
"The world has changed"? Hangzhou parents: Schools that we would not have considered before are now too high to reach


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Qianbao Hangzhou Real Estate

The fall semester is about to begin, and the new batch of international students will pack their bags, experience a study life that is different from before, and embark on a new journey of life.

The reporter found that the direction they were heading was different from that of their predecessors.The overseas study market has changed in recent years - in addition to the popular British and American universities, universities in Australia and other places have also "emerged", and more and more students are applying to Hong Kong universities based on their international course scores and IELTS scores.

Many parents said frankly,The application directions that I would not have considered before are now so popular that they are almost out of my reach.The most intuitive data can be compared with the admission status of international high school students in Hangzhou five years ago.

In recent years, Australian universities such as the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney have ranked among the top in the QS World University Rankings.This year, the application popularity for Australia has increased significantly.

byTaking the international department of a key high school in Hangzhou as an example, the number of admissions to Australia was 13 last year, which soared to around 50 this year.

The destinations of graduates announced by the international department of another popular high school in Hangzhou also show thatAmong the 2024 admissions, there are 19 offers from Australia (8 for the 2022 class).

The popularity of Hong Kong, China has also changed significantly.Each graduationMore than 100 graduates - among the 2019 graduates, only4 people are studying in Hong Kong universities; by 2021,There are 11 people

The number of offers received by the international department graduates in the past three years also shows that Hong Kong, China has gradually become a popular choice for applicants.——Students of the Class of 2022 received16 piecesThe number of offers from universities in Hong Kong, China, has increased to 36 for the class of 2023.

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The most recent oneLeyisi Training SchoolThe survey of current students shows thatPreparing to applyHong KongStudents from universities in Singapore and other places account for more than 60%.

Why are the above study abroad destinations becoming increasingly popular?

"Safety" is the primary consideration for parents and students. In this survey conducted by Le Yisi, in response to the question "What is the most important thing about the study abroad destination", "safety" accounted for more than 80%.

"Future employment prospects" is the second-ranked consideration. Xiao Zhang, who is currently in her second year of high school and will start preparing to apply for schools in the fall, is targeting business schools in Australian schools. "I don't consider humanities and social sciences because it's difficult to find a job, and I don't consider science and engineering because I'm a bit biased and not very good at science and engineering." Xiao Zhang's mother said that she doesn't really think about future employment right now, but hopes that studying abroad can give her stronger comprehensive abilities and qualities, so that she can be invincible in future social competition.

"Not everyone can find a job with their major, and it is not necessary to consider employment based on one's major." Xiao Zhang's mother thinks so.

Xiao Wang, a new junior high school student, set her goal of studying abroad in the fourth grade of elementary school because her sister went abroad to study at that time. The influence of her sister on her is obvious, and therefore, she has laid a solid foundation in English since she was a child. "The language barrier is definitely no problem."

The elder sister who "returned overseas" has a lot of approval for her younger sister. She said that her younger sister is currently preparing for the IELTS test in August.

Among many prospective international students, academic performance is no longer the main reason for changing study abroad tracks.The survey shows that more than 50% of the students change their study track out of self-planning and higher demands on themselves; only a small number temporarily change their study track due to academic performance, and a large number of them do so because they feel that they are not fully confident of admission to the top three key high schools and thus have higher aspirations for the future.

Xiao Liu, a boy from Shaoxing, is such an excellent child. His grades in junior high school were always very good, worthy of the word "excellent". Before that, his goal was to go to a key high school in the province, until the summer vacation between the second and third year of junior high school, when his sister asked him if he wanted to consider studying abroad.

Xiao Liu's elder sister is also an excellent "returnee". She studied from Hangzhou Foreign Language School to a famous American university majoring in marketing, and then returned to China after completing her master's degree. With such a good example, Xiao Liu's studies since childhood have been "managed" and cared for by his elder sister. In the past, his elder sister had asked him whether he would study abroad, but Xiao Liu did not give a clear answer. Now facing the high school entrance examination, Xiao Liu decided to study abroad after careful consideration.

However, he did not choose to study in the United States like his sister, but instead aimed at a prestigious G5 university in the UK. "He has been very independent since he was young, and has a plan for his studies and future," said his sister.

After the third year of junior high school, Xiao Liu began to prepare for the Shanghai International High School entrance exam. After two months of intensive training at the Leis Training School, coupled with his excellent foundation, Xiao Liu was admitted to the Shanghai A-Level school Guanghua Cambridge International High School in the November autumn recruitment. This school has always achieved outstanding results in the admission of global prestigious universities. In 2024, the school received a total of 2,508 university admission letters and 483 pre-admission letters from G5 universities, including 16 from Oxford and Cambridge.

In these children studying in international classes in public schools and international high schools, we have seen the changes in the study abroad environment and students over the years.More and more families and children with a global vision are entering the study abroad track. What kind of attitude and future do they show?

The senior teachers of Leyisi Training School conducted detailed interviews based on the students’ situations and university studies over the years, providing experience and tips for future generations.

Q: Compared with the college entrance examination, why does the international education channel attract more and more students?

A: Because of the different learning focuses and methods, there will be great advantages in the early admission exam. For example, the top Hong Kong universities such as the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong generally only have 20 to 30 admissions through the college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province. However, in international high schools such as Shanghai Guangjian, students apply through the international channel. The University of Hong Kong alone has 193 pre-admissions.

Q: What is the most important thing if you want to go international?

answer:English and mathematics must be learned well.English is a language barrier. Studying abroad will be in an all-English environment, so this obstacle must be overcome. Mathematics is a required subject for almost all majors, and it is also the subject that is currently valued by international classes in public high schools and international high schools.

Question: Is it recommended to leave your job and go to a language training school to specialize in English?

A: We do not recommend it. We have always believed thatShort-term "leave work", such as half a month, can help with the final sprint before the school entrance exam, but long-term "leave work" is not recommended.Because school education is all-round, it is a comprehensive cultivation of people and a cultivation of comprehensive qualities, which is very helpful for future studies.

Question: Can I attend a public high school within the system and then prepare to apply for an undergraduate degree at a foreign university, taking the "dual track" approach?

A: In theory, this is feasible, and there are also excellent students who do this. However, this is not suitable for most students because it is too tiring and not very sure. The learning methods, styles, and courses of taking the national college entrance examination and taking the international education route are very different. It is equivalent to studying two systems in the same period of time, which is too stressful for children. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone be fully prepared and determine their future goals during the process of going from junior high school to high school.

Q: What are the characteristics of university majors applied for in recent years?

answer:There are fewer humanities subjects and more business subjects.Among them, business administration, economics, and finance are the main ones, but they have declined in recent years;The largest number of students apply for science and engineering majors.Among them, computer software engineering, artificial intelligence, and electronic and electrical engineering are the most popular.

Source: Shengxuebao
