
Junsheng: The Philippines' infringement and provocation in the South China Sea is bound to fail


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On August 19, without the permission of the Chinese government, the Philippine Coast Guard ships No. 4410 and No. 4411 illegally entered the waters near Xianbin Reef in China's Nansha Islands. During this period, the Philippine ship No. 4410 ignored China's repeated solemn warnings and deliberately rammed China's 21551 boat, which was in normal law enforcement and protection of rights, in a dangerous manner, resulting in a collision. The responsibility lies entirely with the Philippines. After the illegal intrusion was blocked, the Philippine ship No. 4410 ignored China's repeated warnings and route control and once again illegally intruded into the waters near Ren'ai Reef. In response to the Philippine ships' infringement and provocation and escalation of the situation, the Chinese Coast Guard took control measures in accordance with the law.

China's countermeasures to safeguard its rights are justified. China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their adjacent waters, and has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the relevant waters. This is China's consistent position and a well-known fact. Previously, the Philippine ship No. 9701 entered the Xianbin Reef Lagoon without authorization and illegally stayed there for a long time, seriously infringing China's sovereignty. China has lodged solemn representations to the Philippines through diplomatic channels, demanding that the Philippines immediately stop its infringing actions and immediately withdraw the relevant ships. This time, the Philippines sent coast guard ships to invade the Xianbin Reef waters, attempting to resupply the Philippine coast guard ships stranded in the Xianbin Reef Lagoon and seek to achieve long-term presence. The resolute and forceful countermeasures taken by the Chinese coast guard ships against them are a just move to defend the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and are completely legitimate, reasonable and legal.

The Philippines's infringing and provocative plot in the South China Sea is doomed to fail. Previously, the Philippines had repeatedly maliciously hyped up the normal activities of Chinese coast guard ships at Xianbin Reef, claiming that the Philippine ships rushed into the waters of Xianbin Reef "to ensure that China can be prevented from successfully reclaiming land at Xianbin Reef." Not only that, the Philippines also raised the so-called "humanitarian" reason, accusing China of blocking its supply of daily necessities to illegally "beached" and stranded ships, attempting to spread false statements in the international community that China "bullies the weak with its big power" and "destroys peace with force", and through this kind of rhetoric of reversing right and wrong and blaming others, it provides "legitimacy" and "reasonableness" for its infringing and provocative behavior.