
a village in guangxi has been flooded for 4 months, and people have to rely on homemade bamboo rafts to travel.


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recently, villagers in liu'an village, xincheng, guangxi reported that the village has been flooded for four months and they have to rely on homemade bamboo rafts to travel, which has aroused concern.

on august 28, the xincheng government website released a report stating that the local rainfall during the same period was nearly double that of last year, and the geological conditions were special, the water continued to rise, and the drainage effect in the early stage was not obvious. the local government continued to organize to ensure the production and life of the people, such as electricity, water, and transportation. in addition, the local government is preparing to speed up the excavation of the tunnel, open the tunnel for drainage, and permanently solve the waterlogging problem in the village.

image source: cctv news

the full text of the notice is as follows:

since april 2024, datang town, xincheng county has been affected by continuous heavy rainfall. according to the statistics of xincheng datang national meteorological observation station, the cumulative rainfall in datang town from april 1 to august 27, 2024 was 1422.0 mm, which was 90% higher than the same period last year (741.3 mm). the liuyi village group in datang town, xincheng county, located on the side of provincial road s305, and the nearby group 2 and group 3 village groups were located in a karst depression and had poor drainage, resulting in waterlogging. according to statistics, there are 149 households and 482 people in lu'an village, with 74 households and 180 people actually living there. 44 households and 73 houses were flooded in this waterlogging, and the flooded area reached 450 mu, of which 190.55 mu of crops were affected.

since the disaster occurred, the xincheng county party committee and the county government have attached great importance to it, and all levels and departments have responded quickly, evacuating the affected people as soon as possible, and continuously and orderly carrying out the response and disposal of the waterlogging disaster through measures such as pumping out water, repairing emergency passages, arranging speedboats to ensure temporary traffic, and providing temporary relief to the people, ensuring the safety of people's lives and property and the orderly operation of production and living order. at present, no one has been injured or killed in the disaster, and they have been properly resettled.

liu'an village is surrounded by mountains and is located in a karst depression. the accumulated water from heavy rainfall has been discharged from a cave in the northeast corner of the village. the heavy rainfall on april 25 this year and the continuous "dragon boat water" on june 18, as well as the accumulated rainwater in the surrounding area, lasted longer and had a larger rainfall than in previous years. in addition, the geological changes in the xiaoshui cave this year caused internal blockage and the special geographical location surrounded by mountains. the long-term accumulated rainwater could not be discharged, resulting in a long period of waterlogging. since the disaster, xincheng county has ensured the people's electricity supply by installing temporary transformers, increasing and changing the power supply line plan; dispatched and connected the water source pipeline near taotun to meet the people's domestic water needs; promptly repaired a temporary road of about 100 meters to ensure the people's travel; actively coordinated to solve the traffic interruption problem of the lu'an section of the provincial road s305 line to keep the national road unobstructed; promptly distributed charity relief funds and emergency living subsidies to the affected people, actively solved the problems of the affected people's medical treatment and schooling, and ensured the basic life of the affected people.

in order to solve the problem of waterlogging at its root, the autonomous region water resources department coordinated with the designers of the guangxi water resources survey and design institute to conduct an in-depth survey of the waterlogging site and designed a drainage implementation plan. the original plan was to dredge the underground drainage caves, but due to the complex underground geological conditions and continuous water replenishment from rainfall, the original construction plan could not be implemented. the construction plan was adjusted in early july, and a tunnel was excavated from the other end of the mountain for drainage. once the disaster situation stabilized and the construction conditions were met, construction began immediately.

in the next step, xincheng county will continue to ensure the production and living security of the affected people, strengthen pumping and drainage work, strive to lower the water level as soon as possible and reduce the losses of the people; at the same time, accelerate the tunnel excavation project to permanently solve the waterlogging problem in the village.

video screenshot. source: beijing news we video

on august 28, a villager from liu'an village, datang town, xincheng county told jiupai news that some buildings were flooded to the second floor, and some buildings even cracked due to being soaked in water for a long time.

he said that people from other groups in the village were transferred to nursing homes, while some went to live with relatives and friends. however, he and his family still stayed in the village, and because other rooms were flooded, the whole family squeezed into the bedroom to rest.

"the water hasn't receded for four months. now we basically rely on homemade bamboo rafts to travel, and the government also sends boats to pick us up," said fang hua (pseudonym), a villager from liu'an village, datang town, xincheng county. he said that the village was also affected by continuous heavy rainfall in the past, but it would not form waterlogging for such a long time. "i don't understand why the water won't recede this year."

according to his recollection, the flood started from the rice fields in group 1. with intermittent rain, the water piled up higher and higher until it submerged some floors of the house. "the water reached the second floor of the building at the highest. for those on higher ground, the water flooded the first floor." he said that after being soaked in water for a long time, some buildings have cracked and it is uncertain whether they can be lived in in the future.

he said that the water in the pipes was not polluted and could be used normally, but there was no gas at home and they had to cook with firewood. in addition to affecting the villagers' travel and life, the flooding also caused certain economic losses. "the crops in the farmland and the livestock in the pen were all flooded." he said that the villagers had no means of living. those with financial difficulties borrowed money from relatives, and those with better family conditions lived on their previous savings.

fang hua said that the provincial roads have been restored to normal traffic in the past few days, and motorcycles and other small vehicles can pass through.

according to the beijing news, a staff member of the xincheng county transportation bureau responded that many roads passing through liu'an were flooded and the flooded roads have been filled. the reporter learned from the xincheng county water conservancy bureau that the initial investigation showed that the underground river was blocked, and the drainage was blocked, which caused the flooding in liu'an village. the drainage project is being tendered, and the drainage work will be gradually carried out after the bidding is completed.