
Price Weekly Report | The average price of live pigs exceeded 20 yuan per kilogram, the first time since December 2022


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According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the average price of pork in the national agricultural product wholesale market was 26.21 yuan/kg on August 8, up 3.5% from 25.33 yuan/kg last Friday (August 2). The average price this week was 25.9 yuan/kg, up 2.5% from 25.26 yuan/kg last week.

This week, the average price of domestic live pigs continued to rise month-on-month and exceeded 20 yuan/kg, the first time since December 2022. According to data from China Pig Farming Network, on August 9, the price of live pigs (three-way crossbred) was 20.72 yuan/kg, up 3.7% from 19.98 yuan/kg last Friday (August 2). From the perspective of the weekly average price, the average price of live pigs this week was 20.5 yuan/kg, up 4.6% from the average price of 19.6 yuan/kg last week.

Recent pork and pig prices.

According to Zhuochuang Information Monitoring, the average weight of live pig transactions across the country remained basically the same this week. The average transaction weight of live pigs across the country was 124.36 kg, which was the same as the previous month. In the data on average transaction weight by province during the week, the average transaction weight in the Northeast, South China and Southwest production areas rose slightly, while the central region fell slightly. As the spread between fertilizer and standard prices widened, the price of large pigs strengthened. As the southern region is a concentrated area of ​​demand for large pigs, breeding groups in the production area have increased their weight in the pens, which has pushed up the average transaction weight slightly, and the increase was obvious in some areas. In the Northeast, due to the concentrated weight increase on the breeding side, the average weight of slaughtered pigs rose slightly. In the central region, due to the large proportion of slaughtering enterprises, the slaughtering enterprises purchased some standard pigs due to the narrowing price difference between 110-125 kg and 125-140 kg pig sources in scale farms, resulting in an overall decline in the average purchase weight. At present, the price of large pigs is still strong, and the breeding side is still reluctant to sell and increase weight. As large pigs are slaughtered one after another, it is expected that the average transaction weight of live pigs may rise slightly next week. This week, the operating rate of major domestic pig slaughtering enterprises increased slightly month-on-month, with an average operating rate of 26.29% during the week, up 0.29 percentage points month-on-month. After the beginning of the month, the pig output plans of breeding enterprises gradually increased, the acquisition difficulty of slaughtering enterprises decreased, and the terminal demand was difficult to be significantly supported. The order increase of slaughtering enterprises was slow, resulting in a slight increase in the operating rate month-on-month. The temperature will drop in the later period, and the terminal demand may gradually recover, and the operating rate may increase slightly.