
the official who was given a red code in henan province was reinstated, and the secretary who returned home with malicious intent was promoted. the cadres in henan province are really tough.


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it is not easy for an organization to train an outstanding cadre. we cannot completely deny his professional ability because of a decision that violates the law, nor can we ruin his bright career because of something he did that angered everyone.

are you right?

judging from the recent two consecutive cases of cadre promotion and appointment, henan province probably adheres to the following idea when selecting cadres:

it doesn't matter if the administration violates the law, it doesn't matter if the public opinion is bad, and it doesn't matter if the people support it or not. as long as they are recognized as good cadres by the organization, they will be promoted without mercy.

during the epidemic, dong hong, the mayor of dancheng county, henan province, coined the famous idiom "returning home with bad intentions", which was also greeted by the public opinion of the whole country, including the central media. however, this is not the point. the point is the flexible application of the law by the mayor of dancheng county, henan province, and his absolute control over the public security organs of the county.

county magistrate dong hong said:

anyone who returns to dancheng from a medium- or high-risk area and refuses to be dissuaded and returns home with malicious intent will be quarantined and then detained, regardless of whether or not they have a nucleic acid test report or a vaccination certificate.

how can going home for the new year be considered a malicious return? which law stipulates that one should be detained for complying with epidemic prevention and control regulations and accepting quarantine? to county magistrate dong, none of this matters. the most important thing is to complete the task assigned by the organization. as for whether the way to complete the task violates the law or whether it will cause public resentment and anger, he does not care, because his superiors do not care either.

during the epidemic, zhang linlin, then secretary of the zhengzhou youth league committee and deputy director of the social control guidance department of the new coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control command, was awarded the honorary title of "red code sister".

at that time, many depositors across the country were extremely anxious about the collapse of henan rural commercial bank. they were worried that their hundreds of thousands or millions of deposits would be lost, so they all wanted to go to zhengzhou to inquire about the situation.

in order to dissuade depositors from gathering in zhengzhou and causing cross-infection, secretary zhang, under tremendous pressure, resolutely broke through the conventional working methods and directly assigned a red code to the health codes of depositors preparing to go to zhengzhou, successfully eliminating the risk of cross-provincial infection.

henan's practice of issuing red codes is obviously not in line with the epidemic prevention and control policy, and the practice of restricting citizens' personal freedom on a large scale is definitely a violation of chinese law. therefore, the zhengzhou municipal commission for discipline inspection later gave secretary zhang a serious warning within the party and demoted him.

however, just over a year and a half had passed, and secretary zhang was reinstated to his original rank and appointed as the party secretary of the zhengzhou municipal culture and tourism bureau, at the precise point that he would not be promoted for a year and a half after being demoted in his official position.

in response to public doubts, relevant departments of zhengzhou city stated that secretary zhang linlin's promotion and appointment were in compliance with procedural regulations.

obviously, the mistake of restricting citizens' personal freedom is not enough to restrict secretary zhang's career. obviously, the organization believes that zhang linlin is a rare good cadre with outstanding ability and political reliability, and she must be promoted again as soon as possible after the punishment and release, without delay for a day.

readers who have a little knowledge of logic know that a global conclusion cannot be directly derived from a case. therefore, one case cannot explain the problem, and two cases cannot explain the problem either.

what about the other three?

in 2021, zhang zhanwei, then secretary of the jiyuan municipal party committee in henan province, slapped zhai weidong, secretary-general of the municipal government, in public and was later reported under his real name.

at that time, many people speculated that after this slap, secretary zhang zhanwei’s career would definitely be ruined, and he was even more afraid that after a thorough investigation, he would be sent to jail to work on a sewing machine.


the secretary zhang zhanwei who beat people was indeed dismissed from his post (not detained), but less than a year later, he was hired as a consultant to the henan provincial government, and his treatment as a director-level cadre was not affected at all.

well, when it comes to caring for cadres, henan is second, and i’m afraid no other province dares to claim to be first.

previously, a reader left an angry message in the background, asking me why i always focus on henan!

huh? can you blame me for this?

some constructive suggestions:

it is indeed not easy to train a cadre, and he needs to be cherished and cared for. however, it is even more difficult to cultivate the hearts of the people. even if you don’t want to cherish them, it is recommended not to trample on them repeatedly.