
AI enters students' initial education, and schools will use it to reduce teachers' burden in the new semester


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A few days ago, students from Hangzhou Jianqiao Experimental Middle School (Jianwen Experimental School), affiliated to Zhejiang Normal University, came to our school for initial training. What was different from the past was that everyone had a special and intimate contact with AI (artificial intelligence).
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"I want to be a light in the darkness, to give you direction, and I want to bravely move forward..." When the energetic male voice was played along with the drum beats, student Chen Tianyou and his team members could not help but admire. This was the group song they had just generated using AI. The reporter looked again and saw that the Pad on the side had generated several groups' "group logo" plans, which were also generated using AI. "We will make some improvements to the group logo, but the song really sounds great!" said Chen.
Why do we have to do this before the start of school? The school's classroom model is called "endogenous classroom", which has won the National Basic Education Teaching Achievement Award. "We need students to study and discuss in groups. Many students have never been exposed to such a classroom format, so we organize introductory education every year to teach them how to adapt." Zheng Weiwei, vice principal of Jianqiao Experimental Middle School (Jianwen Experimental School), told reporters that the school has designated this year as the year of new quality development. An important part of introductory education is to let students develop their own class and group culture. Specifically, it is to set class songs, group songs, class emblems, group emblems, etc. "AI is a trend that children must face in the future. We want to try to integrate it in introductory education first."
There is another interesting phenomenon. The reporter randomly found 10 students at the scene, and 7 of them said that they had used the AI ​​large language model platform before. The teacher wanted to do some popular science on the use of AI, but some children were more proficient in using it than the teacher. Chen Tianyou's father works in a related industry and has his own understanding of AI. "If you don't understand many daily problems, you can ask AI questions. It's very convenient, but just like making a group logo or group song, we can't rely entirely on AI, we also have to use our own ideas to improve it."
In addition to the initial education, in the new semester, Jianqiao Experimental Middle School and Jianwen Experimental School will also introduce an AI system to assist teachers in campus management and serve as AI "teaching assistants". Gao Qiong, secretary of the school, said that when teachers correct homework, they only need to put the homework under the scanner, and whether it is an objective or subjective question, it can be corrected immediately, and lesson plans can be generated for teachers to refer to. "New teachers want to know how to ask for leave or what some school regulations are. In the past, they would ask teachers everywhere. We input the faculty and staff manual into the AI ​​system background, and teachers can directly communicate with AI to know all the rules and regulations. This series of measures is to reduce the burden on teachers." The school also plans to use AI to analyze students' emotions at school and ensure their mental health.
The introduction of AI into schools has also surprised many teachers. Zheng Weiwei said that it was the first time she was so close to AI. "It was very fresh and magical. I really felt that the future had arrived."