
Why has the Philippines been frequently provoking at Xianbin Reef recently? Experts: The Philippines is trying to gradually occupy Xianbin Reef


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The Philippines attempts to gradually occupy Xianbin Reef, but this plot will not succeed.

The spokesperson of the China Coast Guard made a statement on the deliberate ramming of a Chinese Coast Guard vessel by a Philippine Coast Guard ship.

Gan Yu, spokesperson for the China Coast Guard, said that on August 19, the Philippine Coast Guard ships No. 4410 and No. 4411 illegally entered the waters near Xianbin Reef in China's Nansha Islands without the permission of the Chinese government. The Chinese Coast Guard took control measures against the Philippine ships in accordance with the law. At 03:24, the Philippine ship No. 4410 ignored China's repeated solemn warnings and deliberately collided with China's No. 21551 boat in an unprofessional and dangerous manner, resulting in a collision. The responsibility lies entirely with the Philippines.

Gan Yu pointed out that we warn the Philippines to immediately stop its infringement and provocation, otherwise all the consequences arising therefrom will be borne by the Philippines. China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, including Xianbin Reef, and its surrounding waters. The Chinese Coast Guard will continue to carry out rights protection and law enforcement activities in the waters under China's jurisdiction in accordance with the law, and resolutely safeguard the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

Chen Xiangmiao, director of the World Naval Research Center of the China Institute of South China Sea Studies, told The Paper ( that the deliberate collision of the Philippine Coast Guard ship with our law enforcement ship was a move by the Philippines to escalate its provocations at Xianbin Reef and attempt to gradually occupy the reef. In fact, the Philippines has been encroaching on Xianbin Reef since last year. Since April this year, the Philippine Coast Guard Ship 9701 has illegally entered the waters of China's Xianbin Reef and has continued to carry out infringing activities there.

Chen Xiangmiao told The Paper that Xianbin Reef is geographically very important. Since last year, the Philippines has been using Xianbin Reef as a transit station for resupply to Ren'ai Reef. For this reason, the Philippines has sent coast guard ships to anchor in the waters of Xianbin Reef for a long time. One of the goals of the Philippines' recent provocations at Xianbin Reef is to gradually take actual control of Xianbin Reef.