
Tonight at 21:30, the third episode of "The Power of Heart, Our Beautiful Life" will be held at the Fuxian Lake - Chengjiang Senior University


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The prosperous times are singing in the new era, and the silver-haired style shines in Yunling! The program "The Heart Has Power, Our Beautiful Life" is broadcasted on Yunnan Satellite TV every Sunday night at 21:30.
"The Heart Has Power, Our Beautiful Life" fully reflects the grand art performances in various provinces. It also publicizes the operating practices of senior citizen universities in various places through the program, and further showcases the learning outcomes, spiritual outlook and unique charm and style of the students in the silver age.
In this episode, we came to Chengjiang City, Yunnan Province, which is known as the "land of fish and rice" and has three world-class business cards: "Fuxian Lake, the world's deep blue lake area", "Chengjiang Fossil Site, the origin of life on earth", and "Origin of ancient Dian culture". The special geographical location and long historical accumulation have nurtured Chengjiang's rich and colorful folk culture: the folk Nuo opera Guansuo Opera is called the "living fossil of Chinese drama"; the Taiping Lantern of the Songyuan Yi people uses a unique cultural form to pray for good luck and peace.
In this episode, the silver-haired teenagers of Chengjiang Senior University shined on the stage with their talents and learning achievements. The Yi ethnic group's "Cymbal Drum Dance" conveyed the passion for life with the passionate drums; the "Pretty Sunset" senior group presented a happy old age with a humorous performance; the lantern drama "Singing for the 20th Anniversary" expressed blessings to the motherland with unique folk culture. For more "highlight" moments, please stay tuned to tonight's program.
【Senior Citizens University Style】
Chengjiang Senior University is located at No. 5 Hongfeng Street, Fenglu Street, Chengjiang City. It was founded in July 1999. In October 2016, it was awarded the title of "Yunnan Province's First Provincial Model University for Senior Citizens". In September 2018, it was awarded the title of "Yuxi City Civilized Unit", which has been retained to this day. The total area of ​​the school is 4816.18 square meters, and the building area is 2576.4 square meters. Among them, there are 7 classrooms (2 multimedia classrooms, 2 dance classrooms, 1 lantern classroom, and 2 ordinary classrooms), 1 reading room, 1 library, and 1 clothing room. There are 17 teachers, 20 majors, 41 classes, and 6 art troupes. In the 2023-2024 academic year, a total of more than 1,500 students were enrolled. In recent years, under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department and the Municipal Party Committee Veteran Cadre Bureau, Chengjiang City Senior University has clarified the direction of running schools, adhered to the working ideas of building schools with politics, running schools safely, establishing schools with quality, consolidating schools with teams, strengthening schools with innovation, developing schools with culture, and famous schools with characteristics, and adhered to the school-running purpose of "increasing knowledge, enriching life, cultivating sentiments, health and longevity, and serving the society", actively understood and met the needs of the majority of retired cadres, so that they have a sense of belonging, gain, honor and happiness in learning, and promoted the diversified development of Chengjiang City's senior education. Form a happy and harmonious social form where the elderly have something to learn, something to enjoy, and something to contribute.
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Yunnan TV
Every Sunday night at 21:30
《The Heart Has Power: Our Beautiful Life》
A wonderful meeting with you!
Editor: Yang Lirou
Editor-in-charge: Zhou Quan
Producer: Yang Xia
Channel Director: Duo Xiang
Chief Editor: Li Xiaofeng
Editor-in-Chief: Kong Weihua
Producer/Executive Producer: He Yaning