
US media: Trump’s team said the network was attacked by Iran, the White House condemned "foreign interference in the US election", and Iran spoke out!


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[Global Network reporter Zhang Xiaoya] According to CNN, former US President Trump's campaign team said in a statement on the 10th that its network was hacked and pointed the finger at Iran. The White House then responded and condemned any attempt by foreign countries to interfere in the US election. According to the Associated Press, Iran responded to the Trump campaign team's statement and denied any involvement in the incident.

White House data map from the White House official website

According to the Associated Press, the Trump campaign team said on the 10th that its network had been hacked and accused Iran of being involved in stealing and disseminating sensitive internal documents.

The Associated Press said the team did not provide specific evidence of Iran's involvement. CNN added that the report cited examples that Iranian hackers had hacked into the account of a "senior official" involved in the US presidential campaign in June this year, which was very close to the time when Trump chose his vice presidential candidate.

According to CNN, the White House later spoke out. A spokesman for the National Security Council said the Biden-Harris administration "strongly condemns" any foreign government or entity that attempts to interfere in the U.S. election process. As for the specific details of the Trump campaign's accusations, the National Security Council said it had been referred to the Department of Justice and that the White House "attaches great importance to any claims of such activities."

CNN said it was not clear whether Iran was involved.

According to the Associated Press, when asked about the Trump campaign's claims, Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations denied any involvement. "We do not believe these claims," ​​Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations told the Associated Press. "The Iranian government has neither knowledge nor any intention or motivation to interfere in the US presidential election."