
xu shiyou put down the knife, pointed at chen geng who was passing by and yelled: you man with glasses, what are you pointing at here?


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"monk xu" who has always had a bad temper,there are times when i feel embarrassed.xu shiyou, the commander of the 34th regiment of the 12th division of the red fourth front army, met a strange man during training. the man wore glasses and looked very literary, not like a martial artist. but this man saw the shortcomings of the front-line soldiers at a glance, walked to the martial arts field, and corrected the young soldier's swordsmanship. xu shiyou couldn't figure out whether this man came to make trouble or to give advice.i had no choice but to yell at the man: "you with glasses, what are you doing? what are you doing here?"

why did xu shiyou, who always had a bad temper, suddenly become respectful when he heard his name?

leader of the big sword group

xu shiyou never liked others to teach him how to use a's not because of rebelliousness,it's just that ordinary people can't beat him with a broadsword. in today's terms, xu shiyou had some luck. in 1906, he was born in an ordinary peasant family. in those turbulent years, the xu family was not poor, but they could only hover around the poverty line every day. in 1914, xu shiyou's father passed away, and this family, which had been doing well, was suddenly forced into a desperate situation. fortunately, a shaolin monk changed xu shiyou's fate.he wanted to take him in as his disciple and have him become a monk.

xu shiyou's mother was somewhat hesitant.she didn't want the child to be too far away from her, but she also knew that this might be the only chance for the child to survive. at least, becoming a monk would give him enough to eat every day. so, there was an 8-year-old monk in the shaolin temple in songshan. this little monk was indeed a good candidate for martial arts. he was very good at boxing and kicking, and also had good sword skills. teenagers always had some heroic spirit. he often went down the mountain with his fellow apprentices.he helped the people and never hesitated to lend a helping hand when they encountered injustice.but it was this ambition that caused him to accidentally kill a gangster on his way home to visit his relatives.

i don't dare go back home now.if he rashly returned to the temple, he was afraid of bringing disaster to shaolin temple. in desperation, xu shiyou could only wander around, and finally joined the army for a living. he first served wu peifu, and after several twists and turns, he joined the wuchang national revolutionary army. at that time, xu shiyou was definitely a rare talent. with his good skills, he successfully rose from an idle soldier to a company commander step by step. but the higher the military rank,xu shiyou felt more and more that the materialistic kuomintang was not his final destination.he was born into a poor family and witnessed many injustices in the world while practicing buddhism in the temple. in his opinion, communism is the ultimate way out for china.

august 1927xu shiyou officially became a glorious revolutionary party member. with his good kung fu and fearless attitude, xu shiyou gradually rose from squad leader to regiment leader. xu heshang's name was also quite important in the red fourth front army. because of his good swordsmanship, he often took on the responsibility of teaching new soldiers. usually he was the one who gave instructions to others, but not many people could give him instructions.

first meeting with chen geng

chen geng was a martial artist.he looks like a scholar, and his grandfather was a famous general of the hunan army.naturally, a set of martial arts training techniques of quite good quality was passed down. in such a family, chen geng naturally developed good skills.

if we live in a peaceful era,chen geng would probably study and learn calligraphy as his grandfather wished, but at that time, warlords were in power and china was in chaos. in 1916, chen geng's grandfather passed away. at the age of 13, he simply left school and followed his grandfather's footsteps to join the hunan army to fight for the future of the motherland. in the army, he was exposed to communist ideas and resonated strongly with them. in 1922, chen geng officially joined the communist party of the second year, he followed the organization's dispatch and joined the military academy.perhaps due to his family background, chen geng had strong military qualities and soon entered the whampoa military academy with excellent grades, becoming a student of the first class of whampoa.

the first batch of students from huangpu were recruited from all over the country.many of them eventually became chiang kai-shek's confidants. of course, many people also took other paths. chen geng was one of them, and he was also the one chiang kai-shek regretted the most. during his studies at the whampoa military academy, chen geng was listed as one of the three heroes of "whampoa" by everyone because of his excellent military qualities. at that time, there were not many people with actual combat experience among these military academy students.chen geng was already a veteran who had fought in many battles with the hunan 1925, chen geng held several positions. on the one hand, he had to stay in school to teach, and on the other hand, he had to travel around to fight against the british and french invaders.

in the same year, dr. sun yat-sen passed away.chen jiongming wanted to occupy guangzhou to seize the fruits of the revolutionary victory. chiang kai-shek's troops were defeated and even forced into a desperate situation. if chen geng had not saved chiang kai-shek who wanted to commit suicide, china's anti-japanese war and liberation process would have been extremely likely to be turned upside down. at that time, chen geng never thought that chiang kai-shek would launch a revolutionary rebellion soon after, and use the "party affairs rectification case" to try to purge the communist party members in the kuomintang. people with different ideals cannot work together. chen geng had no connection with the kuomintang team anymore. later, chen geng went to the soviet union for further studies.later, he obeyed the transfer order of the party organization and traveled thousands of miles to nanchang to fight for the nanchang uprising.after being wounded, chen geng was arranged by the organization to receive treatment for his injuries, but he was unexpectedly caught by kuomintang spies. if it were not for the affection he had accumulated over the years, he would have almost died.

november 7, 1931chen geng was ordered to serve as the commander of the 318th regiment of the 13th division of the red fourth front army. as a result, he met xu shiyou right after taking office. "what are you talking about, the man with glasses over there?" chen geng was not angry after being yelled at. he just smiled and looked at the furious monk, thinking that this man really had the same bad temper as the legend said. "i am chen geng, are you monk xu?let me see the civilized swordsmanship of the entire red fourth front army, okay?? "xu shiyou was unusually shy when he heard this. the two revolutionaries shook hands and got to know each other.

the revolutionary years of powerful alliances

both of them are experts in martial there are endless things to say,xu shiyou often asked chen geng for advice on military tactics, and chen geng also wanted to learn about shaolin swordsmanship. in the subsequent "anti-encirclement and suppression" campaign, xu shiyou led the 34th regiment and repelled the kuomintang's attacks again and again. when facing the kuomintang's 34th division head-on, our army suffered heavy casualties due to its inferior equipment. xu shiyou led a death squad to take the enemy's headquarters under the moonlight.there was a close combat with the opponent.during this battle, xu shiyou's leg was injured by a stray bullet and the guards wanted to carry him off the battlefield.

he just smiled.he said that there was no bone injury at all, and then he pulled the bullet out with his hands, bandaged it hastily, and continued to fight. in the following years, xu shiyou joined the death squad several times, and even set an outstanding record of killing 36 enemies with one sword. in 1937, the japanese army officially began its full-scale invasion of china, and the anti-japanese war broke out in full swing. for the sake of the overall situation, our party reorganized the original red fourth front army into the eighth route army of the national revolutionary army.this is what we often call the eighth route army today.xu shiyou was also appointed by the organization as the deputy brigade commander of the 386th brigade of the 129th division of the eighth route army. he was promoted from division commander to brigade commander all of a sudden, but xu shiyou was not happy.

before this, he had been asking the organization for orders.he hoped that the cpc central committee would send him to the anti-japanese front, as he believed that only on the front line could he exert his greatest ability to the maximum extent. after becoming the deputy brigade commander, could he still go to the battlefield and kill the enemy? just when he wanted to talk to the cpc central committee again, his old comrade xu xiangqian found him and asked him why he hadn't reported for duty yet, as brigade commander chen geng had been waiting for him for a long time. xu shiyou then realized that the brigade commander of the 386th brigade was his former superior chen geng.the original dissatisfaction officially disappeared.during the war of resistance against japanese aggression, chen geng brought the capabilities of his soldiers to the fullest.

the first anti-japanese war that xu shiyou participated in, together with his comrades, he killed more than 250 japanese soldiers and captured 8 prisoners alive. after that, he participated in many battles and was certified as the commander of the 3rd brigade of the shandong column with his outstanding military exploits. he circled back and forth with the main force of the japanese army in the jiaodong area. at that time, the four provinces of shanhe had been in an embarrassing situation of being occupied, but xu shiyou defeated the japanese defenders in the jiaodong area and successfully reversed the passive resistance situation in the area. later, xu shiyou went all the way forward and was awarded the medals of the founding generals together with chen genghe was awarded the rank of founding general.but in xu shiyou's eyes, although the two were no longer superiors and subordinates, chen geng was still the humorous and capable is very likely that there would be no xu lao hu and xu he shang later.