
Chongqing News Network Review: Get a certificate in as fast as three months, who is being fooled by this “watered-down” degree?


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“Earn a double overseas master’s degree in as fast as three months,” “Earn a single American master’s degree in half a month,” “It only takes five years to go from a technical secondary school to a doctorate”... Xinhua Daily Telegraph recently reported that some academic qualification improvement institutions have posted advertisements for overseas “quick degrees” online, and some have directly posted the overseas academic degree certificates of multiple students.
It is conceivable that when the niche topic of "watered-down education" has become a public issue and has attracted the attention and coverage of Xinhua News Agency, it at least shows that there are many people who believe in "watered-down education" and are willing to pay for it.
Many times, "quick success" is equivalent to "quick decay"Some people choose to "quickly obtain a degree", not because they do not know the "water content" of their degree. It is just that for various reasons, they still invest real money even though they know it is "water". In this way, it seems to be a good deal and a shortcut, and it takes the lead in the competition for further studies, job hunting, professional title promotion, and settlement bonus points. However, they do not know that every step in life counts, and in the end, they cannot escape the word "fooling".
Who was fooled? First of all, of courseFooled myself
In Fortress Besieged, did Fang Hongjian not know that his doctorate from "Clayton University" was fake? He knew it very well. Because he knew it, he often felt unsure when people called him "Dr. Fang". A fake degree is still a degree, which is better than Fang Hongjian's "doctorate". However, the certificate holder must know better than anyone how much gold it contains and how good it is.
Some people hold diplomas from a certain country, but cannot speak two words of the language of that country, and cannot even speak basic English fluently, and cannot understand the format of a paper. In particular, some people’s interest in the “reasonable application” of rules has far exceeded their respect for the profession. Starting from a “watered-down” degree, it is only natural that they get a “watered-down” profession and a “watered-down” job title.
After fooling myself, the "watered" degree is alsoBluffing social rules
There are many social rules. A "watered-down" degree may seem to fool the recruitment rules, promotion rules, and talent selection rules of society... But the price will be borne by more latecomers. Nowadays, many universities, research institutes, and even "good units" recognized by the public have responded to "fast-growing degrees" and "watered-down degrees." In particular, units that have been cheated by "watered-down degrees" and "watered-down" talents hate them. This can only mean that some people's "watered-down degrees" are not proportional to their actual abilities.
Some people say: It’s not that I want to have a fake degree, it’s just that society is too competitive nowadays, and I have no choiceLittle do they know that this statement itself is untenable. "Not being able to get in" and "taking shortcuts" are completely different in nature. They want to use inflated academic qualifications to gain practical benefits, but are unwilling to make corresponding efforts for it. What kind of atmosphere is this encouraging? Moreover, one of the hardest hit areas of "carrot recruitment" that the whole society hates is precisely the trouble caused by these "quick academic qualifications" and "watered academic qualifications" - they take advantage of loopholes and take shortcuts, undermining the normal recruitment rules and triggering a lot of online public opinion.
Fooled myself, fooled the rules,Those who are most fooled and hurt the most by the fake education are the down-to-earth people who believe that education can change their destiny.
When a small group of people have gained a lot of practical benefits with their "watered-down" academic qualifications, more people have seen the shortcuts to life and career - if you can "watered-down" a "master's or doctoral" title, so can I. Therefore, in the limited jobs and promotion quotas, as long as there are places that can be occupied by "watered-down" academic qualifications, there must be many people with "non-watered" academic qualifications sighing in frustration. If several years or even more than ten years of college study are not as good as a piece of watered-down academic qualification, how can we reflect the fairness and justice of society?
In the face of inflated academic qualifications, there is still a lack of a scientific certification system, which makes many people still have illusions about "quickly generated" academic qualifications. In this regard, we hope that the country will accelerate the implementation of a mandatory mechanism for academic certification and academic review, and while improving the certification of academic qualifications of foreign universities, strengthen the supervision of academic intermediary agencies that are making money in the corner, and do not give "academic brokers" the opportunity to jump up and down.
It has always been like this, right?——More than a hundred years ago, Mr. Lu Xun raised such doubts in "Diary of a Madman". Today, it is timely to raise the same question about the "quick degree" and "watered degree" that can be obtained in three months.