
Israeli airstrikes on Gaza schools condemned by many parties; CCTV reporter visits: The school is filled with the smell of blood


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According to Palestinian media reports on the 10th, a school that accommodates displaced people in Gaza City, Gaza Strip, was attacked by Israeli military airstrikes.More than 100 people have been killed and dozens injured.

ReporterWhen we went to the attacked school on the 10th, we saw that the search and rescue work in the ruins had not yet ended, and the scene was filled with the smell of blood and an atmosphere of panic.

CCTV reporter Osama:I am now at Tabin School, which houses 3,000 to 3,500 displaced people. The school was hit by three missiles today (10th). Although there are no accurate statistics for the time being, it is reported that about 100 to 120 people died in the attack. People here are in panic, and the air is filled with the smell of blood.

Mohammed Bassiouni, a displaced person:I saw children, adults and old people blown to pieces. I looked everywhere but couldn't find my father. There was a big fire and we were very scared. My father, grandfather and uncle were all dead. I was very scared and nervous.