
The theme lecture activity of "Red Beacon - Stories of Zhejiang Heroes Enter the Military Camp" continues


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Chaozhou News reporter Qian Yi correspondent Wan Xiaoqing
Photo taken by Wan Xiaoqing at the lecture
In the hot summer, passion is burning. Recently, a themed lecture activity entitled "Red Beacon - Zhejiang Heroes' Stories Entering the Military Camp" was held in a certain unit stationed in Changxing, sponsored by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs and co-organized by the Zhejiang Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall and the Changxing County Veterans Affairs Bureau. Eight lecturers from the veterans affairs system in Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Taizhou and other places used the red revolutionary cultural education to inspire more than 600 officers and soldiers on the scene to remember their original mission, inherit the red gene, and take on the important task of strengthening the army.
The nearly one-hour lecture showcased eight stories of Zhejiang heroes, including "Amid the Cheering Crowd," "The Unfallen Red Flag," "An Unsent Letter," and "War Diary of the Beacon Fire." In the struggle of blood and fire, Chinese soldiers such as Xu Ying, a New Fourth Army soldier who "had revolutionary ideals above all else," Jin Ershi, a "special hero" in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and soldiers of the three armed forces who "fought bloody battles for a river and a mountain," fought bravely for the liberation of the people, national independence, and national prosperity; from the May Fourth Movement that opened the era of great awakening to the solemn promise of "Please rest assured that the Party will make the country strong," Zhu Qingdan, the "King of the Peasant Movement," Ren Guang, the "People's Musician," Wang Wei, the "Sea and Air Guard," and Chen Xiangrong, a border guard whose "clear love is only for China," and other Chinese youths, breathed with the country, shared the fate of the nation, and were closely connected with the Chinese dream. Generation after generation of Communists have used their blood and lives to interpret the touching picture of "loyalty to the Party and love for the people". The mission of the people's soldiers to inherit the red gene and shoulder the heavy responsibility of strengthening the army has made the officers and soldiers on the scene excited and aroused enthusiastic response.
"The stories are well selected and well told, with a vivid form and very down-to-earth." Officers and soldiers at the scene said that the revolutionary heroes and models of strong army are credible and can be learned, which can boost the morale of soldiers. "Why is the battle flag so beautiful? It is because the blood of heroes dyed it red. This red story preaching is a wonderful lesson of loyalty and belief, and a lesson of tracing the roots, which makes us feel more deeply the hardships our army has gone through." An instructor said that as revolutionary soldiers in the new era, we must be more firm in our beliefs, forge ahead, and contribute to the efforts to achieve the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army.
It is reported that the publicity activity was officially launched in late July, and seven publicity activities have been carried out in the garrison troops in Zhoushan, Hangzhou, Yongjia, Changxing and other places. A total of more than 3,600 officers and soldiers have participated in the activities, which have been well received and praised. It has provided a strong spiritual driving force for vigorously promoting the Party and the country, all sectors of society, and the people's respect, care and inheritance of the spirit of heroes, and educating and inspiring the whole society, especially the officers and soldiers of the troops to embark on a new journey and make contributions to the new era.
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