
After being bullied by the veterans, the new recruit went crazy and rushed to the headquarters with a machine gun, killing all 10 officers.


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The military is a place with strict discipline. In order to make the military obey orders during war, all countries have instilled the value of "a soldier's duty is to obey orders" in their own military. This makes military life more depressing than ordinary people's life. Soldiers who have served in the military for many years often need a long time to adapt to the life of ordinary society. Because of the special nature of the military, the psychological state of soldiers is often different from that of ordinary people.

Especially for soldiers who have participated in wars, the difference between them and ordinary people is very obvious. For example, there have been many shooting incidents among American soldiers who withdrew from Afghanistan, Iraq and other places after retirement. In addition to the United States, there was a shooting incident among soldiers in another country. At that time, a new soldier went crazy after being bullied by an old soldier, picked up a machine gun and rushed into the command post to shoot crazily, killing all 10 officers.

This tragedy happened in the Soviet Union. In 1979, the Soviet Union sent troops to Afghanistan in order to expand its international influence. The soldiers who entered Afghanistan were not all veterans, but also many new recruits. Among these soldiers, there was a Soviet soldier named Vasily. Vasily was a fairly common name in the Soviet Union, but the Soviets at that time would never have thought that it was such an ordinary recruit who created one of the worst military tragedies in Soviet history.