
helping rural revitalization, the semiconductor career empowerment public welfare training project promotes industry talent training and technological progress


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in august 2024, the graduation ceremony of the third samsung (china) semiconductor career empowerment public welfare training program was held at shaanxi construction technician college. after three months of "empowerment and recharging", the 60 trainees of this training successfully graduated, laying a solid foundation for their future career development. so far, the samsung (china) semiconductor career empowerment public welfare training program has successfully completed three training sessions and trained 210 professional skilled talents for the society.

promote the development of vocational education and help rural revitalization

in 2021, the general office of the cpc central committee and the general office of the state council issued the "opinions on promoting the high-quality development of modern vocational education", pointing out that vocational education is an important part of the national education system and human resources development, and shoulders the important responsibilities of cultivating diverse talents, inheriting technical skills, and promoting employment and entrepreneurship. in order to encourage more young people from rural areas to receive vocational education, the china rural development foundation and samsung (china) semiconductor co., ltd. launched the samsung (china) semiconductor career empowerment public welfare training project to provide professional training and living assistance to students from low-income families. the training is mainly carried out by northwest university and shaanxi construction technician college to integrate and optimize resources. the two parties jointly designed a set of practical, professional and high-application value skill training courses, which combine theory and practice to improve the employability of students and help them obtain better employment options and better economic income.

"it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish." samsung (china) semiconductor career empowerment public welfare training project has been implemented and promoted in shaanxi province. through the smooth implementation of three training sessions, it has played a positive role in alleviating the shortage of secondary piping technical workers in semiconductor chip manufacturing in shaanxi province, and has contributed to deepening the talent training in the semiconductor industry and promoting the development of semiconductor piping industry technology. after graduation, they will deliver applied talents to the semiconductor piping industry through school recommendation, personal recommendation, and self-selection, so that these students from low-income families can obtain better career development and create a better life for themselves and their families.

firm belief, forge ahead

samsung (china) semiconductor career empowerment public welfare training program has undoubtedly had a huge impact on these students from low-income families, which can be seen from the seriousness and hard work they showed during the training process. li hua, a welder student in the first phase, showed extraordinary learning motivation from the beginning of enrollment. he was always the first to arrive at the training workshop and the last to leave the classroom every day. li hua recalled: "i used to do welding, but for various reasons i was unable to continue this job. however, my interest in welding has never diminished." li hua always remembered a sentence from the master who taught him welding: "to do welding well, you can't just rely on a burst of vigor, but also need to be clever." argon arc welding is a welding technology that uses argon as a shielding gas. the operation of argon arc welding requires a high degree of coordination between the hands. it requires uninterrupted close coordination between the left and right hands to meet the welding requirements. in this regard, the teacher taught a method called crank welding during the training, so li hua found a steel plate and drew two straight lines on the steel plate, and practiced the cranking technique without arcing. after a day, a big blood blister was rubbed at the base of the right hand. it was with this tenacity and hard-working spirit that li hua mastered the argon arc welding technology through diligent practice, taking a big step forward on the road of welding.

the training also provided the trainees with a different perspective from before, allowing them to understand the importance of adapting to changes and maintaining an open and innovative spirit. wang li, a second-term trainee, was a "layman" in the semiconductor industry before the training. the training gave him an opportunity to open the veil of mystery of the semiconductor industry. from knowing nothing at the beginning to knowing a little bit, wang li deeply felt his own growth. during the period of training in school, he always took the initiative to find teachers for advice and exchanges, gained a lot of new ideas and knowledge, and had a deeper understanding and knowledge of products and process flows in the semiconductor field. he said: "this training not only allowed me to master the process and technology of semiconductor manufacturing, but also made me realize the importance of adapting to changes in the industry. the semiconductor industry is diverse and changeable, and this training provides a platform to help me understand and adapt to changes in the industry. this will have a profound impact on my career development."

the careful guidance of the project teachers also had a great impact on the trainees, and the trainee chen dong was deeply touched by this. when he first started learning how to cut pipe fittings, chen dong always processed the pipe mouth irregularly and unevenly. his teacher, mr. ou from shaanxi construction college, always guided chen dong to keep improving and practicing like an elder educating a younger generation. chen dong was deeply moved by the kind and serious mr. ou. under the strict requirements of the teacher, he continued to train and his practical skills continued to improve, from unfamiliar to proficient, and his skills were eventually praised by a group of teachers. he said: "the training allowed me to learn a lot from the training teachers. they also taught me a lot of professional knowledge, experience and methods in construction, which benefited me a lot."

mutual assistance is an important part of what the trainees learned besides knowledge. liu bing, a trainee of the first training class, entered the company for 18 months of practical training after the course was successfully completed, and was retained by the company after passing the assessment. "after two years of training, my income has been greatly improved. not only is the income good, but i can also have two days off a week. thanks to this free public welfare project, i can achieve employment and increase my income and have a decent job." liu bing said.

the future is promising, let’s work together

one of the key factors that currently lags behind the international semiconductor chip industry is the relatively weak talent pool and training. industry-education integration and school-enterprise cooperation are key to breaking the bottleneck of high-quality development of the semiconductor chip industry talent team. li kang, vice president of shaanxi construction technician college, said: "the samsung (china) semiconductor career empowerment public welfare training project is a close cooperation among social welfare organizations, foreign-funded enterprises and universities to integrate industry and education and jointly cultivate excellence. it has explored and innovated new ideas for semiconductor skilled talent training."

ding yadong, deputy secretary-general of the china rural development foundation, emphasized: "to achieve rural revitalization, talent cultivation is the key, especially cultivating more high-quality technical and skilled personnel. providing vocational education and training to rural areas and providing technical empowerment opportunities for low-income groups are important ways to help rural revitalization."

the successful completion of the third phase of samsung (china) semiconductor career empowerment public welfare training program marks that a public welfare project with broad social influence has yielded fruitful results. in the future, the china rural development foundation will continue to work with samsung (china) semiconductor to commit to public welfare, help rural revitalization in china, and promote talent training and technological progress in the semiconductor industry.