
take the case as a lesson to correct the teacher's ethics and adhere to the original intention to forge the teacher's soul - chenzhou no. 4 middle school held a special meeting on teacher ethics and style


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huasheng online news, september 1 (correspondent chen meijia lei shanshan) in order to further strengthen the ideological and political construction of teachers and the construction of professional ethics, strictly enforce the bottom line and red line, build a high-quality team with both moral integrity and talent, and create a clean and upright educational environment, recently, chenzhou no. 4 middle school held a special meeting on the construction of teachers' ethics in the fall of 2024. school leaders and all faculty and staff attended the meeting. the school party general branch secretary luo ji attended the meeting and delivered a speech.
the meeting organized everyone to study the spirit of the documents "notice of the hunan provincial department of education on organizing and carrying out special legal education on teachers' ethics and style", "interim measures for the management and assessment of teachers' ethics and style in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in beihu district (trial)", and "guidance on standardizing the dress and etiquette of faculty and staff in beihu district (trial)". the meeting announced several disciplines for the construction of teachers' ethics and style in chenzhou no. 4 middle school and required all teachers to conduct self-examination, self-examination and self-correction, to take a preventive attitude, internalize thoughts through reflection and warning, cultivate noble teacher ethics, and resolutely prevent any immoral and deviant behavior. the meeting emphasized that teachers should care and love students, strengthen safety education, be fair and honest, honest and self-disciplined, standardize teaching behavior, be diligent and dedicated, and be willing to contribute.
the construction of teachers' ethics and style is a long-term battle. looking forward to the new semester, no. 4 middle school will, as always, make every effort to build teachers' ethics and style in the new era, strive to build a high-quality, professional and innovative teaching staff, and make new and greater contributions to the steady improvement of the quality of education and teaching in our school.
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