
Graphics expert Tong Xin joins AGI startup team, former B station live broadcast boss also joins


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After Tong Lao came down from Tianshan Mountain, a new trend was determined.

Tong Xin, former Microsoft global research partner and graphics expert, has been revealed to haveJoined AGI startup team as chief researcher

A month ago, he just ended his 25-year research career at Microsoft Research Asia, and now he is embarking on a new journey with his sights on AGI.

The company he joinedAnuttacon, Wang Yuyang, former vice president of Bilibili and the boss of live streaming, is also here, serving as president of user ecology.

Currently, Tonglao Google Scholar has shownAnuttacon Research Manager

Let’s see what company he joined.

Tong Xin joins Anuttacon: Using AGI to break the boundaries of interactive entertainment

Anuttacon, a newly established AGI startup.

With an office in Singapore, we are now primarily hiring in the San Francisco Bay Area and have an office in Santa Clara.

On his LinkedIn homepage, Anuttacon outlined his team’s goals. To put it simply, the following are what he needs to do:

Exploring the boundaries of AGI

Its official website further explains how to explore the boundaries of AGI:

Harness the full potential of AI technology to create new, innovative, intelligent, and deeply engaging virtual world experiences and AGI products.

By unlocking the benefits of AGI, we believe the gaming industry has the potential to create unique, immersive experiences for players never before seen.

…dedicated to artificial intelligence research and products aimed at pushing the boundaries of interactive entertainment.

Okay, now we can focus on the key points——

AI, AGI, virtual world, gaming industry, interactive entertainment

I believe that after reading this, everyone has an idea of ​​the general direction that Tong Lao wants to take in her entrepreneurship.

Having said that, to be honest, Anuttacon is the name of a startup team that we have never paid attention to before (or even an English word that we have never paid attention to?).

The team doesn’t seem to be very large. On LinkedIn, there are only 6 people associated with this company.

However, among the graduate schools of these six people, there are Tsinghua University, Anhui University, Wuhan University and Zhejiang University.

Following the clues, we found the former vice president of Bilibili at Anuttacon.

Wang Yuyang, Anuttacon is currently the President of User Ecosystem. He joined in June this year and is now working on-site in Singapore.

He worked at Bilibili for 3 years and 10 months. Before leaving, he was the vice president of Bilibili and the leader of its live streaming business. He was known by the outside world as "Bilibili's youngest post-90s executive."

In early January this year, news came out that Wang Yuyang had resigned on December 29, 2023.

Screenshots circulating online show that Wang Yuyang posted on WeChat Moments: "I graduated from A B University and chose to arrive at the station on the last working day of 23 years. I have had a very happy 1,384 days."

Wang Yuyang was born in 1992 and is an e-sports enthusiast.

A veteran DOTA 2 player, he competed in competitions as a student, and his career path after entering the workplace also revolves around e-sports.

Before joining Bilibili, he was the founder and CEO of e-sports live streaming brokerage service provider Daye Culture.

In 2020, Wang Yuyang joined Bilibili and was responsible for managing the live broadcast center of Bilibili's main site.In other words, Wang Yuyang is the live streaming pioneer introduced by Bilibili.

After the adjustment in July 2022, Wang Yuyang also served as the head of the main station operation center.

In November last year, Bilibili completed another round of personnel changes. Wang Yuyang was promoted from "in charge of both the main website and live broadcast operations" to "in charge of both the main website and live broadcast operations".Focus on live streaming business

Now, Wang Yuyang’s LinkedIn profile has been updated and branded with Anuttacon.

Last month, Tong Xin just left Microsoft

Before this, Tong Xin had just ended his career at Microsoft Research Asia.

In Microsoft's official introduction, Tong Xin's title isMicrosoft Research Partner, Head of Network Graphics Group

He has served as an editorial board member of Computer Graphics Forum, IEEE TVCG, ACM TOG, and a member of the paper committee of the top graphics conferences ACM SIGGRAPH and ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA.

Currently, he has published more than 150 papers in top conferences and journals in computer graphics and computer vision, including more than 60 papers in (ACM TOG/SIGGRAPH).

This farewell to Microsoft Research Asia is also Tong Xin’s first job change. He joined Microsoft Research Asia after graduating with a doctorate and has been there for 25 years.

In 1989, he enteredZhejiang UniversityI started studying computer science and began my research journey in graphics at Zhejiang University.

After graduating from Zhejiang University with a master's degree, I enteredPhD candidate at Tsinghua University, engaged in volume rendering and visualization related research.

During his doctoral studies, he also worked as a research assistant at the University of Hong Kong, participating in medical visualization projects.

In 1999, Tong Xin graduated with a Ph.D. from Tsinghua University.Started my first formal job and joined Microsoft Research Asia, which had just been established for half a year.--That year, Kai-Fu Lee led the team, and Zhang Yaqin, Zhang Hongjiang, and Shen Xiangyang gathered together to truly create a new era of science and technology. No one expected that Microsoft Research Asia would become the most watched industry research institution of Microsoft and even the world, and no one expected that it would become the Whampoa Military Academy that cannot be avoided in the process of China's science and technology Internet and AI.

Tong Xin isThe first batch of doctoral graduates joined Microsoft Research Asia, and then participated in rewriting an era.

While at Microsoft Research Asia, he led a research team to invent and develop new graphics algorithms and systems for geometric modeling, facial expression capture, 3D printing, appearance modeling, and GPU virtualization.

Related technologies have been used in actual products, including XBOX game development API, the next generation of XBOX compatible software, Windows 3D printing driver, and Direct3D graphics development toolkit.

Google Scholar shows that related research has been cited more than 14,000 times.

Okay, now let’s look forward to Tong Lao embarking on a new journey.