
Disability Prevention Day Series Report ① “Internet AI” makes home rehabilitation a reality


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  Genetics, developmental defects, accidental injuries, diseases, environment, behavior... throughout a person's life, from birth to old age, the risk of disability accompanies every stage of life. Disability prevention is closely related to personal health, family happiness, and the healthy development of the economy and society. For this reason, the State Council has designated August 25 of each year as "Disability Prevention Day."

On August 25 this year, we ushered in the eighth National Disability Prevention Day. The theme of the publicity is "Preventing disease and disability, sharing a healthy life", aiming to strengthen disability prevention publicity and education, enhance disability prevention awareness in the whole society, and improve the level of disability prevention and rehabilitation services.

In recent years, Anhui has conscientiously implemented the "National Disability Prevention Action Plan (2021-2025)", and various regions have achieved positive results in promoting the popularization of disability prevention knowledge, preventing birth defects and developmental disorders, diseases, injuries, and promoting disability rehabilitation services. Recently, the reporter visited Suzhou, Anqing and Lu'an to learn about their excellent experience, effective practices and gratifying results in disability prevention.

Zhongan Online, Zhongan News Client NewsBeing able to receive targeted rehabilitation treatment at home was once the most ideal way of rehabilitation for many stroke patients and their families after being discharged from the hospital. Now, in Suzhou City, this expectation is becoming a reality, shining into more patient families who are continuing rehabilitation treatment.

Walking into the home of Liu Chengbao, who is over 60 years old, I saw him sitting on the sofa in a corner of the house, holding a basketball with both palms and doing upper limb balance training on his chest. Not far away, a mobile phone was placed on a stand, and the video playing was synchronously demonstrating the movements being performed.

"He can stand up on his own, his fingers are more flexible, he reads articles every day, and he speaks more fluently." Talking about the effect of her husband's rehabilitation treatment at home over the past year, his wife Guan Aiyun expressed joy and relief: "He can get a special rehabilitation plan without leaving home and can do training at home. Now he is full of confidence in his future life."

In 2017 and 2019, Liu Chengbao suffered cerebral infarction twice. After full rescue, he was discharged from the hospital, but a long recovery process followed. "At first, I had difficulty taking care of myself and my speech was unclear." But with his own efforts and the company of his family, they actively participated in rehabilitation treatment in the hospital rehabilitation center through the winter and summer, and achieved good results.

The results were hard-won, but the process was always accompanied by hardships. Guan Aiyun said that no matter whether it was cold or hot, windy or rainy, she would push her husband to the hospital every morning and afternoon, and each trip took more than half an hour. Thanks to the new model of "Internet +" home rehabilitation explored by the Disabled Persons' Federation of Yongqiao District, people can do rehabilitation at home without leaving their homes, with just a mobile phone and a small program. Not only are there professional rehabilitation therapists to connect with them, but also WeChat guidance groups are established, and rehabilitation plans can be updated every half a month, and all these services are free.

"He was afraid of spending money and was not very enthusiastic about rehabilitation. In September last year, the district disabled persons' federation told us about this rehabilitation project, which is free. Now he trains for more than an hour every morning and afternoon, and we also provide better door-to-door services offline." Guan Aiyun added: "There are more than 20 movements in total. Every day I just send the training video to the group and there will be a dedicated person to guide him. It is very convenient. He had difficulty sitting before, but now he can do subtle movements such as brushing his teeth, holding a cup, and twisting a towel independently."

There are many similar cases in Yongqiao District. By exploring the new model of "Internet +" home rehabilitation, the local area has successfully extended rehabilitation medical services to the community and family, providing convenient home rehabilitation medical services, daytime rehabilitation training and rehabilitation guidance services for disabled people with urgent rehabilitation needs. While integrating emerging technologies with traditional services, it also benefits more grassroots disabled people with the most concerned rehabilitation issues.

"Taking advantage of the opportunity of being a key contact area for disability prevention across the country, we actively connected with rehabilitation experts from inside and outside the district, and joined forces with professional technical teams to build a home rehabilitation service platform with 'Internet + AI' as the core." Staff from the Disabled Persons' Federation of Yongqiao District introduced that the platform implements the "four-in-one" service of the client, service, management, and operation analysis ends, and promotes the application of "Internet +" home rehabilitation services through methods such as screening of discharged patients from the medical system, home visits by special committee members of the Disabled Persons' Federation of towns and streets, and voluntary recommendations by assisted patients. It has now achieved full coverage of the 38 towns and streets in Yongqiao District.

"Huidongkang" applet client operation interface

It is reported that in response to common causes of disability and conventional systematic specialized rehabilitation therapies, the platform has designed five types of assessment indicators, including digital assessment of stroke, assessment of daily living ability, assessment of limb function, assessment of limb disability, and assessment of motor ability. These indicators combine offline physical assessment with online AI dynamic simulation assessment, with more than 300,000 sets of rehabilitation programs covering multiple limb function categories as reserves, laying the foundation for the formulation of scientific and targeted rehabilitation programs. At the same time, in order to stimulate users' enthusiasm for self-training, the Disabled Persons' Federation of Yongqiao District has also adopted forms such as physical rewards and the gift of auxiliary rehabilitation courses to encourage patients to change from passively accepting government services to actively conducting self-rehabilitation.

"With the help of resources from all sides, we aim to open up the 'last mile' for stroke patients' post-hospital rehabilitation and help them regain confidence in life." The Disabled Persons' Federation of Yongqiao District said that more than 600 people in the district have started the "Internet + AI" home rehabilitation service, more than 300 people have formed good active rehabilitation habits, more than 150 people have seen significant improvement in physical rehabilitation, symptoms such as muscle stiffness have been alleviated, and more than 50 people have significantly improved their physical functions and coordination functions, and can achieve basic self-care. (Reporter Meng Yifan)
