
Academician Shen Changxiang: The 1.5 million cybersecurity talent gap needs to be accelerated


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Chao News Client Reporter Shen Aiqun and Xueyan

On August 11, the first Beijing-Zhejiang Talents Hundred People Conference was held in Hangzhou. At the conference, Shen Changxiang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Building a safe and reliable industrial system and talent team to accelerate the development of new quality productivity."

"From the perspective of national security strategy, we need to coordinate the planning of the construction of national cyberspace security disciplines and majors to speed up the filling of the huge gap of more than 1.5 million cybersecurity talents," said Academician Shen.

Academician Shen Changxiang delivered a keynote speech

Shen Changxiang, born in Fenghua, Ningbo, Zhejiang, is a famous information system engineering expert in my country, a top expert in the field of cryptography in China, and a pioneer and founder of trusted computing technology.

As an advisor to the Expert Advisory Committee of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, a member of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Development Advisory Committee, and a member of the National Three-Network Integration Expert Group, this respectable scientist said in his speech that day that in order to build an internationally competitive digital industrial cluster, it is necessary to "scientifically" grasp the data development process, focus on new quality productivity factors, break through the "security" bottleneck that restricts the rapid development of big data, and achieve network, system, personal device, supply chain and data security.

"While the world is developing its digital economy, it is also facing serious threats," Academician Shen pointed out in his speech.

How serious is this threat? Let’s look at three cases mentioned by Academician Shen in his speech:

The WannaCry ransomware virus, which broke out on May 12, 2017, encrypted data in the system, making it unusable, and used it as an opportunity to extort money. The virus swept nearly 150 countries, with education, transportation, medical care, and energy networks becoming the hardest hit areas in this round of attacks.

On August 3, 2018, TSMC was attacked by a ransomware virus. Within a few hours, TSMC’s three important production bases in the north, central and south of Taiwan were all shut down, causing operating losses of about US$1 billion.

On May 7, 2021, Colonial Pipeline, the largest refined oil pipeline operator in the United States, was attacked by ransomware and was forced to shut down its oil supply network in the eastern coastal states of the United States. The U.S. government declared a state of emergency in 17 states and Washington, D.C.

Academician Shen Changxiang

Therefore, the solutions proposed by Academician Shen in his speech are: building an active immune protection system for the digital economy, creating a safe and reliable industrial ecosystem, and accelerating the construction of cyberspace security disciplines and talent training.

In terms of related discipline construction, he believes that the first-level discipline of cyberspace security must solve three major problems: lack of attack and defense concepts in computing science, lack of protection components in the architecture, and no security services in major engineering applications. At the same time, it is also necessary to build a comprehensive engineering practice capability system from five aspects, including: technical innovation and tackling capabilities, active protection construction capabilities, comprehensive security governance capabilities, complex environment confrontation capabilities, and tracking and evidence collection and counterattack capabilities.

In terms of talent cultivation, he believes that it is necessary to strengthen cybersecurity talent cultivation in all aspects. "In particular, it is necessary to accelerate the filling of the huge gap of more than 1.5 million cybersecurity talents from the perspective of urgent national security strategy through reform and innovation, and coordinate the construction of national cyberspace security disciplines and majors from an organizational perspective."

"The demand for cyberspace security talents is pyramid-shaped. In addition to cultivating basic research talents (key universities), we also need to cultivate a large number of engineering application talents (general universities) and promote practical talents (secondary and technical schools). In addition, we must also attach importance to universal education and attach importance to popular science education for primary and secondary school students." he said.

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