
The latest school opening notice in Hangzhou!


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August is already halfway through, and the summer vacation is coming to an end. According to the notice issued by the Municipal Education Bureau, the registration for the fall semester of 2024 will start on September 1, and classes will officially start on September 2. School is about to start, so keep this important reminder!
2024 Fall Semester Schedule
Fall semester 2024Registration will start on September 1st, classes will officially start on September 2nd, and will end on January 21st, 2025. Winter vacation will start on January 22nd. Registration for the spring semester of 2025 will start on February 13th.
The arrangement of national statutory holidays shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the General Office of the State Council. In principle, the autumn vacation in 2024 will be 3 days, generally scheduled in November, and can also be arranged in conjunction with the National Day holiday. The specific implementation shall be in accordance with the "Notice of the Office of Hangzhou Education Bureau on Adjusting the Arrangements of Winter and Autumn Vacations" (Hangzhou Education Office High School [2011] No. 89).
Scientifically deal with anxiety before school starts
Important reminder is coming!
During the summer vacation, students ate delicious food, traveled far and wide, made friends, and did homework... However, careful parents may have noticed that some children also showed some anxiety as the countdown entered the second half.
In order to help children actively adjust their state and gradually enter a state of relaxation yet tension before school starts, parents and friends can use this "six-word mantra" to cope with the remaining holidays!
Proverbs 1: Communication
"Tong" refers to "the flow of emotions" and "mutual communication of minds".Parents should know how to identify their children's anxiety and let them express it in an appropriate way, rather than suppressing it. At the same time, parents should pay attention to their children's frequent expressions of anxiety, or even irritable words. At this time, parents should listen to and understand their children's true thoughts, and work together to sort out and finish various matters.
Proverbs 2: Tune
"Adjustment" refers to "adjusting your mindset" and "adjusting your work and rest schedule."At the end of the holiday, parents should help their children gradually adjust from the relaxing atmosphere of the holiday to the state of study, whether in terms of sleep time or diet. At the same time, they should also appropriately adjust the progress and time of homework to avoid the phenomenon of cramming homework in the last few days and to prevent bad work and rest habits from affecting the quality of the holiday and the state of the new semester.
Proverbs 3: Determination
"Ding" refers to "setting goals" and "setting plans."There are still two weeks before the start of the new semester, and we still have plenty of time to set goals and plans for the new semester. Parents can discuss detailed study plans and goals with their children, and guide their children to talk about their uncertainty and anxiety about the future, reduce the anxiety caused by uncertainty, and welcome the arrival of the new semester with a more confident attitude.
Proverbs 4: Prepare
"Preparation" refers to "preparing supplies" and "preparing physical strength".During the remaining time of the holiday, parents and children can check in at the venues they want to visit, eat the food they haven't eaten yet, and visit the nearby attractions they haven't visited yet, so as to reduce regrets and increase the "sense of certainty" before school starts. At the same time, parents should also urge their children to maintain moderate exercise, prepare sufficient physical energy, and maintain the physical condition required for learning.
Proverbs 5: Love
"Love" refers to "social companionship" and "encouragement and support."Many children do not have enough social interaction with their peers during the summer vacation, which may be one of the reasons for their poor social adaptation after school starts. Therefore, at the end of the summer vacation, parents should encourage their children to engage in social activities and have a short gathering with classmates and friends to restore their enthusiasm for real social interaction. At the same time, parents should give their children positive feedback and encouragement to enhance their self-confidence and make them believe that they are capable of facing the challenges of the new semester.
Proverbs 6: Let go
"Let go" means "let go of the electron" and "let go of trying."Electronic devices have become a "product" for children to accompany them during the holidays. Parents should guide their children to put down electronic products appropriately, reduce the time and frequency of use, especially at night, and increase real-life interactions. At the same time, they should also let go appropriately, such as letting children sort out the remaining holiday checklist and sort out the school preparation checklist to enhance their sense of competence and confidence in facing the new semester.
Following the six-word motto of "communication, adjustment, determination, preparation, love, and release", parents can effectively help their children adjust their mindsets, which can not only reduce the sense of urgency caused by insufficient holidays, but also calmly and confidently prepare for the new semester and easily deal with the insufficient balance of summer vacation!