
Reading end | The documentary "Scientific Giant Shen Kuo" started shooting Zhou Guohui: A deep look back and tribute to China's long scientific and technological civilization


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Dong Jie, editor of Chao News Client

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This episode's guest isZhou Guohui, Vice Chairman of the 12th Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference。 

Photo provided by the organizer at the opening ceremony

On August 24, the opening ceremony of the documentary "Scientific Giant Shen Kuo" was held in Hangzhou, hosted by the Zhejiang Science Popularization Federation and the Yuhang District CPPCC of Hangzhou and organized by the Overseas Center (International Channel) of Zhejiang Radio and Television Group.

The crew said that 2025 is the 930th anniversary of Shen Kuo's death. The purpose of shooting this feature-length documentary is to show his life that cares about the people and is vivid and tortuous. They will also strive to make the documentary ideological, artistic, scientific and watchable.

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The documentary "Scientific Giant Shen Kuo" held a launching ceremony

Zhou Guohui, Vice Chairman of the 12th Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference:

Feature-length documentary"Scientific Giant Shen Kuo" was officially launched yesterday in Liangzhu, Hangzhou. The Zhejiang Provincial Science Popularization Federation and the Provincial Radio and Television Group are co-producers. This is an attempt by the Federation to spread science and technology culture, which can be regarded as an affectionate look back and tribute to China's long-standing scientific and technological civilization.

"When science and technology flourish, the nation flourishes; when science and technology are strong, the country is strong." The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China have drawn a grand blueprint for China's modernization and national rejuvenation in the new era. Scientific and technological innovation and comprehensive reform are the two powerful engines driving this great journey. Looking back on the long river of history, countless scientific pioneers like Shen Kuo, with their pragmatic, fearless spirit of exploration and outstanding contributions, are seeking and paving the way to a strong country in science and technology. Academician Wang Jian said it well, history is not the past, but an inseparable part of the future. The progress and development of science and technology will gradually become an important part of local culture over time.

The Song Dynasty, as a brilliant era of ancient Chinese science and technology development, gave birth to Shen Kuo, the "Chinese Da Vinci". He is not only the pride of Hangzhou and Zhejiang, but also a precious treasure of the Chinese nation and the world. Shen Kuo's erudition and talent spanned many fields such as astronomy, geography, calendar, music, and medicine. The breadth and depth of his achievements are amazing to the world. When we talk about Song culture, Shen Kuo is undoubtedly one of the most typical and outstanding representatives. "Mengxi Bitan", as the result of his life's hard work, is also a shining pearl in the world's cultural treasure house.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "to develop and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of the profound foundation of more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, it is the only way to combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture." The "two combinations", especially the "second combination", are not only important ideas summarized and refined by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 20th National Congress, but also forward-looking practical explorations he conducted when he was in charge of Zhejiang. By understanding this idea, we will have a deeper understanding of the importance of his personal guidance and promotion of the protection and application for World Heritage status of Liangzhu culture, which verifies 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. At the same time, when he was in charge of Zhejiang, he deployed and promoted the Zhejiang Cultural Research Project and served as the director of the Steering Committee. Under his leadership, Zhejiang published a number of outstanding cultural works, including "The Complete Works of Shen Kuo". In the general preface, he pointed out: "The long, profound and rich cultural traditions of Zhejiang are precious wealth bestowed upon us by history, and are also rich resources and inexhaustible driving force for us to open up the future."

Today's filming of the feature-length documentary "Scientific Giant Shen Kuo" is a practical action to implement the "second combination". It is not only to remember the great achievements of this scientific giant, but also to draw experience and wisdom from historical development, and to inherit and promote the scientific spirit of courage to explore and innovate. I believe that through this film, more people can understand Shen Kuo's life and deeds, feel his endless enthusiasm and unremitting pursuit of scientific research, thereby enhancing historical awareness of scientific and technological innovation and strengthening cultural confidence.

In the process of preparing for the filming, I felt the enthusiasm and consensus of all parties on this matter. I have always believed that the way to succeed lies in the right time, the right place, and the right people. It is a great opportunity to shoot this feature-length documentary at this moment. In terms of time, we are facing new opportunities and challenges in a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. The construction of a strong country in science and technology requires the promotion of the spirit of scientists and the improvement of the scientific quality and innovation awareness of the whole society. The Party and the State have clear requirements for the development of science and technology culture, the popularization of science communication, and the promotion of the spirit of scientists. In terms of location, Yuhang, Hangzhou and Zhejiang are the hometown of Shen Kuo and an important birthplace of science and technology culture. Now they are also a hotbed of scientific and technological innovation. Shen Kuo's science and technology and cultural legends and achievements can provide us with rich historical resources and cultural support. In terms of people, we have received strong support from relevant provincial departments, especially Yuhang District and Liangzhu Street in the early stage. Yesterday's opening event not only attracted many experts and scholars in the field of history and cultural research, but also some scientists and entrepreneurs who came after hearing the news and fully expressed their support.

I have high hopes for the filming of this film. I hope to give full play to the advantages of long-form, documentary and television films, and fully present the image of Shen Kuo from three dimensions. First, the scientist Shen Kuo, showing his outstanding contributions in many scientific fields; second, the real Shen Kuo, restoring history, showing Shen Kuo's rich and colorful life experience and historical experience; third, the capitalized Shen Kuo, showing Shen Kuo's concern for the people of the world, his concern for the people's livelihood, and his spirit of promoting social reform, highlighting his unique personality charm and strong sense of social responsibility. Drawing historical experience and wisdom from it will definitely be of great benefit to deepening reform and promoting innovation today.

In my speech, I sincerely hope that the crew of "Scientific Giant Shen Kuo" will live up to expectations and create a film that combines thought, science, artistry and appreciation with ingenuity. This will also drive the research, excavation and dissemination of Shen Kuo's historical phenomena, Song Dynasty culture and the spirit of science and technology culture. Shen Kuo has made many achievements in science, culture and reform. He is an important treasure of China's excellent traditional culture and has historical coordinate significance. We should work together to do a good job in this great article, and contribute our own strength to inherit and promote Shen Kuo's scientific spirit and encourage more people, especially young people, to devote themselves to scientific research!

Next year will be the 930th anniversary of Shen Kuo's death, and 2031 will be the 1000th anniversary of his birth. I wish the filming of the documentary "Scientific Giant Shen Kuo" goes smoothly, and I hope it will be a masterpiece for the public. Judging from the screenwriter and the filming team, it should be very possible.

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