
County Governor's Wine Party


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The county was going to launch an industrial project and had invited experts from the province and city to help with preparations before the application and evaluation.

Since most of the guests were great scholars, they had to be entertained. However, the superiors had stipulated that they were not allowed to eat or drink excessively, so the banquet was arranged in the canteen of the county government. County Magistrate Lin and Deputy County Magistrate Du, who was in charge of industry, accompanied them.

The guests arrived as scheduled. After three rounds of drinks, the scene seemed a little deserted. Deputy County Magistrate Du snatched the bottle from the waiter and filled the glasses one by one, saying, "I'll tell you a joke. The joke contains a riddle. Whoever reveals the answer will drink the glass. But if no one can guess it, we will all have to have fun together." Deputy County Magistrate Du is a master of jokes. He not only collects a wide range of jokes, but also writes them himself. He also has a talent for performance. Any joke, after he exaggerates it, has a different flavor.

That day, the jokes he told were both vegetarian and vulgar, and the atmosphere at the table was immediately aroused. After a glass of wine, a professor of ecological environmental protection at Northern University asked the waiter to bring five wine glasses and fill each with white wine, saying that the five glasses together would not be less than one glass from County Magistrate Du. I will go outside and ask you to touch any glass. I will come back and drink all five glasses if I guess wrong. If I guess right, then whoever touched the glass will drink it. This is a novel way to play. Deputy County Magistrate Du immediately said, "Okay, please leave the table, professor. I will make sure you finish this glass, otherwise I will lose a lot of money!"

Everyone laughed, and the professor stood up. At that moment, Deputy County Magistrate Du shook the fourth cup, and before the professor could reach the door, he had already pulled him back. The professor smelled the five cups one by one, and without hesitation put the fourth cup aside. Everyone looked at each other in astonishment. Everyone watched Deputy County Magistrate Du move the cup when the professor turned around. If he could see it, he would have to have eyes on the back of his head.

Some of the guests were not convinced and tried again, emphasizing that the professor must go outside this time. The professor won again and pointed his sword at County Magistrate Lin, saying that officials should not just watch the fun, how about you give it a try? County Magistrate Lin hesitated a little and said, okay, let's try, at most we'll get drunk. As before, the professor poured the wine and turned around again. This game has been played again and again, and this time the head of the county who hosted the game personally took up the challenge, so the atmosphere was naturally unprecedentedly warm. The professor tried again and hit the target with one arrow again. County Magistrate Lin did not hesitate and picked up the full wine glass. Deputy County Magistrate Du hurriedly stopped him, saying that County Magistrate Lin had "three highs" and the doctor had repeatedly advised him to strictly prohibit drinking. How about I drink this glass for County Magistrate Lin? The professor smiled and said that it is our common responsibility to care for the leaders, and I didn't know that County Magistrate Lin was ill, and it was my offense. But I also know that there is a joke in society that says you must be careful about those who tell jokes at the wine table. As soon as this was said, the whole room laughed. The professor added, if we talk about the "three highs", who at this table doesn't have highs? Even if County Magistrate Lin can't drink it all in one gulp, it's still appropriate to give it a lick of emotion. Upon hearing this, County Magistrate Lin really brought the wine glass to his lips, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Brother Professor, you don't have to provoke me. It is an honor for our remote county to invite all the experts to come here in their busy schedule. It's just a glass of light wine. Everyone in the world knows that the key is to lick it. As soon as the words fell, County Magistrate Lin tilted his head back and drank the glass of wine in one gulp without any ambiguity. Amid the cheers of the crowd, Deputy County Magistrate Du glared at the waitress fiercely, and the girl blushed and quietly withdrew.

One day after the incident, Deputy County Chief Du went to report to County Chief Lin. The experts were very satisfied with the county's preparations for the application and put forward some valuable suggestions. After the big event, Deputy County Chief Du saw that County Chief Lin was happy, so he talked about the incident at the wine table that day. The experts kept thinking about the joke at the wine table that day and forced the professor to explain the trick behind the magic. The professor was forced to reveal the answer until he got on the highway.

County Magistrate, guess who helped him do this? County Magistrate Lin asked with a smile, it couldn't be you, right? Deputy County Magistrate Du shook his head and laughed, saying that it was so unfair, if I had participated in the trick, I would have dared to let you drink such a large cup. I didn't know that my sister-in-law's prohibition on you was a hundred times stricter than the doctors. County Magistrate Lin asked, who was that? Deputy County Magistrate Du said, it was really unexpected, it was the waiter in our office cafeteria. Before entering the restaurant, the professor had prepared that there might be people competing in drinking at the table, so he told the little girl in advance that if I perform later, you must help me. It's not a difficult move. Whoever moves the first cup, you just have to wink at me secretly. You see, it turns out to be so simple. County Magistrate Lin said that in fact, the magic on the stage is very simple. The key is whether it can make people unexpected and unpredictable.

Deputy County Magistrate Du thought for a moment and said, "But I think that little girl needs to be transferred to another position. She is just a temporary worker. How can she be confused about who is the host and who is the guest, and secretly help outsiders to do bad things?" County Magistrate Lin shook his head with disdain and said, "It was just a joke. Why did you use the word 'do bad things'? I think that child is good. She is tactful and thoughtful. If you have a chance one day, you can say hello to the canteen director and ask him to give this child more opportunities to exercise in the future." Deputy County Magistrate Du was stunned and said hurriedly, "She needs to exercise more." The county magistrate is really magnanimous. He is very generous.

Deputy County Magistrate Du left, and County Magistrate Lin shook his head and chuckled. In fact, he had already figured out the secret the moment the wine glass touched his lips that day. The full glass was actually full of water. Who knows when the waiter was replaced?