
Beijing Xiannongtan Sports and Technical School is openly recruiting athletes in 2024


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Beijing Xiannongtan Sports and Technology School is a public welfare first-class financially subsidized institution directly under the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau. Its main responsibilities are to train and deliver high-level competitive sports reserve talents for Beijing and the country, and to complete major competitive sports competitions at home and abroad. The unit is located at No. 11 Xiannongtan Street, Xicheng District, Beijing. The internal organization of our school is set up as 4 rooms, 10 departments, 3 centers, and 9 sports teams. The number of staff is 640, and the actual number of staff in our school is 527. According to the spirit of the "Implementation Measures for the Open Recruitment of Staff in Beijing Institutions" (Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Special Technology Development [2010] No. 102) and other documents, combined with job requirements, we are now openly recruiting athletes for fresh graduates, and the relevant matters are announced as follows.
one,Recruitment positions
(1) 1 table tennis player (athlete position)
(ii) 1 female football player (athlete post)
II. Recruitment conditions
1. Basic conditions
1. Abide by the Constitution and laws and have good conduct;
2. Be in good health and meet the health examination standards for civil servant recruitment;
3. Requirements for fresh graduates: fresh graduates from ordinary colleges and universities that are included in the national unified enrollment plan (excluding targeted and commissioned training); non-Beijing-born graduates must comply with the "Beijing Regulations on the Management of Introduced Graduates";
4. Comply with the relevant provisions of the avoidance system and meet other requirements of the position;
5. Applicants who meet any of the following conditions are not allowed to apply:
(1) Those who have been punished for a crime or dismissed from public office;
(2) Those who have received a serious warning within the Party or a serious administrative warning or above;
(3) The case is under investigation;
(4) Those who have been found to have cheated in previous public recruitment and civil service examinations at all levels;
(5) Other circumstances where the law stipulates that a person may not be recruited to work in a public institution.
(II) Job Requirements
For detailed job requirements, please refer to the "Beijing Xiannongtan Sports and Technology School 2024 Open Recruitment Staff Job Requirements Table" (Appendix 1)
III. Recruitment Procedure
1. Registration and Qualification Review
The application process is on-site registration and preliminary review and confirmation. Each candidate is limited to applying for one position.
1. Registration time: September 5, 2024, 09:30 to 11:30 in the morning, 14:30 to 17:00 in the afternoon.
2. Registration location: Meeting Room 4, 2nd Floor, East Gate, Building 2, Xiannongtan Stadium, Xicheng District, Beijing.
3. Materials required for registration:
(1) One copy of your resume;
(2) One copy of "Beijing Xiannongtan Sports and Technical School 2024 Open Recruitment Application Form" (Attachment 2; printed on both sides)
(3) Original ID card and one copy (front and back on the same page)
(4) The original and a copy of the household registration booklet (the first page and the personal page should be on the same page)
(5) Two bareheaded 2-inch color photos of the applicant;
(6) Original and one copy of academic degree certificates. Fresh graduates are required to provide the original and one copy of the transcript and employment recommendation form with the official seal of the relevant department of the school;
(7) Original and one copy of the relevant grade and qualification certification materials required for the position applied for;
(8) Bring along a certificate of no criminal record issued by the public security bureau of the place where your residence is registered within one week before registration (you can check it using the QR code).
2. Examination Method
The comprehensive score will be determined by a special ability test. The time and location will be notified separately. The full score of the special ability test is 100 points, and the passing score is 60 points. Those who do not reach the passing score will not be included in the assessment. The entire special ability test will be recorded.
3. Announcement of comprehensive results
Within 3 working days after the completion of the special ability test, the comprehensive scores will be announced on the websites of our unit and the Municipal Sports Bureau. For each recruitment position, the candidates who have passed the comprehensive score will be determined according to the ranking order of the comprehensive score in a 1:1 ratio. If the applicant has any objection to the published comprehensive score and test ranking, he/she should apply to our unit for a review within 3 days of the score announcement. The scope of the review includes score omissions, wrong scores, input errors, ranking errors, etc.
4. Physical Examination
The time of the physical examination will be notified separately. The physical examination standards shall refer to the "General Standards for Physical Examination for Civil Servant Recruitment (Trial)". Those who do not participate in the physical examination or fail the physical examination will not be hired, and will be replaced in order from high to low based on the comprehensive scores. The relevant expenses involved in the physical examination shall be borne by the applicants themselves.
(V) Investigation
The recruiting unit will visit the applicant's unit to conduct an investigation, verify his/her experience and academic qualifications, and understand his/her ideological and political performance, moral character, professional ability, work performance, etc.
(VI) Public Notice and Approval
1. According to the results of special ability tests, physical examinations and inspections, the candidates to be hired will be determined and the list of candidates to be hired will be announced on the official website of the Beijing Sports Bureau for 7 working days. Once the announcement begins, if there are vacancies in the recruitment positions, they will not be postponed. If there are no objections after the announcement, our unit will submit the relevant materials to the Municipal Sports Bureau and the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for approval, employment and filing procedures. After approval, our unit will sign an employment contract with the applicant.
2. Applicants should cooperate to complete the physical examination, investigation and employment within 30 days according to the time limit and requirements stipulated by our unit. If they fail to complete the work within the stipulated time limit and requirements, their employment qualification will be cancelled.
(VII) Our unit signs an employment contract with the employed personnel and implements a probationary period. The probationary period is implemented in accordance with the relevant policies of the Beijing employment contract system. Those who pass the assessment at the end of the probationary period will be converted to regular employees and continue to be employed. The salary, welfare and other benefits of the employed personnel will be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state and Beijing’s public institutions. Those who fail the probationary period assessment will be disqualified from employment, and their files will be transferred to a talent service agency to find a job on their own.
IV. Matters to be clarified
(I) From the qualification review to the end of the recruitment process, applicants should ensure that their contact information is correct and accessible. If the applicant cannot be notified due to poor contact, the applicant will be responsible for the consequences.
(II) After the announcement of the candidates for employment and no objection is raised, the candidates for employment must assist our unit in handling the administrative transfer procedures.
5. Contact Information
Contact: Yang Rui, Zhang Liting
Contact number: (010) 63032987
Beijing Xiannongtan Sports and Technology School
August 26, 2024
1. Beijing Xiannongtan Sports and Technology School 2024 Open Recruitment Staff Position Requirements
2. Application Form for 2024 Open Recruitment of Xiannongtan Sports School