
just now! important notice from nanchang education bureau


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school is about to start this fall

just now! nanchang municipal education bureau announced

nanchang city’s primary and secondary school tuition standards!

in order to do a good job in the fee management for the fall semester of 2024 and standardize the school fee collection behavior, according to the spirit of the "notice on forwarding the notice of the jiangxi provincial department of education and other five departments on implementing the opinions of the ministry of education and other five departments on further strengthening and standardizing the management of education fees" (hongjiaojizi [2021] no. 1) and other documents issued by the municipal education bureau, the nanchang municipal development and reform commission, and the nanchang municipal market supervision administration jointly issued"notice on carefully carrying out fee collection for the 2024 fall semester"

announcement of fees and standards for public schools in nanchang in the autumn of 2024

announcement of fees and standards for private schools in nanchang in the autumn of 2024

1. strictly charge according to the prescribed items and standards

1. preschool education stage

the fees of public kindergartens in the urban area of ​​the city should be strictly implemented in accordance with the provisions of the "notice on issuing the adjustment plan for tuition and education fees of public kindergartens in urban areas of nanchang city" (hongxingshenzi [2020] no. 110) issued by the municipal administrative approval bureau, municipal development and reform commission, municipal education bureau, and municipal finance bureau.

2. compulsory education stage

compulsory education is fully included in the scope of financial support.public compulsory education schools do not charge tuition or miscellaneous fees.we must strictly implement the compulsory education law, consolidate and improve the funding guarantee mechanism for urban and rural compulsory education, adhere to the implementation of the nine-year compulsory education system, and strictly prohibit the arbitrary expansion of the scope of implementation of the free education policy. the standard for exempting students from tuition and miscellaneous fees in private compulsory education schools shall be implemented in accordance with the per capita public funding benchmark is strictly prohibited to collect donations for education that are linked to admissions.

3. high school education

the tuition fees of public ordinary high schools are implemented in accordance with the "notice of the jiangxi provincial development and reform commission, the jiangxi provincial department of finance, and the jiangxi provincial department of education on adjusting the tuition standards of public ordinary high schools and related issues" (gan fagai jiaguan [2023] no. 442).

the charging of secondary vocational schools is implemented in accordance with the "notice on adjusting the tuition standards and related matters of public secondary vocational schools (technical schools)" (gan fa gai jia guan [2024] no. 655) issued by the jiangxi provincial development and reform commission, the jiangxi provincial department of finance, the jiangxi provincial department of education, and the jiangxi provincial department of human resources and social security.

4. service charges and agency charges for primary and secondary schools (including private schools)strictly implement the provisions of the "notice of the jiangxi provincial development and reform commission and the jiangxi provincial department of education on issuing the management measures for service fees and collection fees for primary and secondary schools in jiangxi province" (gan fa gai jia guan gui [2021] no. 82).

ii. strengthen the management of service fees and agency fees for primary and secondary schools

service fees for primary and secondary schools refer to fees charged by schools (compulsory education schools, high schools, and secondary vocational schools, the same below) for services voluntarily chosen by students or their parents in addition to completing normal teaching tasks. agency fees for primary and secondary schools refer to fees collected or paid on behalf of service providers by schools for the convenience of students' study and life at school, on the premise of the students or their parents' willingness.

the provisions of the "notice on issuing the management measures for service fees and collection fees for primary and secondary schools in jiangxi province" (gan development and reform price management regulations [2021] no. 82) and the "notice on further standardizing the financial management of service fees and collection fees for primary and secondary schools in nanchang city" (hong education and planning [2018] no. 30) must be strictly implemented. educational and teaching activities and matters within the scope of teaching management arranged by primary and secondary schools in accordance with the requirements of national and local curriculum reforms shall not be included in service fees and collection is strictly prohibited to charge fees for teaching materials, handouts, test papers, electronic reading, computer use, bicycle care, heating, cooling, drinking water, student milk, campus security, lunch breaks, commercial insurance, etc. as service charges or collection items.

1. service fee items and standards for primary and secondary schools

(1) meal expenses (school-run canteen):school canteens collect meal fees from students who eat at school on a voluntary and public welfare basis. school canteens must establish meal records, publish meal fee income and expenditure information on a monthly basis, and consciously accept social supervision;

rural compulsory education schools that provide self-brought meal heating or rice processing services can charge students a one-time meal heating and rice processing service fee of no more than rmb 6 per semester, which will be mainly used to pay for water, electricity and fuel costs.

(2) after-school service fee:the after-school service fees for primary and secondary schools should be strictly implemented in accordance with the "notice on issuing the implementation measures for the management of after-school services in compulsory education schools in jiangxi province (trial)" (gan jiaojizi [2022] no. 42) issued by the jiangxi provincial department of education, jiangxi provincial development and reform commission, jiangxi provincial department of finance, and jiangxi provincial department of human resources and social security, "implementation opinions of nanchang municipal education bureau on further improving the quality of after-school services in compulsory education schools" and the "notice on forwarding the notice of the general office of the ministry of education and other four departments on further standardizing the relevant work of after-school services for compulsory education" (gan jiaojibanhan [2024] no. 7) issued by the jiangxi provincial department of education, jiangxi provincial development and reform commission, jiangxi provincial department of finance, and jiangxi provincial market supervision administration. all localities and schools should conscientiously implement the "five strict prohibitions" requirements: it is strictly forbidden to expand the scope at will; school after-school services should be arranged on school days and after completing the national curriculum and school teaching plans, and the end time should be well connected with the local normal working hours. the services provided by the school for students such as early arrival at school and self-study, lunch and lunch break supervision, and evening self-study shall not be included in the scope of after-school services. it is strictly forbidden to force students to participate; it is strictly forbidden to increase students' academic burden; it is strictly forbidden to charge random fees in the name of after-school services; it is strictly forbidden for institutions and personnel that do not meet the requirements to provide after-school services in schools. after-school service fees for primary and secondary schools are limited to compulsory education schools, and ordinary high schools are not allowed to illegally make up classes and charge fees on weekends and holidays in the name of after-school services.

(3) social practice fee:if the school organizes students to carry out extracurricular activities (such as outings, movie theaters, and exhibition visits), which are personal expenses of the students and must be paid for by the school, the school can charge students based on actual expenses on a per-time basis.

(4) study tour expenses:local governments can adopt various forms and channels to raise funds for research and study tours for primary and secondary school students. the portion that should be borne by students or their parents should be collected from students on a voluntary and non-profit basis, and fees should be reduced or exempted for students from poor families. the management of research and study tour activities should be carried out in accordance with the "notice of the nanchang municipal education bureau on printing and distributing the management measures for the application of research and study practice education activities in primary and secondary schools in the city" (hongjiaoxuanzi [2024] no. 1).

2. collection items and standards for primary and secondary schools

(1) textbook fees:the selection and subscription of textbooks are strictly carried out in accordance with the "notice of the nanchang municipal education bureau on the selection and subscription of textbooks for primary and secondary schools in the fall of 2024". urban and rural compulsory education schools implement a unified "two exemptions and one subsidy" policy, and provide national and local curriculum textbooks to students free of charge. the textbook fees for high school, including digital audio-visual materials supporting textbooks, are strictly charged according to the prices approved by the provincial development and reform commission and the provincial press and publication bureau.

(2) student physical examination fee:physical examinations organized by schools during the compulsory education stage are paid for by the school's public funds and may not be charged to individual students. physical examinations organized by high school students are carried out in accordance with the projects and standards formulated by the provincial department of education, provincial health commission, provincial development and reform commission and other departments.

(3) school uniform fees:the management of school uniforms is carried out in accordance with the "notice of the jiangxi provincial department of education and the jiangxi provincial market supervision administration on further standardizing the management of school uniforms for primary and secondary school students" (gan jiao ping gui zi [2023] no. 1), "notice of the nanchang municipal education bureau and the nanchang municipal market supervision administration on issuing the school uniform management measures for primary and secondary schools (kindergartens) in nanchang" (hong jiao ping ce zi [2023] no. 1) and the work reminder of the jiangxi provincial education evaluation and monitoring research institute that "all schools suspend the purchase of school uniforms" (specific policy consultation telephone number: 0791-86789281).

the management authority of service charges and agency charges for primary and secondary schools lies with the provincial development and reform commission and the provincial department of education. all counties and districts (schools) shall not illegally add service charges and agency charges for primary and secondary schools. service charges and agency charges for primary and secondary schools must adhere to the principle of voluntary participation by students or their parents. it is strictly prohibited to provide services and charge fees by force or in disguise; it is necessary to adhere to the principles of public welfare and non-profit, settle accounts on a semester or monthly basis, and refund or not make up for the shortfall; schools and teachers shall not obtain economic benefits or receive any form of kickbacks in the process of serving students and handling related matters. if there is a discount, it must be returned to the students in full; service charges and agency charges shall be collected uniformly by the school's financial department and included in the unified management and accounting of the school's financial department; it is strictly prohibited for any unit or individual to intercept, misappropriate, or squeeze out service charges and agency charges for any reason.

(4) meal preparation or meal hosting fees:if the school provides dining services for students by means of meal delivery or meal commission, the meal fee can be collected by the school and managed as a collection fee. if the school provides off-campus meal delivery for students, it shall not charge a service fee in addition to the meal fee.

iii. standardize the management of education fees and payments

we must strictly implement the "notice of the jiangxi provincial department of finance, jiangxi provincial department of education, state administration of taxation and jiangxi provincial taxation bureau on further standardizing the management of education fee collection and collection" (gan caishui [2022] no. 36).

iv. strengthening the management of fees charged by private schools

private schools should strengthen self-discipline in charging fees, establish and improve financial management, asset management and cost accounting systems in accordance with regulations, consciously implement fee management policies, and reasonably control costs. in addition to tuition, accommodation fees, service fees and agency fees,private primary and secondary schools are not allowed to charge any other fees to students. tuition and accommodation fees are charged on a semester basis and may not be pre-collected across semesters.private primary and secondary schools should use the bills prescribed by the state to collect fees. the fee income must be collected by the school's financial department and all of it should be included in the bank settlement account opened by the school and filed with the education administrative department for unified management and accounting. tuition income is mainly used for educational and teaching activities, improving school conditions and guaranteeing the benefits of faculty and staff, and development funds are drawn in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. for private schools established before november 7, 2016, the fee policy shall be managed as non-profit private schools before the relevant classification registration procedures are completed.

  1. non-profit private schools

(1) non-profit private primary and secondary schools (including private education schools with primary, junior high and general high school qualifications)

the fees charged by non-profit private primary and secondary schools are strictly in accordance with the "notice of the jiangxi provincial development and reform commission and the jiangxi provincial department of education on issuing the <jiangxi private primary and secondary school fee management measures>" (gan development and reform price management regulation [2023] no. 138). tuition and accommodation fees are subject to government guidance price management. non-profit private primary and secondary schools shall determine specific charging standards based on actual conditions within the scope of the approved tuition and accommodation fee standards.

the service fees and agency fees of non-profit private primary and secondary schools shall be implemented in accordance with the "notice of the jiangxi provincial development and reform commission and the jiangxi provincial department of education on issuing the management measures for service fees and agency fees for primary and secondary schools in jiangxi province" (gan fagai jiaguangui [2021] no. 82).

(2) other non-profit private schools

non-profit private schools may charge tuition, accommodation fees, service fees, and collection fees in strict accordance with the "notice on standardizing the fee management of non-profit private schools" (gan jiaogui zi [2021] no. 7) issued by the jiangxi provincial department of education, the jiangxi provincial development and reform commission, and the jiangxi provincial market supervision bureau. private schools that need to add new charging items and increase charging standards, as well as private schools that are formulating charging items and standards for the first time, should follow the fee adjustment procedures before implementation.

  1. for-profit private schools

(1) for-profit private primary and secondary schools

the fees charged by for-profit private primary and secondary schools are strictly in accordance with the "notice of the jiangxi provincial development and reform commission and the jiangxi provincial department of education on issuing the <jiangxi private primary and secondary school fee management measures>" (gan development and reform price management regulations [2023] no. 138). the tuition and accommodation fees of for-profit private general high schools are subject to market-regulated prices, and the charging standards are reasonably formulated by the school based on factors such as school operating costs and market demand.

for-profit private ordinary high schools shall charge service fees and collection fees based on actual expenses.

(2) other types of for-profit private schools

the charging standards of for-profit private schools are subject to market regulation and are determined by the schools themselves. for-profit private schools should also establish a cost accounting system for running schools, and reasonably determine charging items and standards based on factors such as running costs and market demand, in accordance with the principles of fairness, legality and honesty and credit, and taking into account economic and social benefits.

v. further implement the fee disclosure system

all schools at all levels and types in the city must strictly implement the education fee disclosure system, and no fees may be charged without disclosure. schools must indicate the fee items, standards, and the document number for approving fees in the enrollment brochure and admission notice, and publicize the school's fee items, fee standards, fee reduction and exemption policies, complaint telephone numbers, and reporting mailboxes to the public before the start of school by placing notice boards, notice boards, and notice walls in conspicuous locations on campus, actively accept supervision from students, parents, and the public, and enhance the transparency of school fees (the fee disclosure board will use the original notice board made in accordance with regulations after corresponding changes). no fees may be charged if they are not disclosed as required or the disclosure content is inconsistent with policy regulations.

schools in counties (districts) should determine the charging items and standard announcement boards based on local conditions. the charging standards of private schools in the compulsory education stage should be announced together with the per capita public funding subsidies received by the schools.

vi. continue to provide financial assistance to students in financial difficulties in various schools

it is necessary to establish and improve systems such as financial aid for students from economically disadvantaged families. relevant departments and schools of all types should conscientiously implement the relevant national and provincial regulations on financial aid for students with financial difficulties. they should continue to implement financial aid policies and measures including scholarships, reductions and exemptions of tuition and miscellaneous fees for poor students, to ensure that they do not drop out of school due to family financial difficulties.

7. clarify work responsibilities and enforce strict discipline

all counties, districts and schools should conscientiously implement the provisions of the "notice on further improving the management of school fees for the fall semester in our province and comprehensively rectifying illegal school fees" (gan jiao cai zi [2022] no. 11) issued by the jiangxi provincial department of education, jiangxi provincial market supervision administration and jiangxi provincial development and reform commission. the education, development and reform and market supervision departments of all counties and districts should perform the supervision responsibilities of school fee collection in accordance with the principles of "who is in charge is responsible" and "who manages the industry must manage the style of work" according to their respective functions. the school is the responsible entity for charging fees, and the principal is the first person responsible for the management of school fees and bears the main responsibility for the school's fee collection work. "zero tolerance" should be implemented for irregular charging behaviors, and one case should be found and investigated, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "notice on issuing the working opinions on establishing a normal and long-term mechanism for the governance of "three violations" in primary and secondary schools in the province (revised)" (gan jiao ban zi [2021] no. 17) and the "notice on issuing the detailed rules for handling the "three violations" in jiangxi education (trial)" (gan jiao ban zi [2021] no. 18) issued by the jiangxi provincial department of education, serious accountability should be pursued and public notification and exposure should be made. the main responsible persons of schools that still charge fees illegally after the start of the school year will be dismissed first and then dealt with; for those who have caused adverse effects due to illegal charging, "double investigations" will be carried out, and the relevant schools and personnel will be held accountable, as well as the education regulatory departments. with strict determination, iron discipline, hard measures and practical measures, we will ensure that relevant laws and policies are implemented in place.

source: hongguan news
