
huang li from autonavi: brain-computer interfaces are more than 20 times better than musk's!


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according to fast technology on september 1, at the 2024 yabuli entrepreneurs 20th summer annual meeting, huang li, chairman of wuhan guide infrared co., ltd., revealed the progress of brain-computer interface technology.

huang li said that guide infrared has achieved remarkable results in the field of brain-computer interface research, and its technology level is more than 20 times that of elon musk's neuralink.

huang li emphasized that brain science is one of the most important unknown areas in the world today, and any innovation in this field will have a profound impact on mankind. he compared brain-computer interface technology to the key to unlocking mankind's unknown treasure house.

when talking about the comparison with musk's neuralink, huang li pointed out that musk's brain-computer interface technology mainly uses an invasive method, making holes in the skull and inserting microneedles directly into brain cells.

guide infrared has achieved a brain-computer interface with 65,000 channels, far exceeding musk's 3,072 channels, and realized two-way reading and writing of information, while musk's technology is one-way.

huang li also revealed that guide infrared's brain-computer interface technology not only surpasses musk in the number of channels, but is also more advanced in the implantation method. the one-time implantation is more efficient and simpler than musk's method.

in addition, huang li announced guide infrared's "cloud brain project", which plans to invest 100 million yuan to support global medical scientists in using guide infrared's brain-computer interface technology for clinical applications and solve medical problems such as parkinson's disease, paraplegia, depression, and explore new methods of memory retrieval and storage.