
jiujiu charity festival's ai gift package helps charity organizations raise funds more efficiently and transparently


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how can a charity organization quickly design an attractive electronic poster? how can an electronic questionnaire be generated in one second? how can a massive amount of data from a fundraising project be quickly converted into a clear display chart? how can qualified volunteers be recruited in a short period of time?

on august 29, tencent technology charity team, together with 50 charity hub organizations, held an ai jiujiu (love jiujiu) themed open day in shanghai. it is reported that during this year's jiujiu charity festival, tencent technology charity digital toolbox will launch the ai ​​jiujiu tool combination, including digital tools such as tencent hunyuan, tencent documents, tencent questionnaire, tencent cloud zhihui, tencent cloud bi, tencent electronic signature, canva, and lingxi, to provide digital support for organizations to raise funds and various activities during the jiujiu charity festival.

tencent technology public welfare digital toolbox was launched on september 1, 2022. in the two years since its launch, a total of 60 digital tools have been included for organizations to apply for funding. so far, nearly 1,000 public welfare organizations have successfully applied for more than 2,500 public welfare rights, with an average of 2.6 rights funded per organization, with a funding market value of more than 12 million yuan.

li zhe, vice president of tencent ssv sustainable social value division and head of technology ecology department, said that from providing funding for products and services to organizations with ecosystem partners, to exploring the integration of product capabilities with ecosystem partners, to providing technical support services to charitable organizations at this year's jiujiu charity festival, the digital toolbox has been growing together with charitable organizations. with funding as the model and sustainability as the positioning, the digital toolbox continues to help the development of the digital capabilities of the charity industry.

this year, "jiujiu" ai-equipped tools help institutions become more efficient and transparent

fundraising is an important part of public welfare organizations. the promotion of fundraising activities requires the production of various materials. what tools can help to complete posters and brochures with high quality? in terms of volunteer management and multi-project management, how can fundraising activities use new technologies to raise more resources and support?

during this year's jiujiu charity festival, the digital toolbox launched a new zone - the ai ​​jiujiu tool portfolio, which includes a variety of digital rights such as cloud resources and office collaboration software. it covers the functional modules required for charity organizations to raise funds during the jiujiu charity festival and a series of functions centered on ai applications.

these tools include digital toolbox partners including tencent hunyuan, tencent docs, tencent questionnaire, tencent cloud zhihui, tencent cloud bi, tencent electronic signature, canva, and lingxi. they jointly provide support for fundraising and various activities of various organizations during the jiujiu charity festival, helping charity organizations to open up the "last mile" of digital transformation and upgrading, and also helping organizations to operate more efficiently and transparently. for example, tencent docs, the ai ​​smart assistant "helps me do it", just a matter of one sentence, completes document creation, content processing, data statistics and other tasks for charity organizations. tencent cloud zhihui and canva, with simple clicks and ai assistance, can design a refreshing "jiujiu poster".

at the same time, for some public welfare organizations, there are also barriers to using the tools. what if you have the tools but don’t know how to use them?

taking this demand into consideration, during this year's jiujiu charity festival, the digital toolbox initiated the second phase of the technology developer alliance, inviting 19 outstanding digital service providers to become delivery partners. based on the needs of charitable organizations, they provided them with technical support and other services, and officially started the combination of products and technical services to help charitable organizations better implement digital charity scenarios.

from equity funding to continuous iteration and upgrading of technical services

data shows that many non-profit organizations are not very good at digitalization. talent, funding, and products are all bottlenecks in digital development. large organizations are not making enough efforts, and small organizations have difficulty getting started. secondly, the digital applications of existing non-profit organizations are mainly concentrated in administrative management, project communication, and internet fundraising, while the personalized needs of mature public welfare projects are difficult to meet and there is a large functional gap.

song weiping, director of the pudong new area social organization development guidance center and deputy secretary of the pudong new area social organization comprehensive party committee, attended the event and delivered a speech.

in september 2022, tencent foundation and npi foundation jointly launched the digital toolbox project. the project uses the tencent technology public welfare platform as a unified application portal, and is open to free applications from social groups, social service agencies, foundations and other public welfare organizations that are legally registered or registered in mainland china. by providing funding, it solves the "entry-on-road" problem of public welfare organizations and helps public welfare organizations to open up the "last mile" of digital transformation and upgrading.

when the 1.0 version of the digital toolbox was released, the tencent technology public welfare team started from the daily operation of public welfare organizations, public welfare project operations, skills training, etc., aggregated the public welfare rights of tencent's multiple products and services such as tencent cloud, tencent conference, tencent e-signature, and tencent cloud enterprise network disk, and opened them to public welfare organizations for application. during the "520" period in 2023, the industry ecosystem partners jointly launched a digital service area focusing on the products and services of industry partners in the public welfare field.

in september 2023, the digital toolbox digital service zone will usher in version 2.0, and will work with tencent qianfan and npi foundation to expand the digital toolbox's support scenarios for public welfare digitalization with partners. this time, digital scenario application tools such as enterprise-level live broadcast, recruitment and personnel, finance and taxation, office integration, creative design, and digital humans will be introduced.

in january this year, the digital toolbox provided authorized jump services for certified charitable organizations on the tencent charity organization service platform, enabling certification-free application services and further simplifying the certification application process for charitable organizations. during this jiujiu charity festival, the funding form combining products, technical human resources services will be further enriched and improved.

over 2,500 rights applications from thousands of institutions in the past two years

in the two years since its launch, the digital toolbox has continuously helped public welfare organizations. since 2022, nearly 60 digital tools adapted to public welfare scenarios have been introduced to help public welfare organizations use the "cloud" and "data". in the past two years, more than 1,000 public welfare organizations have applied for more than 2,500 free rights, with a market price of more than 12 million yuan. statistics show that the products applied for by institutions are concentrated in tencent conference, public welfare volunteer platform, tencent documents, tencent cloud, tencent questionnaire and other products.

these tools have improved the efficiency of daily operations and maintenance for public welfare organizations. for example, the blue sky rescue team is a private public welfare rescue team. the team members usually have formal jobs and only assemble for emergency rescue when they receive rescue information. through tencent lexiang, they manage personnel and teams, organize professional training, and publish activity tasks, effectively improving the public welfare rescue capabilities. the chengdu municipal spiritual civilization office uses wechat for business to build a civilized xingrong platform, connecting 2.8 million volunteers and solving the management problems of volunteers across the city. through the operation of wechat for business residents, it also enhances the enthusiasm of chengdu citizens to participate in volunteer services and realizes the continuous transformation of residents into volunteers. mantianxing charity uses tencent conference to empower more than 2,700 teachers through online reading classes, reading teacher training, online book clubs and other activities to improve their reading guidance and leadership capabilities.

li zhe said that in the past two years, the digital toolbox has continuously assisted public welfare organizations, provided effective support for the diversified needs of digital development in the public welfare field, activated the needs of public welfare organizations for digital advancement, and created an ecological system for both the supply and demand sides of technology public welfare. in the future, the digital toolbox will continue to play the role of universal benefit and companionship, and continue to explore more product and technical service capabilities in combination with the development of technology, so as to provide continuous and effective support for the digital development of public welfare and even the field of social value.