
In 2024, 2,270 colleges and universities across the country will enroll 711,900 new students in Sichuan


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Original title: In 2024, 2,270 colleges and universities across the country will enroll 711,900 new students in Sichuan

Sichuan News Network-First Screen News Reporter Chen Lin

On August 20, Sichuan Province successfully completed the 2024 general college enrollment and admissions work, with 2,270 colleges and universities nationwide enrolling 711,900 new students in Sichuan. The provincial party committee and government attach great importance to Sichuan students being able to go to college and go to good colleges, and strive for enrollment plans. During the enrollment period, we strengthened communication with colleges and universities through "one-on-one" communication, strived for colleges and universities to increase their undergraduate enrollment plans in Sichuan, and helped Sichuan candidates realize their dreams of entering their favorite universities.

In the admission work, our province conscientiously implemented the Ministry of Education's "Ten Strict Prohibitions" and "30 Don'ts" and other enrollment requirements, strictly controlled the policy, plan, file submission and admission review, and achieved "never admit a candidate in violation of the regulations, and never lower the standards for admitting a candidate". We fully publicized and interpreted the policy, and released more than 300 pieces of admission information of various types through the official website and official microblog of the Provincial Education Examination Institute. The total number of readings of the official microblog exceeded 21 million times, and the relevant information was reprinted by media such as China National Radio and People's Daily. We consciously accepted social supervision, arranged 4 media open days and public open days, received more than 30 media and 23 representatives from "old, young and border" areas and citizens to visit, and introduced the admission work to the public through live broadcast for the first time, so that "sunshine enrollment" can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

We actively responded to the concerns of candidates and parents, set up 12 admission inquiry channels, opened 48 24-hour intelligent voice service hotlines for college entrance examination admission, answered 71,200 calls from candidates and parents, received 3,905 visits from candidates and parents, and received 379,000 calls to the intelligent voice service hotline, answering questions and solving doubts for candidates and parents in a timely manner. We care about special candidate groups and strive for admission opportunities for 849 disabled candidates. No one was rejected due to disability, and the legitimate rights and interests of candidates were effectively protected.
