
have the two parties reached a settlement in the qingdao "land rover female driver hit someone in the wrong direction" incident? official response


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liu shipeng, reporter of overview news

on august 28, near the qingshan village observation deck in laoshan district, qingdao, a woman named wang failed to cut in line and beat the driver lin who was driving normally in the opposite direction, causing bleeding from his mouth and nose. on the 29th, the local police issued a notice that wang was administratively detained for 10 days and fined 1,000 yuan. on september 2, there was a rumor on the internet that the two parties had reached a settlement in the incident. on september 2, zonglan news (wechat: zlxwbl2023) learned from the veterans affairs bureau of laoshan district, qingdao that the bureau’s staff had visited mr. lin in the hospital and provided legal aid. in response to rumors that the two sides had reached a settlement, the staff of the bureau said that everything should be based on official news and not to believe the rumors on the internet.

according to media reports, on august 28, a traffic accident occurred in the laoshan scenic area in qingdao. a white land rover tried to cut in line in the opposite direction, but failed and rear-ended a bus. the video circulating online showed that after the female driver of the white land rover got out of the car, she insulted the male driver who was driving normally, and hit the male driver in the face several times, causing the male driver to bleed from the mouth and nose. during this time, the female driver also shouted, "whatever i hit you, just bear it." the male driver who was hit did not fight back.

on august 29, the laoshan branch of the qingdao municipal public security bureau issued a situation report stating that the female driver wang who beat the man was sentenced to 10 days of administrative detention and a fine of 1,000 yuan for violating the "public security administration punishment law of the people's republic of china."

situation report. (source/qingdao public security bureau laoshan branch)

on august 31, the male driver lin moumou who was beaten restored the details of the incident in an interview with the media. the incident occurred 20 meters away from the qingshan fishing village scenic area in laoshan district, qingdao. because it is the peak tourist season, there are frequent traffic jams here. wang mou, a female land rover driver, rushed towards the vehicle driven by lin moumou in the opposite direction, honking the horn to cut in the lane next to her. lin moumou also honked in the car. seeing wang mou cursing in the car, lin moumou did not give way to the other party. then wang mou got out of the car and insulted lin mou, and beat lin moumou's head, face and neck.

after wang returned to the car, traffic control personnel came to dissuade him and asked him why he was driving against traffic. afterwards, wang quarreled with the staff, pushed the other party, and scraped against the bus when reversing. then the scene in the video happened. afterwards, the female driver wang drove away and was later found by the police. lin is a retired soldier who currently runs a homestay. there were guests of the homestay sitting in the car at the time, and there were children. considering that the other party was a woman, lin did not fight back.

lin said that the other party mainly hit him on the head, which caused him to still have headaches, nausea, frequent vomiting, and dizziness, and he is currently hospitalized for treatment. lin made it clear that he would not accept mediation and hoped that the case would be dealt with seriously. lin was not satisfied with the punishment announced by the police and would continue to apply for administrative reconsideration, and through legal means, give himself and those who care about him an explanation. on september 2, media reported that the female driver wang who beat him was also fined 200 yuan and deducted 3 points for driving against the flow.

many netizens left messages on lin's social media account to verify the information. (source/lin's social media account)

on september 1, there was a rumor online that the driver wang who beat the driver and the driver lin who was beaten had reached a settlement. in the comment section of lin's social account, the reporter noticed that many netizens left messages asking whether the rumor of a settlement was true. some netizens also said that wang paid 2 million yuan in compensation. zonglan news reporters contacted the fanling police station and qingshan community staff in laoshan district to verify the matter. the staff who answered the phone said that they had not heard of the two parties reaching a settlement and suggested that the reporter pay attention to the official announcement.

a staff member of the laoshan district veterans affairs bureau said that the bureau had visited mr. lin and provided him with legal aid. regarding the online rumor that the two parties had reached a settlement, the staff member said that everything should be based on official information and people should not believe online rumors.