
"Pre-war" mobilization to boost morale


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Monument to China's first nuclear weapons development base.
Tourists visit to learn about the stories of scientific research experts. Photo by our reporter Wei YaqiOur reporter Zhang Huihui
On the vast Jinyintan grassland, stands a majestic granite monument. Beaten by wind and rain, the monument remains new over time. It is like a giant warrior, standing in the long river of history and watching affectionately, telling of the confidence and responsibility of that generation.
The twelve large characters "China's first nuclear weapons research and development base" engraved on the front of the stele are vigorous and powerful. They were written by General Zhang Aiping, a founding general, at the age of 81.
Speaking of Zhang Aiping, the "General Divine Sword" who made significant contributions to the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" project, we have to mention a mobilization speech that is worthy of being recorded in history.
In the early 1960s, when the 221 base had the basic conditions for scientific research, production and life, the Party Central Committee decided to move the Institute of Nuclear Technology from Beijing to the Jinyintang Grassland.
It was difficult to adapt to the high altitude and lack of oxygen, and natural disasters were severe. They were worried that they would not have enough food in the northwest where supplies were even scarcer. After the Second Ministry of Machine Building issued the decision to relocate, the scientific and technological workers still had some concerns and doubts. After Zhang Aiping learned about the situation, she decided to hold a special mobilization meeting.
They did what they said. On the day of the mobilization meeting, the auditorium of the cadre school of the Ministry of Railways was packed with key scientific and technological personnel. When Zhang Aiping stood in front of the rostrum, the venue was filled with applause.
Afterwards, Zhang Aiping made a "stop" gesture with his hand and said, "Don't applaud yet. I'm here to mobilize you to go to the place of 'exile' in ancient times!" This humorous remark made the participants gradually unload the burden in their hearts and everyone laughed.
"The morning rain in Weicheng moistened the dust, and the green willows in the guest house are new. I urge you to drink another cup of wine, for there will be no friends west of Yangguan" "The Yellow River flows far away among the white clouds, and there is an isolated city and ten thousand feet of mountains. Why should the Qiang flute blame the willows, for the spring breeze does not reach Yumen Pass?" Then, Zhang Aiping introduced the poem with two powerful lines: "Sending Yuan Er to Anxi" by Wang Wei and "Liangzhou Ci" by Wang Zhihuan.
"I believe you are familiar with these two poems. I want to focus on the last two lines of these two poems. I have been to the Northwest. Yumen Pass is in the Gobi Desert. It is vast and boundless with few people. Is it a hard place? Of course it is hard! That is why Wang Wei said more than 1,300 years ago that it was a very hard and desolate place. Even the spring breeze could not pass Yumen Pass."
Zhang Aiping went on to say: "Now, in the 1960s, due to severe natural disasters, life there was still very hard. Some comrades were afraid that they would not be able to adapt and would affect their research and development work. This was natural and understandable. However, in 1958, the PLA Engineering Corps had already moved in to open up and build a nuclear weapons research and development base. Dormitories and laboratories had already been built. The people of the motherland are looking forward to you going there to make achievements and to sound the earth-shaking spring thunder to defend the Republic! As for what Wang Zhihuan said in his poem, 'The spring breeze does not pass Yumen Pass', it has long become history. The Engineering Corps has long brought the spring breeze out of Yumen Pass. After three or four years of construction, the environment there has been greatly improved. When you, the scientific and technological elites, go there, the spring breeze will become more gentle and warmer."
There was no profound truth, only the actual situation, which made sense. Zhang Aiping's sincerity touched everyone present. Then, a question pushed the atmosphere to a climax.
"Has anyone here read The Investiture of the Gods? I am deeply interested in the stories of those who come and go without a trace, those who can see a thousand miles away, those who can hear the wind, those who can move mountains and seas, and those who can turn beans into soldiers. Today, your job is to turn myths into reality; tomorrow, future generations will deify you! Remember, some of you will be included in the Republic's Investiture of the Gods in the future! You are about to go to war, and I will read a poem to encourage you!"
"The long clouds from Qinghai darken the snow-capped mountains, and the lonely city looks towards Yumen Pass in the distance." After Zhang Aiping finished reading these two lines of poetry, the scientific and technical personnel present shouted together: "We will wear our golden armor through a hundred battles in the yellow sand, and we will not return until we have conquered Loulan"... The sonorous and powerful voices echoed in the lecture hall, and the whole audience was excited.
The entire speech lasted 10 minutes, during which there was prolonged applause and endless exclamations.
"I am willing to be your waiter and provide logistical support services." Zhang Aiping's words were simple and touching. Everyone immediately said that following such a person to the Northwest would definitely be a promising and rewarding experience.
Chen Nengkuan, one of the meritorious scientists of the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" project, recalled the scene at that time and could not help but sigh: "General Zhang Aiping is an extraordinary person. After listening to his mobilization speech, I was indeed willing to lead the test team, singing songs, writing poems, and come to the Northwest."
Just like that, no one hesitated or hesitated any more. With the lofty aspiration to serve the country, everyone resolutely boarded the train heading west...
Qinghai Daily (August 20, 2024, Page 6: Provincial News)
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