
A 10-year-old girl died after minimally invasive surgery. Her parents said they were "hinted" to give her red envelopes before the surgery. The National Health Commission intervened in the investigation.


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With the new semester about to begin, a 10-year-old girl in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, could never return to the classroom after surgery, leaving her family heartbroken.


The girl's parents are worried that her snoring will affect her intelligence and height.

Doctors recommend minimally invasive surgery to remove tonsils

The girl's mother, Ms. Tang, told the China Business Daily Dafeng News reporter that her family lives in Hulan District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. When her daughter was three or four years old, they found that her tonsils were swollen and sometimes inflamed, causing fever. "The doctor said at the time that it was nothing to worry about, because the tonsils would naturally shrink when she was about seven years old."

Ms. Tang said that her daughter is 10 years old this year and no longer has a fever. She just snores sometimes when she sleeps. She checked online and found that swollen tonsils and snoring can affect a child's intelligence and height. So she wanted to take her child to the hospital for a checkup and ask the doctor whether she should undergo surgery to remove the tonsils. "I still trust the doctor's diagnosis."

On August 2 this year, Ms. Tang made an appointment for her daughter at the Heilongjiang Branch of Beijing Children's Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University and took her to see an outpatient doctor. "The doctor said that it should have been done when she was three or four years old. It's a bit late to do it now, but the tonsils can be removed through minimally invasive surgery. At that time, I was still wondering why it was different from what the previous doctor said."

On August 5, Ms. Tang brought her daughter to the hospital to go through the admission procedures.


One hour after entering the operating room, the doctor said everything went well.

Later, the child was diagnosed with coughing and pulmonary hemorrhage, and died about 4 hours later.

Ms. Tang recalled that at about 12:40 noon on August 6, her daughter was pushed into the operating room for a general anesthesia resection surgery, and she had been waiting outside the operating room. At about 1:40 p.m. that day, a doctor told her that the operation went well and that she would be able to return to the ward after waking up in more than 20 minutes.

"More than half an hour had passed and my daughter hadn't left the operating room yet. I was a little anxious, so I asked the doctor." Ms. Tang said that the doctor told her to wait a little longer. Unexpectedly, at around 2:30 p.m. that day, a doctor told her that the child had a cough and lung bleeding and might need to be sent to the ICU. At this time, she saw medical staff coming in and out of the operating room, looking a little panicked.

Ms. Tang cried and told reporters that at about 4:40 p.m. that day, the doctor allowed her and her husband to enter the operating room. "At that time, I saw that the child's face was black and his mouth was full of blood. More than 10 medical staff were trying to save him. Then the doctor asked us to leave the operating room and said they would do their best to save him."

About 10 minutes later, the doctor asked Ms. Tang and her husband to take a last look at the child. "When we asked about the child's condition, the doctor said that the pupil had become dilated and there was no point in rescuing him, but we requested to continue the rescue until 2:18 the next morning."

The death report issued by the hospital showed that the time of death was around 5 p.m. on the same day. A relative recalled that on the afternoon of the incident, Ms. Tang was outside the operating room, calling out her daughter's name sadly, asking her to wake up and go home with her mother, and she kept calling until the early morning of the next day, and everyone who heard it shed tears.


Before the operation, the surgeon and anesthesiologist will have separate conversations.

Give the other party a red envelope of 1,500 yuan

Ms. Tang told the reporter that the night before the operation, the surgeon Gao called the family members of the 11 patients who were going to have the operation the next day together and lined them up outside an office. "He asked the family members to go in one by one to talk. When I went in, I found that the curtains inside were drawn and there were no surveillance cameras in the room. He asked me to lock the door and then said that there were many risks in the operation. He said it in a scary way and repeatedly emphasized the dangers, which gave me a psychological hint. After that, I took out a 1,000 yuan red envelope and put it on the table in front of him. He said, "You can go now."

Ms. Tang also said that before this, the anesthesiologist Yang "also called the patients' families into the room one by one, and talked about the risks of anesthesia, allergies, etc. behind closed doors, and also gave us psychological hints. There was no one else at the scene, so I put the 500 yuan red envelope directly into her right pocket, and she accepted it without any hesitation."

Talking about the red envelopes given to the two doctors, Ms. Tang said that on the one hand, she wanted them to take better care of her daughter during the operation, and at the same time, because there were more patients undergoing surgery the next day, she hoped to be scheduled earlier so that she could finish the surgery earlier and eat earlier. "The red envelope I gave was not too much, but not too little. I was scheduled to perform the fifth surgery in the morning."


The anesthesiologist was accused of leaving his post for nearly an hour.

Both doctors were dismissed after the incident, and the National Health Commission intervened in the investigation

A relative of Ms. Tang said that after the incident, they checked the hospital’s surveillance and found that the anesthesiologist Yang left the scene for nearly an hour during the girl’s surgery.

Ms. Tang said that later they asked her where she had been and she said she had gone to another operating room. "My child was in the fifth operating room, but she said she went to the eighth operating room. When she returned to the original operating room, she immediately discovered that the child was in an abnormal condition and began to rescue him. At that time, I felt a little regretful and wondered if I had given her too little in the red envelope."

On August 23, the reporter contacted the relevant person in the hospital's medical and patient affairs office, but the other party said it was inconvenient to be interviewed. The reporter contacted the hospital's director Li many times, but no one answered the phone.

The reporter saw in a video of the conversation between Dr. Li and the family members afterwards that he said the surgeon and anesthesiologist were not allowed to leave their posts during the operation. "When we investigated, Dr. Yang said she went to the toilet."

Director Li admitted in the video that the surgeon Gao and the anesthesiologist Yang handed the red envelope to the hospital only after the child died. "According to regulations, the red envelope can be handed in within three days."

On August 21, a handling decision of the hospital showed that after research and decision, in accordance with the "Regulations on the Handling of Red Envelopes Accepted by Medical Staff in Heilongjiang Province", otolaryngology and head and neck surgeon Gao and anesthesiologist Yang were relieved of their duties, their performance wages were deducted, their prescription rights and practice activities were suspended for 6 months, they were criticized and made to make written inspections, and their qualifications for that year's performance appraisals and job evaluations and their qualifications to participate in relevant academic committees were revoked; in accordance with the hospital's employment job responsibilities and work requirements, the department's doctor Su and anesthesiologist Jin had their performance wages deducted, their prescription rights and practice activities were suspended for 3 months, and their qualifications for promotion to the next level of professional and technical title that year were revoked.

After the incident, Ms. Tang and her husband wanted to thoroughly understand the cause of their daughter's death and agreed to an autopsy. Based on the two identification centers provided by the Health Commission of Daoli District, Harbin City, where the hospital is located, they chose the Forensic Identification Center of Heilongjiang Provincial Hospital to conduct the autopsy. It is reported that the identification results will take about 60 working days to be issued. A staff member of the Health Commission of Daoli District, Harbin City told reporters that the hospital is under the jurisdiction of the Health Commission of Heilongjiang Province, and in terms of region, they have already initiated the investigation procedure to intervene in the investigation.


My daughter is an excellent student. She likes playing Go and is good at skipping rope.

Recalling every detail of her daughter's life, Ms. Tang couldn't stop crying.

She proudly said that her daughter's academic performance is usually among the top three in the class, and she often gets first place in exams. "Even if she takes a week off and goes back to school, she can still get first place."

She said that her daughter loved singing, playing Go and badminton, and could jump more than 170 times in a minute.

The reporter read in a self-portrait written by the girl that she is a happy "happy fruit" who always faces life with a smile. Although her smile is not as beautiful as a fairy, nor as energetic as a young boy, "but I smile happily and joyfully."

She said in the article that she is a caring person. Once she saw a kitten meowing with hunger, "I immediately ran to the grocery store and bought a bag of delicious dried fish to fill its stomach."

The Chinese teacher commented: You bravely expressed your own characteristics, especially through contrast and vivid description, which makes people feel your confidence and optimism.

Huang Ping, reporter of China Business News