
taiwan gangster zhang anle: one person stirred up the whole of taiwan and made great contributions to the peaceful reunification


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the young and dangerous, which is popular throughout asia, has made many young people in the 1980s realize what the underworld is and what a gang is. it has attracted countless teenagers to imitate the costumes and accessories in the young and dangerous tv series. however, the character we are going to talk about today is a real gangster. wearing a tang suit, rimless glasses, gray hair, and elegant temperament, he looks like a university professor. but who would have thought that the man in front of him was zhang anle, a famous gangster boss in taiwan. although zhang anle is a gangster, he is also a patriot who has made great efforts for the reunification of the two sides of the taiwan strait. in taiwan, zhang anle even led his gang to openly oppose the "taiwan independence" forces and tsai ing-wen's government. next, let's take a look at the legendary life of this gangster.

wandering in the underworld, life turned around zhang anle's parents are both from shanxi. both of them are great intellectuals. after getting married, they came to xi'an to work. at that time, they both worked in the news industry. later, after the victory of the anti-japanese war, the couple came to nanjing to work. in 1948, zhang anle was born. at that time, the unit where zhang anle's parents worked belonged to the kuomintang. after the outbreak of the war of liberation, zhang anle's family came to taiwan with the kuomintang army and settled in taiwan. since zhang anle's parents were both great intellectuals, after coming to taiwan, both of them entered the university to teach. zhang anle was born in such a scholarly family. he was deeply influenced by his parents since he was a child. he began to come into contact with some books on ancient chinese history and chinese poetry when he was very young.

when he was a child, his parents often told him about ancient chinese history and chinese literature. zhang anle has been very interested in chinese history since he was a child. zhang anle, who has been very good at art and literature since he was a child, will have a bright future if he can successfully enter higher education, pass the exam, and study abroad. however, after entering junior high school, the direction of his life began to change. after entering junior high school, zhang anle's home was far away from the school. in order to be able to go home nearby, zhang anle chose several alleys that he didn't often walk. as long as he walked through these alleys, he was much closer to home. one day at noon, zhang anle went home through an alley as usual. he unexpectedly encountered a group of young people from society who surrounded him. it turned out that these young people from society were extorting some protection fees from him.

at that time, zhang anle forgot his wallet at home, so he didn't have a penny on him. these young people searched for a long time, but didn't find a penny. they got angry and asked zhang anle to take off his pants in public. shi ke can't be killed. zhang anle was completely annoyed by this. he rushed forward and wrestled with these people. but how could he beat this group of people alone? soon he fell behind and was beaten with only one strand. when zhang anle was isolated and helpless with bruises all over his face, several young people happened to pass by and saw this situation, so they stepped forward to help. these social youths saw that the four or five young men were all strong and sturdy, with dragon and phoenix tattoos all over their bodies. naturally, they didn't dare to provoke them easily, so they dispersed.

zhang anle looked at the older brothers who were not much older than him and helped him. he was grateful and stood up to thank the young man. zhang anle didn't know at the time that the brothers who helped him were actually local gang members. since then, he often played with these big guys, and these gang members also liked to take him to play. these gang members saw that zhang anle was young but very loyal, and over time, they regarded him as a brother. however, zhang anle was still young at the time, and these people did not allow him to join the gang. throughout zhang anle's junior high school career, no one dared to provoke him. he became a famous "boss" in the school. many students knew that he had a strong background and was a gang member.

joining the gang and becoming a gangster boss after entering high school, zhang anle joined taiwan's famous "bamboo union gang" with the help of his brothers. from then on, zhang anle completely joined the gang organization. however, although he joined the gang, it did not affect his studies. his grades were still very good, and he was still among the best in school. in the gang, zhang anle did not stop. he didn't want to be a nobody, and he would participate in some activities of the gang. because he dared to fight and was born with a fierceness, gradually no one in the gang dared to look down on him, and his status in the gang gradually improved a lot. "white wolf" is his name in the bamboo gang. the title of the united gang.

although zhang anle looks very elegant, his killing ability is not elegant at all. during a bamboo union gang activity, he injured a military policeman and was sentenced to one year in prison. at that time, his parents couldn't believe that their son, who had always been excellent in both character and academic performance, had joined the gang and even injured a military policeman. his parents thought of many ways and relied on many relationships to bail zhang anle out and immediately took him to transfer schools, just to get him out of the gang organization. but no matter where the family moved, zhang anle was always able to keep in touch with the gang and continue to participate in gang activities. after graduating from high school, zhang anle was admitted to the department of history at tamkang university in taiwan. he has always liked the history major, and finally got his wish.

before going to college, zhang anle's parents talked to him all night, hoping that he could quit the gang and do some legitimate work. his parents knew that he liked history and hoped that he could become a teacher, a scholar, or do historical research in the future. in short, anything is better than being a gang member. due to the hard pressure from his parents, zhang anle had to choose to leave the "bamboo union gang", so before going to college, zhang anle quit the gang organization. after entering the university campus, zhang anle spent every day in the library, because there were a large number of ancient chinese history books for him to read. and there are many books about the mainland in the library, and zhang anle can learn about the mainland from these books.

in the past, i could only learn about the mainland from my parents, but now it is more convenient and comprehensive to learn about the mainland in the library. zhang anle spent every day in the library, thinking that his university life would be so ordinary, but things always go against one's wishes. at that time, taiwan was full of gangs, even university campuses were no exception. these college students were still supported by members of different gangs. zhang anle has always been a person who does not offend people like me, but when he encounters students from other departments who are backed by gangs, zhang anle is not afraid of getting into trouble. after a conflict with students from other departments, zhang anle severely punished those classmates who wanted to bully him.

but his peaceful life was broken. people often make trouble for zhang anle in school, not only in school, but also outside of school. zhang anle, who suffered several hidden losses, had no choice but to return to the "bamboo union gang" and exposed his identity at school. now that the "bamboo union gang" is backed, these people dare not look for him again. he is in trouble. soon after returning to the "bamboo union gang", the "bamboo union gang" encountered difficulties. the boss was arrested and imprisoned, and the entire gang was leaderless. the members of the "bamboo union gang" elected zhang anle as the boss to lead the entire "bamboo union gang". zhang anle did not want to take over this important task at first, on the one hand because of his parents, and on the other hand because he had greater ideals and ambitions. but because of his loyalty, he eventually took over the "bamboo union gang" and has since become the gang leader. the boss of the "bamboo union gang".

becoming a big boss but still caring about the mainland after zhang anle came to power in the "chung union gang", he carried out a major reorganization and reform of the entire gang. he did not allow the gang members to engage in any business related to pornography, gambling and drugs. fighting was no longer allowed within the gang. soon the business of the "chung union gang" was on the right track. under the leadership of zhang anle, these gang members could finally stop living a life of fighting and killing, and finally live a stable life. many members of the gang strongly supported zhang anle, but several gang leaders were dissatisfied with zhang anle's reform and reorganization, because zhang anle's reform directly affected the interests of these leaders.

they have been relying on pornography, gambling, and drugs to make profits. now that the "chung union gang" has reformed, all businesses are on track and they can no longer make money. these leaders are naturally dissatisfied with zhang anle. they often unite to create trouble and engage in infighting. their goal is to overthrow zhang anle and let them take charge of the "chung union gang". zhang anle initially wanted to change the minds of these leaders and make them accept such reforms. however, after several years of hard work, he found that the nature of these people could not be changed at all. although he has been the big brother of the "chung union gang" for several years, his life is not happy at all. for the livelihood of thousands of people in the "chung union gang", he even postponed his postgraduate studies. zhang anle regrets this.

now that the "chung union gang" has been put on the right track, and he also has his own unfulfilled ideals and ambitions, it is time to say goodbye, so zhang anle resigned from the position of the leader of the "chung union gang". ". he saw the information about studying in the united states in the university's announcement, and many students studying in the united states returned to the motherland to participate in the construction. seeing this, zhang anle's heart was ignited with hope. he has always wanted to return to the mainland since he was a child, and he has always longed for the mainland. now there is such an opportunity to return to the mainland, zhang anle naturally can't let it go. he immediately signed up to study in the united states. a few days later, i boarded the plane to study in the united states.

on the plane, zhang anle was very excited. after studying abroad, he could return to his motherland as a "student studying in the united states" to participate in the construction. he was finally one step closer to his ideal. after arriving in the united states, when zhang anle applied for a university interview, he asked an american professor why he went to the united states to study. he proudly told the american professor that after completing his studies, he would return to his motherland to continue his studies and participate in the construction. the american professor was moved by his honesty and finally recommended zhang anle to study at stanford university. the days of studying in the united states were the happiest time for zhang anle. he opened a restaurant in the united states, and the income from this restaurant was enough for him to study in the united states.

although he was not as wealthy as he was in the gang, zhang anle thought that being able to study and learn was his dream life. he studied very hard and his grades were still among the best in the united states. this made zhang anle look forward to returning to the mainland one day and dedicating the knowledge he had learned to the construction of his motherland.

imprisoned, the dream of returning to china was shattered zhang anle never expected that the peaceful life would not last long, and he was implicated in the "jiangnan case". in the united states, zhang anle was framed by the us police and sentenced to ten years in prison. such a blow instantly extinguished all of zhang anle's ideals and hopes. for a young man with ideals and ambitions, ten years means that the best years of life will be locked in darkness. in the cell. after a long silence, zhang anle gradually rekindled hope. he did not allow himself to remain silent like this. ten years later, he can still return to the mainland, but the time he spends with the mainland will be extended.

in prison, zhang anle continued to study and read. he also met many like-minded inmates, almost all of whom were anti-imperialist, anti-american, and anti-capitalist comrades. they read, communicated, and discussed together. with the company of these prisoners, zhang anle's time in prison no longer felt long and difficult.

finally returned to the motherland after being released from prison, zhang anle returned to taiwan and was restricted from leaving the country by the taiwanese authorities. the ban was not lifted until a year later. in 1996, zhang anle finally returned to the mainland of the motherland. after stepping on the land of the motherland, zhang anle's mood could not calm down for a long time. he has been waiting for this moment for more than ten years. after returning to the mainland, zhang anle successively founded a number of enterprises and factories in shenzhen, dongguan, nanchang and other places, and made contributions to the construction of the motherland. later, zhang anle founded the china unification promotion party. the responsibility of this party is to promote cross-strait reunification and resist and suppress "taiwan independence" elements. in taiwan, no one dares to talk about "peaceful reunification, one country, two systems" publicly, but zhang anle's promotion party dares to keep shouting such slogans.

they used practical actions to fight against the "taiwan independence" forces and were slandered by the tsai ing-wen government as a "gangster party". they even called zhang anle a "gangster boss" and the chinese association for the promotion of human rights a thug. zhang anle was not afraid of the slander and suppression of the tsai ing-wen government at all. he even said: if i die for the reunification of the motherland, i will not have any regrets or regrets. after zhang anle returned to taiwan, the taiwan authorities set up a dragnet at the airport and arrested zhang anle as soon as he got off the plane. however, zhang anle did not do anything illegal. he just firmly opposed "taiwan independence" and maintained peaceful reunification. zhang anle stirred up the entire taiwan and made great contributions to peaceful reunification. his actions have led more and more taiwanese people to join the ranks of maintaining peaceful reunification and opposing "taiwan independence".

today, zhang anle devotes himself to the cause of "peaceful reunification" and contributes his strength to the reunification of the motherland. his life is full of legends. although he was once a gangster boss, he is still a righteous and admirable patriot.