
li dan: talk show "leaves" and live broadcast room "comes"


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when comedy and variety shows gather together, talk shows become team building.

tencent and taobao are competing with each other. familiar talk show hosts are competing with each other.

previously there was "a pleasant and wonderful night", and "strict talks about traffic" which imitated "tan tan traffic", which became popular because of funny jokes such as falling stools and 8c rural friendship.

image source: tencent video

later, there were "talk show and his friends" and "the king of comedy: stand-up season", and many old acquaintances of the former "laughing fruit" made everyone seem to have returned to those summers with comedies.

image source: xiaohongshu@叶雨星

the discussion of whether it is funny or not is secondary. the audience always feels that something is missing. they miss the "chun yuan" of the talk show.

——li dan.

image source: weibo @李旦工作室

when li dan was away, people thought he would become the zhen huan of ganlu temple.

who knew that he was lying leisurely, moving the talk show into the live broadcast room, and performing a wave of "empress xi returns to the palace" in xiaohongshu's "story meeting"——

li dan’s store has been extremely popular as it has been dominating the buyers’ list for consecutive days.

data source: xinhong

the point is that although li dan has such high popularity, he is different from those live broadcast rooms that sell products at low prices for 1 yuan to attract attention.

the announcement in the upper right corner reads "self-service shopping", and the products he promotes are all of high unit price.

for example, the top-selling beef jerky is priced at 179 yuan, and the top-selling coffee is priced at 69.9 yuan.

image source: xiaohongshu

but even so, there are still a large number of sisters waiting to watch li dan's live broadcast and are willing to spend money to buy goods.


because compared to shouting and selling goods, li dan's live broadcast room follows the path of "electronic male besties" of sisters in yang tianzhen's words——

he talked about the workplace and love, and showed his sober attitude that "the world is not worth it", as if he was giving a life enlightenment class.

image source: xiaohongshu @旦小店宇宙第一

the most popular slices of li dan's work are thought-provoking.

if you feel pain, then open an account and leave your pain to xiaohongshu.

you can even cash out and make some money.

image source: xiaohongshu@小菁菁 (workplace monster fighting edition)

if you can't find a job, it's better to take it slow.

if you ignore your true interests and hobbies, you will never find them again.

image source: xiaohongshu @sophia, the same below

when you first enter the workplace, remember that you can't please everyone.

if you are introverted and sensitive, then do something that you find scary and embarrassing.

after doing more, you will find that no one cares at all.

what is loving yourself? it is allowing yourself to have shortcomings, but many people don’t do this.

there is also the sentence, "the ability to fall in love and the qualification to talk about pure love may be one of the few privileges that ordinary people can enjoy."

li dan uses his own "dan-style teasing" to speak the most touching truths.

if li dan always gave inspirational stories, he wouldn't be so popular.

the charm of the "submission"-style live broadcast room lies in the fact that the letters received every day are diverse, and many lawyers' live broadcast rooms have become popular because of this.

the letter received in li dan’s live broadcast room was so dramatic and exaggerated.

many people said that after watching li dan's live broadcast, they no longer wanted to watch tv dramas, because it was so exciting that even screenwriters dared not write it like this. it was the kind of drama that made you feel the bloodiness just by looking at the keywords.

how crush, a billionaire, was lured away by a box of tomatoes

"bad things keep happening after we've been together, and the other person is unlucky for me, should we get married?"

"my mother's best friend asked me to introduce a classmate of mine to her son"...

image source: douyin @李旦小店

some people don't care about these lengthy emotional stories, but instead focus on appreciating li dan's reaction.

the letters to li dan’s live studio often contain explosive plots, such as love triangles and extramarital affairs:

"i married into a wealthy family, and the young master took a concubine during my pregnancy. the other party was a medical beauty doctor."

"i fell in love crazily in college, changing relationships every few days. sometimes i dated two people at the same time. i was so embarrassed that i arranged for them to meet in person."

"the ordinary life of two partners in one company, one helps with life, the other helps with work, one talks to the other during work and one after get off work, the arrangement is clear"...

image source: douyin @be yourself

however, in li dan's narration, there was no sense of any criticism of the letter writer for being "harmful to moral standards."

no matter how exaggerated or dramatic the plot is, in li dan's mouth it is as trivial as a trivial matter.

image source: xiaohongshu@danzong convenience store

he doesn't put too much effort, and with just a few simple jokes, he can reveal the real point behind the problem.

for example, a girl broke up with her boyfriend 8 years ago, and they started living together again because of watching the world cup, but they did not confirm their relationship.

on the boy’s birthday, the girl wanted to wish to “spend more birthdays with him in the future”, but li dan instantly grasped the key point of the girl’s letter: “happiness is the most important thing”:

you know better than me whether he is hesitating or not.

when you send this sentence, what you actually want to say is that "being together" is the most important thing.

if you still think happiness is important, you can change it to:

"happy birthday. i don't know if i will be able to celebrate your birthday with you next time, but i just hope you have a happy birthday this time."

image source: douyin @旦总小店

similar to this, li dan can always grasp the key points from these stories at once, empathize with the letter writer, and give profound truths that are enlightening. the overall rhythm of reading the letter is interesting and not dragged out.

so, on the one hand, everyone is waiting to see the bloody letters from netizens, and on the other hand, everyone is looking forward to how li dan will unravel the problem.

li dan’s convenience store became more and more popular.

image source: weibo

along with li dan’s rise, there are also a large number of “slice” accounts of his live broadcast room.

slicing is what we often call editing, cutting, and fragmenting.

these accounts record the content of li dan’s live broadcast room, edit the highlights, and publish them with text.

originally, it seemed like an "infringement" thing.

but instead of causing trouble for these accounts, li dan posted a message on xiaohongshu, expressing his desire to reach an authorization agreement with these slice accounts and realize cooperation in sharing commissions from sales.

image source: douyin @李旦

why not make money together?

as a result, the slice accounts relied on li dan to gain traffic, meimei realized monetization, and more people came for the benefits.

nowadays, when searching for the word "li dan" on qiangua data, the top ranking is not even li dan himself, but a bunch of his editing accounts. the total number of likes and favorites of some accounts has exceeded 100,000.

passing on, helping and guiding, this set of operations makes people seem to see again the time when he led a group of talk show hosts to do variety shows.

netizens came to the conclusion: it’s not li dan who needs a talk show, but the talk show needs li dan.

image source: qiangua data

it seems that li dan’s success in selling goods is too easy.

but when hu lan and xu zhisheng came to the live broadcast room, everyone realized that not all talk show hosts are suitable for selling goods——

as his trusted friend and podcast producer yuan yuan commented, "when li dan is live streaming, what he speaks is not a language, but a way of thinking."

image source: weibo @twentyflora-

when three people get together, the laughter is doubled.

but xu zhisheng took out his mobile phone and read out the writer's id the next second, and asked li dan what "xiao pi cc" meant, causing the writer to lose his online name overnight.

also, because the letter is so explosive, i often have to read it several times before i can fully understand it.

many people said that their arrival was to prove that li dan’s store cannot exist without li dan——

“i’m not trying to drag you down, in fact, this is how most ordinary people react in this kind of live broadcast room.

li dan's high sensitivity, empathy, and ability to think from other people's perspectives, as well as his way of expression, were immediately highlighted."

image source: weibo @阿梓不吃辣

it seems to be a joke about life, but in fact, it hides li dan's past experience——

because before finding the live broadcast model that suits him, "self-service selling by submitting letters", li dan also went through several iterations and changes in mentality on the road of live broadcast.

before signing with the mcn of a large live broadcast room, he was just a guest in luo yonghao's make friends live broadcast room.

after signing the contract, he changed the platform and moved to taobao. since then, he has only broadcast a single-digit number of shows a year. it can be felt that he does not seem to care about selling goods.

it was not until early may this year, after switching to xiaohongshu, that li dan seemed to treat live streaming as a "serious business", and his data kept getting better and better.

nowadays, many people have started to call li dan "the number one brother of xiaohongshu".

inevitably, he needs to be compared with other anchors. in many online media reports, li dan is often compared with dong yuhui because they have one thing in common:

the original intention was not to sell goods, but to focus on "content".

if you know a little about li dan, you will know that creating a "live broadcast room with content" is almost contrary to the impression that li dan has long wanted to leave on the public.

he is knowledgeable and intelligent, but he never shows off. he even often avoids talking about it, for fear that others will discover how profound he is.

image source: internet

but if you say that he is "empty-headed", you can find from many subtle details that he still has demands and standards for himself.

whether it is li dan’s convenience store or his podcast, you can feel the shadows of the predecessors and masters he has studied.

"when you can't find where the problem is, it means there are problems everywhere"

"the difficulty of integrating knowledge and action is that sometimes knowledge and action have to be done in opposite directions, and sometimes they have to be done simultaneously. do it first, live it seriously, and you will figure it out when you live a good life."

"the core of how to live a good life is to live your own life well. there is nothing wrong with choosing any path. what is wrong is to keep staring at other people's paths after you have chosen one."

"there are many things in the world that cannot be attributed to a single person, especially natural disasters, man-made disasters, injuries and illnesses. at times like these, being happy is your greatest responsibility."...

there is the philosophy of existentialism, the buddhist teachings that the world is impermanent, selfless and lawless, and the literary and artistic pain of seeking a lighthouse in the darkness but being repeatedly misunderstood.

these are like blood and flesh, constituting a li dan who is constantly evolving in jokes.

image source: internet, the same below

just like him in the past, he would fail because of an underwear advertisement and be criticized and regarded as worthless because of the phrase "win without effort" in the workplace.

but now, he not only chose xiaohongshu, a social media platform whose user profile is mainly white-collar women in first- and second-tier cities, for live broadcasting, but he even calls them "sisters" all the time in the live broadcast room.

almost half of the audience watching his live broadcast are women.

data source: xinhong

such an absurd scene may only happen to li dan. because the li dan at that time is no longer the same li dan as the li dan today.

in the past, he studied the "art" of language, intending to make jokes, but ignored the feelings of the public.

today, he is the electronic male bestie dandan, who has to keenly capture every emotion of the sisters and rely on empathy to truly enter their hearts.

as talk shows are back in fashion, you can see many people calling out on social media, “can li dan record a show during the day and read me a letter at night?”

li dan is smart. many people say that he must have made a lot of efforts behind the scenes to evolve into what he is today.

just like he always chooses the more correct one among countless choices——li dan never stands against the majority of people.

he used to have red hair, but at this sensitive moment when stars like da zhangwei dyed their hair black, he chose to shave it all off and jokingly expressed his opinion.

when talk show hosts are repeatedly embroiled in controversy because of their jokes, people realize that li dan never talks about these sensitive topics. he always speaks his sober words with a smile and makes everyone laugh.

once upon a time, people thought that li dan lived a very easy life and was just free and easy.

in fact, behind this is li dan’s efforts to create, to become, and to do his best.

before he became famous through talk shows, li ruichao, a young man from inner mongolia who was not yet called "li dan", always called himself a poet.

poetry is about expressing one's aspirations. in the traditional chinese context, poets are intellectuals who are cynical, concerned about the country and the people, and unhappy.

they often live a twisted and painful life because of the gap between reality and their ideals.

at that time, li dan was fed up with his parents' strict discipline, so he chose south china agricultural university, which was the farthest away from home in guangdong, because he wanted to rebel once.

the red hair on his head is one of the signs of his resistance. he also often talks to himself on weibo, which has made him a little famous.

li dan and wang zijian photo source: internet

he had a dream of becoming a journalist, but his dream hit a wall when he was interning at southern metropolis weekly.

wine is a good medicine to dispel all worries and sorrows.

at that time, li dan often drank to drown his sorrows, to offset the fact that he repeatedly searched for a lighthouse in the darkness, only to find that it was the wrong time.

later, he chose to work in the advertising industry at ogilvy just to make money.

but he found that he still needed to communicate and wanted to express himself, so he later chose talk show - a choice he once called a wrong one.

he also wrote many books, including "laughing scene", "cold scene", "waiting in scene"... all of them are related to the word "scene".

image source: douban

what is "场"? it refers to the stage or place for performances and competitions.

life is a stage and everyone performs on it.

some people try to have fun but end up with nothing; others just play for fun but know how to protect themselves at many critical moments.

so the li dan we see is a poet who is not cynical or jealous of the world. instead, he is a rare and confused person.

because of li dan, he is rarely willing to show his true self.

many people say that li dan’s conversation with xu zhiyuan in “13 invitations” is his truest self.

the most popular conversation segment was his argument with xu zhiyuan about "women".

li dan asked xu zhiyuan how he had thought about ending his life.

the other party replied: died at the hands of a woman.

image source: xiaohongshu@一只小付_life version, same below

the next second, li dan immediately responded that you would earn a lot less money:

“i think so, but i can’t say it.

this is the difference between intellectuals and artists. i will make this into a joke, saying that i might have been beaten to death by that woman."

xu zhiyuan asked back: tell me how to make money.

li dan replied:

"don't tell too much truth and don't challenge the majority."

this conversation made many people realize how "clever" li dan is, and they also understood why he, who failed in "winning in the workplace by doing nothing", could suddenly become the electronic male best friend of his sisters.

li dan is wary of the whole world and afraid that others will discover his true self, but he also hopes that at certain moments, he can have sincere sharing, distant resonance, anonymous communication, and a closer relationship between people.

but all these were covered up by his addiction to alcohol and his buddhist attitude of "i want to live in shallowness, ready to disappear at any time", which showed him indifferent to reality and playing with the world.

perhaps, he is not only smart, but also wise.

many people think that li dan is very depressed. just like what liang wendao said, "i feel that li dan, as an artist, seems to be doing a temporary job."

at that time, li dan expressed his attitude that "i might not continue." sure enough, today, he announced in the live broadcast room that he chose to "leave" the talk show.

the live broadcast room of the convenience store may be the next career path chosen by li dan.

just like in "li dan talk show work manual", li dan unreservedly showed himself to be positive and proactive, rational, confident and systematic in his creation, work and other professional directions.

and all of those were him, and none of them were him.

image source: xiaohongshu@editor fried egg

li dan always says that a lot of chicken soup for the soul is actually right, but because it is chicken soup, few people are willing to put it into practice.

perhaps, this is also the reason why he was able to rise quickly again in the competitive live broadcast track after the talk show industry as a whole fell into gloom.

he knew that whether it was work or life, there would always be difficulties worth pondering, so just accept them.

this may also be the most worthy aspect for us to ponder in the current environment.

image source: internet