
a middle school playground collapsed during construction, causing one death! school is about to start, the first lesson is safety


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august 29
a middle school in zhangjiakou issued a notice saying
one dead in school playground collapse
arousing attention
△source: people's concern
recently, due to continuous rainfall, dongfang middle school in zhangjiakou, hebeithere was a collapse in the northwest corner of the playgroundin order to prepare for the start of school, the school hired a qualified construction unit to carry out repairs on august 28.a collapse occurred during the construction process, burying one worker.after medical treatmentdied after failed rescue
school is about to start
campus safety cannot be taken lightly
how to effectively prevent fire in dormitories, classrooms and canteens?
how to escape in case of fire?
how to prevent heatstroke in the face of high temperatures?
how to avoid traffic safety hazards when going to and from school?
let’s learn more↓
primary and secondary school campus
three "hot" areas
dormitory area
1. it is strictly forbidden to use school dormitories in violation of regulationshigh power electrical appliances
2. it is strictly forbidden to connect and pull privatelyelectrical wires and network cables
3. not allowed to use in the dormitoryopen flame, burningsundries;
4. it is strictly forbidden to store flammable and explosive items in the dormitory.floral water, insecticidecommon mosquito repellent products such as these contain flammable gases and should be used with cautionkeep away from ignition sources
5. when leaving the dormitory,cut off all power supplies, including chargers, computers, etc.
△9 fire prevention tips for dormitories
classroom area
1. do not bring fire, flammable or explosive items into the classroom. for example,methylcyclohexane contained in correction fluid is highly flammable, keep away from open flames and high temperature heat sources when storing and using;
2. during classthe classroom door is not locked, so as to facilitate rapid evacuation in case of an accident;
3. when the classroom is empty,electrical appliances and lighting switches should be kept turned off
4. if you find any abnormality with the equipment in the classroom, report it to the teacher or security staff in time.
canteen area
1. when students enter the canteen for meals,no flammable or explosive items allowed is strictly forbidden to pour water on electrical equipment or power supply equipment., to prevent electric shock accidents;
3. schools should be equipped with firefighting equipment and placed in conspicuous and easy-to-reach locations;
4. schools should regularly check water, electricity and gas.hidden danger investigation.
how to escape in case of fire?
1. if you find a fire, call the police as soon as possible.
when a fire is discovered,dial 119call the police. if it is an early stage fire and the fire is not big, you can use fire extinguishers to put out the flames according to the situation.
2. stay calm and escape in an orderly manner
if you encounter a fire, please stay calm, follow instructions, and do not rush around. if the passage is blocked by smoke or fire,facing away from the fireworksleave.
3. cover your mouth and nose, and bend over
when escaping from a fire, usecover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, crawl on the ground or bend over and move forward, quickly find a safe passage to leave.
4. if you are trapped indoors, it is best to stay put.
if you cannot escape from the room, close the door and useuse wet towels or cloth to plug the door gaps., waiting for help.
5. if the fire has reached you, do not run away
if your body is on fire, don't run.roll on the ground or use heavy clothing to extinguish the flames
6. be careful when entering the elevator and use the corridor instead
in case of fire,no elevator available, so as not to delay the rescue and increase the difficulty of rescue.
don't forget to prevent heatstroke when school starts in autumn
although we have bid farewell to the hottest dog days in history, the heat has not subsided in most parts of my country. students should avoid going out in the afternoon and other high-temperature periods to prevent heatstroke.sichuan, chongqing and other places are experiencing rare high temperatures during the same period, and some local schools have successively issued notices to delay the start of school.
at the beginning of the school year, some schools will organize military training for attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling
traffic safety cannot be ignored
you should obey traffic rules and walk when crossing the road or passing through intersections.use the crosswalk, do not play around, do not climb over the guardrail, and do not look at the phone while walking.
when riding a bicycle
already12 years old or olderwhen students ride bicycles to school, they should check the condition of the bicycles in advance to confirm whether the brakes are sensitive.don’t cut in line, don’t go against traffic, and don’t wear headphones
when going to school by car
do not ride in unlicensed or overloaded vehicles.take a regular operating vehicle with corresponding qualifications;
do not sit in the front passenger seat of any type of vehicle.sit in the back seat and fasten your seat belts;
do not stick your head, hands, or arms out of the window;
check your rearview mirror when exiting the vehicle, make sure there are no vehicles or pedestrians passing by, then get off from the right door.
national emergency broadcast alert
campus safety is no small matter
enhance students' ability to save themselves and each other
build a safety line together
(source: national emergency broadcasting)