
The new parliament building becomes a symbol of the deep friendship between China and Japan


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The picture shows the exterior of the new parliament building in Zimbabwe built with Chinese aid. Photo by Yang Haiquan, Economic Daily reporter
The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit will be held in Beijing in early September. Recently, a reporter from Economic Daily went to Zimbabwe for an interview, during which he visited the new parliament building of Zimbabwe built with Chinese aid, and interviewed Song Daoqi, the project manager of the new parliament building of Zimbabwe built with the aid of Shanghai Construction Group.
Song Daoqi said that the Chinese government's free aid to build the Zimbabwe New Parliament Building project is one of the powerful measures to implement the "Belt and Road" initiative, the China-Africa "Ten Cooperation Plans" and "Eight Actions", and is also one of the most important projects in China-Africa cooperation projects. It is also a landmark project to enhance the relationship between China and Zimbabwe. The project has been completed and put into use and will become a landmark building in Zimbabwe.
The new parliament building in Zimbabwe built with Chinese assistance is part of the new urban construction plan in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. The project is undertaken by Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd. and aims to improve the facilities and working conditions of the Zimbabwe Parliament. The total area of ​​the project is 33,000 square meters, including two main buildings. Among them, the design of the outdoor fountain draws on the style of Victoria Falls, a famous attraction in Zimbabwe. In addition to two conference halls, the building also includes an office building with 600 rooms, including VIP offices, parliamentarians' offices, libraries, restaurants, conference systems, substations, computer rooms and other service and auxiliary facilities, as well as a multi-functional hall with banquets and conferences. It is reported that the project consumed a total of about 30,000 cubic meters of concrete and about 3,500 tons of steel bars. In addition, China provided and was responsible for the installation and commissioning of decorative materials, electrical, pipelines, fire protection facilities, information communication and conference systems.
The project has experienced the impact of the epidemic and severe tests in the past two years. Both China and Zimbabwe have overcome difficulties, complied with local construction industry regulations, and made every effort to provide employees with a safe working environment to ensure the smooth progress of the project. During the construction of the project, senior officials from both China and Zimbabwe attached great importance to and strongly supported the promotion of the project. Employees from both sides and local staff in Zimbabwe worked hard and made contributions to the project, which jointly contributed to the successful completion of the project.
Song Daoqi said that the project is the largest complete project assisted by the Chinese government in southern Africa. It represents the friendship between the Chinese and Zimbabwean peoples, has received extensive attention and unanimous praise from all walks of life in Zimbabwe, and has a good social influence. During the construction, all members of the Chinese technical team and management team felt a great sense of responsibility. With the strong support and help of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Economic and Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Zimbabwe, and the central and local governments of Zimbabwe, all parties worked together to overcome various difficulties and successfully completed the project. "After the project is handed over to the Zimbabwean side, the project team and the maintenance team will do a good job in the maintenance of the project to ensure the normal use of the project during the maintenance period." Song Daoqi said.
At the same time, in order to remember and thank the Chinese government for its assistance in building the new parliament building in Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwean side erected a memorial stone tablet in a prominent position at the entrance of the new parliament building, engraved with the words "China Aids Zimbabwe Parliament Building" in Chinese and English and the national flags of China and Zimbabwe. (Economic Daily reporter Yang Haiquan)