
The "brother" scans the code to enter the community in seconds! Vanke Service and Meituan work together to open up the "last 100 meters" of delivery


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Delivery riders are affectionately called "delivery brothers". On August 23, Vanke Service and Meituan jointly launched the "Rider-Friendly Community Access Solution", dedicated to solving the "last 100 meters" problem of delivery riders in community delivery. The two leading companies have achieved data docking, and riders can scan the code at the entrance of the community to achieve one-click registration and instant verification, and the entire access process only takes a few seconds.

Huang Jie, a Meituan rider delivering food at Vanke Hankou Legend Tangyue Community, also confirmed this. At 10 a.m., Huang Jie arrived at the community entrance, took out his phone, scanned the small program on the wall, clicked "I am a Meituan rider, one-click registration", and immediately generated a QR code. He scanned it at the entrance pedestrian passage, the gate opened, and he quickly entered the community. Huang Jie said, "It is now more convenient and faster to deliver food to the community. Previously, after scanning the code, we had to register our name, contact information, take a selfie of our work photo and takeaway order, which took several minutes. Now it can be done in seconds, which greatly saves our delivery time."

Gong Jian, a property security officer in the community, said that before 2022, food delivery boys had to register in paper form, including name, phone number, room number, etc., before entering the community. Later, it was upgraded to scanning a code, but they still had to register their name, phone number, selfie, order, etc. online. Now it is considered an upgrade, because the backend data of Vanke Property and Meituan are connected, and food delivery boys do not need to register other information after scanning the code. "In the past, some food delivery boys would complain about being overtime, but now there is no friction, and my workload is much less." It is reported that the number of food delivery boys entering the community during peak hours has reached 80 per day.

Yang Guanghui, deputy general manager of Vanke Cloud and chief partner of Vanke Service, mentioned that Vanke has placed the Vanke Cloud National Digital Operation Center in Wuhan, which is equivalent to the central brain, and can operate, monitor and dispatch more than 3,700 projects managed by Vanke Service nationwide. The visitor data of takeaway drivers and couriers keeps rolling every day. "Wuhan is the center of China, with strong radiation capabilities."

At the press conference, Xie Ping, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Wuhan Housing and Urban Renewal Bureau, said that the bureau pays great attention to and cares about new employment groups. Based on the pilot creation of five "copter-friendly communities" last year, this year it plans to create 100 "copter-friendly communities" to strive to solve the problem of the last 100 meters of delivery for riders.

"Behind this solution is the cooperation of the technologies of both companies." Yang Guanghui introduced that based on the "minimum necessary" data collection, it provides "maximum possible" two-way support, which not only meets the efficiency of riders' passage, but also ensures the order of visitor registration in the community, turning industry pain points into service highlights.

It is reported that Meituan's "Rider-Friendly Community" has been implemented in more than 500 communities in more than 20 cities, promoting local communities to open doors and guide riders. This month, this digital achievement will also be gradually promoted to more than 3,000 Vanke Property Management communities across the country.

(Jiupai News correspondent Xu Kexin and Li Fengqing)

Figure 1: Meituan and Vanke Service launched the “Rider Access Solution” (Photo: Wen Ming)

Figure 2: Before entering the community, the rider scans the code to generate a pass code in just a few seconds, and can pass through the gate with the code (Photo: Wen Ming)

[Source: Jiupai News]
