
"Small Post Station" releases "big energy" of grassroots governance


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (Reporter Liu Meijun) Recently, a "Star Station" quietly appeared in the northeast corner of Building 9, Yard 4, Mingdeyuan Community, Dougezhuang District, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Since the establishment of this station, drivers can not only charge their cars quickly and efficiently, but also refuel and "charge" themselves at the station. Although the "station" is small, it has "all the necessary facilities". It not only has a tea room, toilet, book reading area, smoking area and shopping area, but also has a dedicated person to manage and operate it 24 hours a day, providing a warm and sheltered resting place for drivers, riders, couriers, sanitation workers and even nearby residents free of charge.
Previously, Mingdeyuan Community received feedback from residents that the charging noise of large vehicles at night in the parking lot on the north side of the community was "loud", which seriously disturbed the residents. The noise reported by residents mainly included two aspects: one was the noise generated by the charging equipment, and the other was the sound of drivers chatting together. If the charging piles were directly removed, although the noise problem could be solved, drivers would have no place to charge, which would also cause new problems.
After understanding and clarifying the needs of all parties, Mingdeyuan Community has organized several meetings of the Party Building Coordination Committee, inviting relevant member units to jointly discuss the noise nuisance and tram charging issues and formulate solutions. After discussion, the Beijing Chaoshang Commercial Party Branch, a member unit of the Party Building Coordination Committee, invested in a new upgrade of the parking lot and charging equipment, and the "Xingxing Charging Service Station" came into being.
The renovated equipment is a low-noise facility, and a soundproof cover is installed on this basis. The on-site sound absorption rate can reach 80%, which solves the noise problem generated by the charging equipment to a certain extent. According to reports, before the upgrade, the parking lot only had 9 old-style one-to-two dual-gun 120KW fast chargers, a total of 18 guns, and a maximum output power of 120kw per gun; after the upgrade, the parking lot has 2 groups of one-to-14, a total of 28 guns, and a maximum output power of 250KW per gun. In terms of quantity and efficiency, the construction level of regional charging facilities and charging service levels have been greatly improved.
At the same time, the community also jointly created the "Xingxing Station" with the Beijing Chaoshang Commercial Party Branch, a party-building micro-base, and set up supporting facilities such as rest stations to facilitate couriers, truck drivers and other two enterprises and three new practitioners to get better rest and services.
Currently, the "Xingxing Charging Service Station" serves about 500 vehicles and more than 1,100 personnel per day.
The "Xingxing Charging Service Station" is a specific practical exploration in which the region fully utilizes the working mechanism of the Party Building Coordination Committee, integrates multiple resources and forces, promotes multi-party participation and diversified governance, coordinates the interests of all parties, and effectively solves the demands of the people.
It is reported that in recent years, the Dougezhuang District Working Committee has closely followed the requirements of the Central Committee and the Municipal and District Committees, and in accordance with the construction goals of "Five-friendly" Chaoyang (suitable for living, working, business, study and tourism), completed the rural urbanization process with high quality under the coordination mechanism of party building work.
This year, in order to further promote the work of "Bean Network Refined Governance" led by party building, the entire area was divided into 16 main networks and 137 sub-networks, and the surrounding businesses and enterprises were grouped into functional grids to unify the "big community management". All staff from various departments and offices were transferred to "small and micro grids", which not only facilitated the rapid resolution of residents' demands, but also facilitated the connection and contact needs of surrounding enterprises and units.
Relevant person in charge of Dougezhuang District said that in the face of the new challenges of refined requirements for urban community governance in the new era and the growing diversified and personalized livelihood demands of the masses, Dougezhuang District, relying on the Party Building Coordination Committee, has successfully brought together the forces of the government, enterprises, social organizations and two new groups, actively built a diversified platform, and further created "Douwang Jingzhi", a new brand of grid governance led by party building, encouraging and guiding various forces to speak out for regional development and integrate their wisdom and strength into all aspects of grid refined governance. Deeply integrate party building work into every "nerve ending" of social governance. The renovation project of this community is a vivid practice of high-efficiency governance and high-quality resolution of livelihood demands. Not only has it completed the precise docking and rapid response to people's livelihood needs, but it has also taken into account the interests of residents, two new groups and other parties.
When talking about future work, the person in charge said that they will continue to explore new paths and methods for party building to lead social governance, build a social governance community with government guidance, social coordination, public participation, and legal protection, and inject new impetus into the harmonious stability and prosperous development of the region. Let the people have more sense of gain, happiness and security in the process of high-quality urbanization.