
Why was Russia rejected from NATO five times? If it joins, what will be the impact on us?


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1. Get along well with each other, have good wine, delicious food, and beautiful women, isn’t that wonderful?

NATO was established on August 25, 1949. There is no doubt that this organization was aimed at the Soviet Union, because the cause of NATO was the "First Berlin Crisis." However, the reason given by the United States for establishing NATO was "maintaining world peace."

At that time, Stalin was still alive, and the Soviet Union had just experienced World War II and had many problems to deal with; most of the NATO countries were European, and they all had the same difficulties. But the United States, which was the leader, was not in trouble. There was nothing the Soviet Union could do, knowing that it was aimed at itself, so it had to endure it.

In 1953, Stalin died and Khrushchev came to power. The situation in the Soviet Union had stabilized and it was finally able to free up its hands to resolve the "NATO" issue.

Although Khrushchev seemed reckless, he was actually a man with his own ideas. At the "Berlin Conference" held by European countries, he proposed the establishment of a "pan-European collective security system."

This means:

The Soviet Union is a European country and is also concerned about European security. We European countries will work together to build a security system.