
The "Civilized Education Advice" Initiative was released! Hexi Community, Wangting Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, warmly held a themed activity to change customs and habits


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Admission letters have been received one after another, so how should we celebrate the joy of going to school? Recently, Hexi Community of Wangting Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City successfully held a theme activity of "Building Civilization in the Name of Love - Civilized Enrollment, Simple but Not Simple Love" to change customs and habits, advocating residents to celebrate the joy of going to school in a simpler, environmentally friendly and meaningful way, jointly resist the trend of extravagance and waste, and lead a new trend of community civilization.
At the event, Hexi Community specially invited students who have entered their ideal schools with outstanding achievements in recent years and their parents as guests. They spoke affectionately about their sweat and persistence on the road to learning, the silent support and selfless dedication of their families, and their vision and outlook on the infinite possibilities of the future. These sincere sharing not only conveyed the positive message that "knowledge paves the way to success, and struggle creates a brilliant dream", but also deeply interpreted the true meaning of the celebration of admission to higher education - it should not be a pile of material things, but a touch of the soul and a blend of emotions.
Subsequently, Hexi Community officially released the "Civilized Enrollment, Simple but Not Simple Love" Initiative, calling on people from all walks of life to pay attention to and participate in the promotion celebration activities to change customs and habits, and encourage everyone to adopt simple, environmentally friendly and civilized celebration methods to jointly create a fresh and unworldly social environment. The release of the Initiative not only deepened the residents' understanding and resonance of the new civilized trend, but also inspired everyone to actively participate in practical actions to save resources and protect the environment.
This event is not only an innovation and challenge to the traditional way of celebration, but also a powerful promotion to the construction of community civilization. In the future, Hexi Community will continue to work together to move forward on the road of practicing new civilized trends and jointly draw a new picture of a harmonious, beautiful and civilized community.
Correspondent Wang Wei Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Yu Suyun
Proofread by Li Haihui