
What are the causes of muscular dystrophy? How does TCM treat it?


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Muscular dystrophy l58llO/42779 synchronous micro

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the causes of muscular dystrophy are multifaceted and complex.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that insufficient congenital endowment is one of the important causes of muscular dystrophy. Congenital endowment refers to the quality of the reproductive essence of the parents and the development of the fetus in the mother's body. If the parents are weak, the essence and blood are deficient, or the pregnancy is not properly taken care of, the fetus will be congenitally deficient in kidney essence, the qi and blood will not be generated, and the muscles and tendons will not be nourished, thus causing muscular dystrophy. For example, some children show symptoms such as muscle weakness and developmental delay at birth, which is closely related to insufficient congenital endowment.

Weak spleen and stomach are also key factors leading to muscular dystrophy. The spleen and stomach are the foundation of acquired constitution and the source of Qi and blood. If the spleen and stomach function abnormally and cannot normally transport and transform the essence of water and grain, Qi and blood will be deficient, and muscles will lose nutrition, resulting in symptoms such as weakness and atrophy. For example, long-term irregular diet, overeating, or excessive consumption of raw, cold, and greasy foods may damage the spleen and stomach. Patients with weak spleen and stomach often show symptoms such as loss of appetite, abdominal distension, diarrhea, sallow complexion, etc., which in turn affect the normal function of muscles.

In addition, liver and kidney deficiency also plays an important role in the occurrence and development of muscular dystrophy. The liver governs the tendons, the kidney governs the bones, and the liver and kidney are of the same origin. If the liver and kidney essence and blood are insufficient, the tendons and bones are not nourished, and symptoms such as muscle weakness and difficulty in flexion and extension of joints are likely to occur. Long-term fatigue, emotional disorders, long-term illness and physical weakness may all lead to liver and kidney deficiency. For example, some patients have great work pressure, stay up late for a long time, damage the liver and kidney, and gradually develop symptoms of muscular dystrophy such as lower limb weakness and difficulty walking.