
Gaza residents are collecting wood to make fire amidst the ruins due to lack of supplies


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In the Gaza Strip, after rounds of shelling, only ruins were left. In order to survive, Gazans had to temporarily live in severely damaged buildings and try to pick up wood from the rubble to heat food and light at night.
The four members of the Shamara family originally lived in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. To avoid the war, they had to abandon their original residence and temporarily live in a building in Jabaliya that had not been completely destroyed. In order for the family to have hot meals, Sabir Shamara had to search through the nearby rubble early every morning, hoping to pick up wood.
Sabir Shamala, a displaced person:I needed to walk around the ruins to collect wood, most of the time I had to walk to the Kailamai area and return home with a bundle of collected wood on my shoulders.If I don’t bring firewood home, our family can’t cook.
Although the main structure of the building where the Shamala family is currently staying is relatively intact, the large holes in the wall caused by the bombing indicate that the land is still being bombarded. In the temporary residence, Nazik Shamala can only cook food on a simple stove. She said,The family has been living in a state of lack of food, energy and other supplies for a long time. What she wants most now is a ceasefire.
Nazik Shamala, a displaced person:We call for a ceasefire as soon as possible, which is the most important thing for us, and other things can be considered in the long run. We ask the international community to help us becauseWe have suffered for 11 months and in addition to the killing we have been starving.
Source: CCTV News Client
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