through legal means.

he began to investigate huang shufen's background, hoping to find a breakthrough. however, as the investigation deepened, huang shufen's actions made him angry and heartbroken.

it turned out that as a company executive, her monthly income was more than 30,000 yuan, and she was fully able to pay for her father's treatment.

what is even more shocking is that while her father was lying on the hospital bed fighting with death, huang shufen actually bought a house and a car for her daughter, and she even took her family out for a trip.

zhao yong couldn't understand why a person who was able to pay compensation would so cruelly evade responsibility?

filled with anger and grievance, zhao yong found huang shufen again and asked her to fulfill her compensation liability.

however, in response to zhao yong's request, huang shufen's response was outrageous: "i would rather go to jail than pay compensation!"

huang shufen's nonchalant attitude made zhao yongqi tremble. he could never imagine that this was the style of a senior executive.

in a fit of anger, zhao yong took huang shufen to court. in june 2017, after a long wait, the case finally entered the court trial stage.

during the trial, zhao yong tearfully recounted his father's injuries and his family's difficulties. in contrast, huang shufen looked indifferent and said that she had no money and would not pay compensation no matter what.

in the end, the court ruled that huang shufen should compensate the zhao family 930,000 yuan, of which the insurance company paid 26,000 yuan and huang shufen personally paid 860,000 yuan.

however, disappointingly, in the face of the court's decision, huang shufen continued to do as she pleased and refused to execute the decision.

there was no other way. seeing that huang shufen was reluctant to pay compensation, zhao yong decided to seek help from the media and make huang shufen's "deadbeat" behavior public.

he posted a detailed account of the events online, along with a photo of his father in bed and evidence that huang shufen was evading responsibility.

this move was like a bombshell, causing an uproar on the internet.

the public expressed deep sympathy for the zhao family's experience and strongly condemned huang shufen's behavior.

people left messages in the comment section to cheer zhao yong on and condemn huang shufen's unscrupulous behavior.

faced with overwhelming public pressure and her dismissal from the company, huang shufen finally responded.

however, her response was shocking.

she cried and complained that the zhao family did not take good care of the elderly, emphasized that she had already paid nearly 100,000 yuan in medical expenses, and even accused the zhao family of being greedy.

rather than calming public anger, these remarks aroused even greater resentment.

under the dual pressure of public opinion and law, law enforcement agencies began to take action.

they froze huang shufen's bank account and insurance policy and enforced a sum of 100,000 yuan.

faced with this result, huang shufen not only did not admit her mistake, but instead started to throw a tantrum. she would rather be arrested and jailed than pay the money, and even insulted and cursed zhao yong.

in the end, she was detained for 15 days, which was undoubtedly another punishment for her behavior.

however, just when things seemed to be turning around, bad news came.

on december 1, 2017, after more than a year of rescue, zhao xiangbin finally passed away due to organ failure caused by long-term bed rest.

this news was like a bolt from the blue, shattering zhao yong's last hope.

the autopsy report pointed out ruthlessly that zhao xiangbin's death was directly related to the car accident. with grief and determination, he took huang shufen to court again.

this time, the court sentenced huang shufen to eight months in prison for "traffic accident crime".

subsequently, huang shufen was included in the list of dishonest persons. however, when the case was processed, it was discovered that her account was empty because she had already transferred her property to her daughter.

what is even more infuriating is that after huang shufen was released from prison, instead of showing any remorse, she turned against zhao yong through the media, accusing him of blackmail.

she even sued zhao yong and his lawyer, demanding 800,000 yuan in damages.

this behavior of confusing right and wrong not only hurts the victims' families, but also challenges the public's moral bottom line.

fortunately, the court distinguished right from wrong, and huang shufen's counterclaim ultimately failed.

after three years of efforts since 2019, he only received 500 yuan in compensation, which is still 740,000 yuan short of the amount he deserved.

this result is sad and also raises questions about the efficiency of judicial enforcement.

despite this, zhao yong did not give up.

he is still tirelessly looking for new evidence, hoping to break the deadlock in the case. at the same time, he began to pay attention to other similar hot events and bravely speak out for other victims.

i hope he gets the compensation he deserves sooner.