
you have to reserve a seat at 8 am, and the whole family will go out to help "fill the gap"? before the start of school, a school in hangzhou notified that "homework will be cleared"


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with two days left before school starts, a parent lamented, "history always repeats itself. it's time to catch up on homework again. the libraries and coffee shops near my home have been taken over by a large group of homework partners again!"

another parent complained, "my child's homework is still in the primary construction stage, and it seems that there is not enough time for construction. this saturday, the last day before school registration, the whole family has to rush in!"

suddenly found that i didn't memorize more than a dozen ancient poems

there are also tabloids, essays and experiments

"we still have ten ancient poems to memorize. let's try to memorize three a day!"yesterday, when ms. wang heard a classmate’s mother complaining about her child’s homework progress, she realized that her child also had the homework of memorizing ancient poems.

"i asked the child about it right away when i got home, and he found out there were still more than a dozen poems he hadn't memorized, but he kept hesitating and saying he would finish them!" she was angry and anxious inside, but she could only say to the child, "then memorize them right away."

the mother of a primary school student said that she had carefully checked her child's summer homework over the past two days and felt like opening pandora's box. what the child had finished was just the tip of the iceberg, and what was not finished was a large area hidden under the glacier.

"we also have a short video and a handwritten newspaper." a mother whose child is in the lower grades of elementary school said, "it's really difficult to record a video. the child is afraid of it and doesn't cooperate, so it can't be recorded well."

recitation, tabloids, composition, scientific experiments...these are the homework that the children leave until the last minute and require the parents' help to complete.

urge your children to eat breakfast quickly during the trip

go back to your room to do homework

"school is about to start, and i'm still busy 'repairing the sky' during the trip." a mother of an elementary school student lamented in her circle of friends,while having breakfast at the hotel, i heard other parents urging their children to finish their breakfast quickly and go back to their rooms to finish their homework.almost the same situation as mine.

she said that she had originally planned to have her child finish her summer homework in advance so that she could travel happily and easily in the last few days of the vacation. however, the child did not finish her homework and kept procrastinating until this week. she had no choice but to let her take her homework with her when she went out. "when she woke up in the morning, i asked her to do her homework in the room, recite ancient poems, and record videos. seeing that she could not delay any longer, she could only work hard in the hotel room."

another mother who was traveling with her baby these days also said that she could see children rushing to finish their homework along the way."there is indeed not much time left for everyone."

i went to do my homework at around 8 o'clock in the morning

the whole family went out to help "repair the sky"

at around 9 o'clock yesterday morning, we arrived at a bookstore in downtown hangzhou. the free seats in the bookstore had been "taken up" and many students were busy doing their homework.

"school is about to start, and we still have dozens of pages of exercises to finish, so we made an appointment to come to the bookstore early in the morning to do them."two junior high school girls said that they arrived at the bookstore at around 8 o'clock in the morning, before it opened, and grabbed a two-person seat by the window.

“i write slowly at home, but when i write with classmates, i feel like i can write more and faster.” they said that they traveled and went back to their hometown in the month before summer vacation, and did not do much homework, so they can only catch up at the last minute.

a junior high school boy also found a homework partner for himself, and they met at the bookstore to finish their homework in the past few days."because i have another child at home, i can't concentrate on doing my homework, so i write faster when i'm with my classmates."

in addition to many junior high school students doing their summer homework in the bookstore, there are also parents accompanying their children to do their homework. a parent of an elementary school student tutors the child on questions from time to time and reminds the child to "do homework well."

in addition to bookstores, library seats are also in short supply recently.

a mother who lives in binjiang district said that in the past two days, her children have been going to the library to queue up for opening at around 8 o'clock. "the library opens at 9 o'clock, and there may be no seats after 9 o'clock."

"i went there to accompany her for a day, and the learning atmosphere in the library is indeed better than at home. children at home are easily distracted by chatting with their younger sister." she said, however, the younger sister who is in elementary school also helps her older sister with her homework. "my younger sister likes to draw, so she drew illustrations for my older sister's tabloid."

she said that her sister is in the first grade of junior high school this year and has a lot more homework than in elementary school. she arranged a trip in july and only started to finish her homework in august. the time was really too tight, so the whole family had to come together to help "make up for the time".

"i helped my child write the tracing part of the english calligraphy homework." the mother said that it took her almost a week to finish it.

in addition to copying calligraphy, she is also responsible for helping the children sort out their wrong answers."i use my mobile phone to scan and print, which can save her a lot of time."

the child said he had to stay up all night to catch up on his homework

the teacher said, "it's okay if you haven't finished writing."

"when my child heard that the teacher was coming to visit, he asked me to stay up all night to 'fix the sky'."a mother of a fourth-grade elementary school student posted on her wechat moments at around 11 o'clock in the evening, saying that she was still accompanying her son to "nuwa mend the sky" at this time.

she said that her child actually did not have much homework during the summer vacation. she had urged her every day before, but the child did not do much at home during the day. the night before the teacher came to visit, the child knew that there was a lot of homework to be done, "so he felt a sense of urgency and started to make up the homework that night."

"the child didn't work all night. he went to bed at 12 o'clock and continued writing the next morning."she said that on the day of the home visit, the teacher indeed asked about the child's summer homework. after knowing that the child had been "making up for it" all night, the teacher said, "it doesn't matter if you haven't finished it." "with these words from the teacher, the child has relaxed these two days."

another mother said that her child had only completed one-third of his homework and would definitely not be able to finish it."there's no need to rush. just go and register. didn't the education department say that you can't use the fact that children haven't finished their homework as an excuse to not send them to school?"

complete your summer homework two weeks in advance

there are also children who have been playing these two days.

however, we also found that many children around us finished their summer homework early and had a great time in the last few days.

“students who have finished their summer homework can now go crazy and binge-watch tv series."a mother posted a photo of her child watching cartoons on her wechat moments.

another mother whose two children are in the third and fifth grade respectively said that this holiday was well planned and the two children completed all their summer homework two weeks in advance, "and they have been playing with them in the evenings these past few days."

she said that she mainly started to urge her children to do their summer homework as soon as the holidays started. every weekend, she would complete at least one comprehensive homework such as video recording or tabloid with the children. she checked the progress of the homework every week, and the homework had been completed last week.

“i feel that because of the ‘double reduction’, schools assign less summer homework."some mothers also said that this year, only three or four of the more "taxing" homework assignments, such as recording videos and making tabloids, were assigned, so the children finished them very quickly.

"teachers won't grade summer homework anyway."

some netizens said there is no need to do it?

"the teacher won't check the summer homework, so what's there to do?" "the teacher won't check anything except the composition." some parents also said that they noticed some netizens complaining like this, and their children asked, "will the teacher check the summer homework?"

we also interviewed several frontline primary and secondary school teachers, and they all said that they would mark the summer homework!some schools will also select "summer homework star" and other forms of recognition and rewards based on the quality and attitude of homework.

a primary school class teacher said that compared with regular homework during the semester, parents and children may feel that there is a lack of "correction link".

this is because most of the summer homework nowadays is not mechanical repetitive exercises, but comprehensive homework such as reading and sports. the purpose is to allow children to consolidate knowledge, review old knowledge and learn new things, and improve their abilities in sports training, practical exploration, and experience of traditional culture.

some schools also ask children to submit their summer homework in stages during the holidays, and teachers will correct and give feedback one by one.

regarding the exercises, many teachers will send the answers to the children during the holidays and let the children proofread and correct them by themselves. "this step is actually very important and the children must do it seriously."

a junior high school teacher said,it is hoped that children can discover their own mistakes and correct them, and the teacher will also provide answers to wrong questions online.

some schools have issued a "homework reset" system

no need to rush to finish summer homework

yesterday,the "return to school notice" issued by hangzhou jinghe middle school contains a "homework reset" system:

as the holiday is coming to an end, children will inevitably feel nostalgic for the holiday and anxious about the start of school.

the school has adopted a "homework clearing" system, and from today onwards there is no need to rush to finish summer homework.

don’t overemphasize the concept of “start of school” and don’t use “start of school” frequently to stimulate children to complete their learning tasks. instead, help children adjust slowly.

zhu nan, principal of jinghe middle school, said that the school has been implementing the "zero homework" policy for the fourth year."based on past experience, it is relatively inefficient to make up homework at this point in time. there is not much point in just copying answers and doing it to get by."

he said that summer homework for junior high school students is usually submitted in installments. now there is not much homework left in the last installment. most of the students who have not completed it by this time do have certain practical difficulties."just clear it and the teachers won't urge us to submit anymore, so the children can return to school happily."

the education bureau issued pre-school advice

don't force your children to work late into the night to finish their homework

just two days ago,the official wechat account of the hangzhou municipal education bureau released a "warm suggestion before school starts" to teachers, students and parents., which mentioned that -

when a child has difficulty completing his or her summer homework on time,parents are requested not to force their children to pull all-nighters to finish their homework. the school will not take a one-size-fits-all approach and will not require students to report their summer homework. instead, the school will reasonably lower the requirements depending on the situation and allow children to defer submission of their homework after school starts.

at the beginning of the school term, the school and teachers will scientifically arrange the teaching progress and will not organize any form of examination within one month. parents are also requested to actively cooperate and not impose high-intensity and fast-paced learning requirements on their children, so as to jointly create a psychological buffer period for their children.

source: orange persimmon interactive·metropolitan express
